
10 years later

Kagome and Inuyasha walked over to Souta. They were in their early 30s and were at Souta's weddings.

"Congrats little brother!" Kagome smiled and hugged Souta.

"I'm taller than you sis and you call me little?" Souta asked.

"Be nice to your sister," came the voice of Souta's new wife, Suki.

"Listen to your wife, she knows best," Inuyasha smirked.

"Welcome to the world of marriage," Kagome said hugging Suki.

"Thank you! Where are the little ones?" Suki asked.

"Playing with Miroku and Sango's kids," Kagome answered.

"What?! I don't want my daughters near that lecher's son!" Inuyasha yelled and ran to find his daughters.

"Sorry about him," Kagome said slightly embarrassed.

"Don't worry about it, but I think you should go before he kills someone," Souta smiled.

Kagome watched Inuyasha grab Miroku by the collar and said, "Time to go." She walked over to Inuyasha and pulled him away from Miroku.

"You're sleeping on the couch tonight!" Kagome shouted and began to walk away.

Those six words always made Inuyasha stop whatever he was doing and beg for her forgiveness. "But Kagome, I don't like the couch! I'm sorry!" he said following her around.

Kagome found her daughters and turned to Inuyasha. "See, they're fine, now don't bother Miroku again," Kagome said.

Kagome and Inuyasha had two daughters. The oldest one was 9-years-old and her name was Tami. The youngest one was 5-years-old and her name was Aine.

"Well you know Kohaku. He always likes to look up their skirts," Inuyasha said quietly.

"You're hopeless sometimes! Let's get going, the reception is going to start soon," Kagome said grabbing Inuyasha's hand and dragging him along to the building.


"I can't believe my little brother got married today!" Kagome said as she took off her dress.

Inuyasha stood behind her, watching her with a glint in his eyes. The dress slid to the ground and Inuyasha snuck up behind her. He kissed her shoulders as his hands began to make his circles over her stomach.

"Inuyasha…" she moaned out and leaned her head back to rest on his shoulder.

"Daddy!!!!" a little voice called from the other room. Inuyasha sighed and let go of Kagome.

"I'll be right back," he promised and left. He walked down the hall to Aine's room.

"What's wrong, honey?" he asked sitting next to her on her bed.

"There's a monster under the bed!" Aine cried and hid under the covers.

Inuyasha smiled got down in his hands and knees beside the bed and lifted up the bed skirt. Shippo ran out from under the bed and jumped up on to the bed.

"It was only Shippo," Inuyasha said getting up.

"Okay, can Shippo sleep with me tonight to protect me?" Aine asked.

"Of course honey. Now get some sleep," Inuyasha smiled and kissed Aine's forehead.

"Good night Daddy! I love you!" Aine squealed and snuggled under the covers.

"I love you too sweetheart," he whispered and left.

Inuyasha closed the door and then walked to check on Tami. She was sound asleep. He closed the door again and walked to his own room. He found Kagome sleeping in the bed, wearing what he left her in. He changed his clothes and climbed into bed next to her.

Kagome snuggled next to him and slightly woke up. "You still want to have sex?" she asked.

"You're too tired. You aren't even fully awake right now," Inuyasha laughed.

"Good idea. Nighty night, my love," Kagome said and fell back asleep.

Inuyasha kissed her cheek and watched her sleep for a couple of minutes before falling asleep too.


Inuyasha watched his daughters ride their bikes. Tami was riding around on two wheels while Aine still had training wheels.

Kagome came out holding a basket of food. She sat down next to Inuyasha in the lawn and pulled out two sandwiches. She handed him one and he began to scarf it down.

"Careful, you might choke," Kagome smiled.

"I want another one," Inuyasha said.

"They are in the basket if you want it," Kagome stated.

"No, I mean kid. I want another child," Inuyasha said.

"But it takes a lot of work to just conceive one! It took forever to get pregnant with Aine," Kagome said.

"I know, but don't you want another one?" Inuyasha asked.

"Of course, I love children. I just like sleeping with the half demon you better. I can't have those children remember?" Kagome said.

"You can still have fun with the real me. Just on the nights that I'm human, we should actually try to have a baby," Inuyasha said.

"I really wanted to see what our children would look like with your demon blood in them," Kagome sighed.

Inuyasha pulled her in and kissed her temple. "Well I love our girls just the way they are," he said.

"I do too, I guess I feel a little guilty about aborting our child ten years ago," Kagome said.

"It wasn't your fault. Let's just try to make another one. Please?" he said sticking out his bottom lip slightly.

"Alright, we'll try," Kagome smiled.

"Thank you! I love you so much!" Inuyasha said hugging her.

"I love you too. It's kinda hard to breathe though," Kagome said patting his back.

Inuyasha let go of her and pulled her into a kiss. Kagome accepted and leaned into the kiss. The kiss was short, sweet, and to the point. Inuyasha backed away and stared into her eyes.

"You have beautiful eyes," Inuyasha whispered.

Kagome blushed and looked away from his gaze. "Quit being so mushy! It's embarrassing!"

"Daddy! Can I take the other wheels off?" Aine asked.

"Are you sure you want to try it?" Inuyasha asked.

"Yeah! I'm a big girl now!" Aine smiled.

Inuyasha took off the wheels and held the bike in place. Aine began to pedal and Inuyasha ran with her, holding the seat. He let go and watched Aine ride around without the training wheels.

"Let go Daddy!" Aine yelled.

"I did!" Inuyasha called out and Aine looked back at her father. She turned back to the front and hit a tree. The bike bounced off of the tree and Aine fell off. She began to cry and Kagome ran over to her.

Inuyasha was laughing as Kagome carried Aine toward him.

"Is she alright?" Inuyasha asked.

"Don't even! You were laughing at my daughter when she got hurt!" Kagome yelled and hit Inuyasha in the arm.

"Ow, hey! I'm sorry. I was just happy that she rode her bike all by herself," Inuyasha said.

Aine stopped crying and squealed, "I did! I'm a big girl now!

"You're my big girl," Inuyasha smirked and ruffled Aine's hair.

"I can't believe it. You got her to stop crying with one sentence," Kagome said amazed. She put Aine down and hit Inuyasha again.

"What was that for?" Inuyasha asked.

"For being a better parent than me!" Kagome yelled.

"I may be a good father, but you're a great mother. Mother of the year! With them you are the one they go to for everything. With me you're my woman," Inuyasha smirked and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"I don't think I could be anything else," Kagome smiled and kissed him.

"You'll always have a home with me," Inuyasha whispered against her lips.

"You are my home," she said before deepening the kiss.

End of Story!

A/N: Happy Independence Day! Fireworks were amazing this year and as a special treat I am adding this epilogue 20 minutes before midnight! Lol thanks for reading this story! I think it's my best one yet considering that the number of reviews and hits passed both of my other stories combined! Yay! Have a great night! Love you guys!

P.S. Look for my new story "Weeds". I'll be posting it sometime this week!