Natsume, a what?! (Natsume's Secret Revealed!)


Natsume's showing some symptoms of his secret. Mikan and Hotaru noticed it and find a way to know if what they think is true. And Mikan was used in Hotaru's evil plan. Well, if they're really right, Natsume would be a laughing stock!!!

Chapter 1

4 years had passed and our little elementary class B students turned into high school freshmen, still in Alice Academy.

"Hotaru! Do you remember this picture? You took it when we were still in elementary." Mikan gladly said.

"Yeah. The one I used to blackmail Ruka so that he would join our team!" Hotaru evil laughs.

"Curse you Hotaru! Give me that picture!" Ruka attempted to get the picture but Hotaru, using his duck invention, flew around forcing Ruka to run as fast as he can to catch up to her.

"Like the same old days. Right Nonoko?" Anna asked.

"Yeah. It's like we've never change." Nonoko added.

"Wait, where is Mikan? I thought she was here a while ago." Anna noticed that Mikan's already not there. And what they saw now was..

"Natsume! Why are you very silent? You're like that since we're elementary. We never heard you open up you know." Mikan teased Natsume and kept on moving around him that made him irritated.

"Then you'll never hear me! And stop moving there! You're irritating me!"

"But first, tell me your innermost feeling." Mikan's really eager of knowing what Natsume feels.

"I feel that I want to burn your mouth so that you'll never talk again and I will never hear your voice again!"

"You can't!" Mikan teased.

"What do you mean I can't? Of course I can! I can burn everyone I like."

"You can't!"

"I can!"

"You can't"

"I can!"

"You can't"

"I can!"

"You can't!"

"Doesn't mean that you're a girl, I won't hurt you anymore! Natsume started to get fired up and attempted to burn Mikan."

"You see!"

"Why can't I?"

"Baka!" Mikan teased Natsume!

"Don't tell that to me! You're the one that's baka! Of course I can't hurt a girl."

"But you said you can!"

"I didn't"

"You did!"

"I didn't!"

"You did!"

"I said I didn't!"

"You can't because I have a nullifying alice. Baka!"

Everybody sweat drops.

"Natsume didn't know what alice Mikan has?" Ruka asked.

"He's such a baka. Well, I already have two persons whom I can use my baka gun to." Hotaru evil laughs.

"Wait, I'm running here huh." Ruka catched Hotaru and managed to get the picture.

"Lucky you!" Hotaru said.

"Yeah. Lucky me! That's noodles huh. Well, I'm really lucky." Ruka giggled.

"Umm Natsume.." Mikan tried to catch Natsume's attention.

"Why?" Natsume replied with a question.

"Why didn't you have any girlfriend since elementary. Well, you're a heartthrob and the only thing you have to do is to choose."

"I don't like."

"Yeah if you're referring to Sumire and the other members of your fan club, I understand. Just thinking of her makes me scared. Ugh."

"That's not what I meant."

"So what do you mean, Natsume?"

"I don't like girls?"

"You don't like girls!" Mikan burst out loud laughing. "Natsume said he doesn't like girls! A guy, a heartthrob guy who doesn't likes girls! Stop kidding me Natsume. I'm dying here!"

"I'm not lying! I just don't like girls!" Natsume walked away.

"What's up with him?" Mikan wondered.

"Yeah. He said he doesn't like girls? Why did he lie like that?" Hotaru thought.

"Maybe he's not lying." Ruka said.

"What?" Mikan said. "What do you mean Ruka-pyon?"

"Nothing. Well, gotta go."

"Things are getting crazy around here." Hotaru noticed.

"Maybe, Natsume's a… What?! No! It can't be! It can't possibly be!."

"Well, I have a plan Mikan." Hotaru whispered to Mikan's ears.

"What? Don't use me in your evil plans! What if what we think is wrong. Then there's a possibility that I could get hurt!"

"You're really an idiot! I thought you want to know the truth then just follow what I want!"


"No buts! Follow me and that's your only choice."

"I guess I don't have a choice." Mikan realized.

"Yeah you're right!"

"Well then, I'll join in your evil plan! But frankly, I'm really curious if I'm right because if I am…" Mikan laughed bursting out loud. "Everybody must know this and Natsume… He'll be a laughing stock!"