Do not own Tenisu no Oujisama

Warning: OC. But she's not even going to really appear, just… be there; AU; Shounen-ai; May be confusing later, plot is a little all over... but it'll be explained gradually.

This chapter is like an introductory chapter, but it's still called 'chapter 1.'


"Ne, we're best friends right?"


December 4th. It was winter. Not yet freezing cold, but cold enough to not want to go outside. Yet, thousands of girls could be seen standing in front of the convention center, lines going on for miles. In their warm coats and cute little boots. Waiting. Because today was the day. The only day the tickets were selling. They actually were supposed to be selling for the next 2-3 days or so. But these sold out quickly, and only suckers would stay at home today to wait. There was only today. The scene slowly passed the building and switched over to the other side of the road and through the window.

A hand opened one of the blinds to peer outside.

"Whoa. Look at the crowd."

"Close it Echizen, if they knew we were just on the opposite side, we'd be in trouble."

The hand left the blinds.

"Well, we now know how many people we will be having as an audience."

"You didn't need to look outside for that Fuji."

"I know that," he smiled.

The door slammed open.

In came a boy bursting through the door looking no older than 12, covered with drops of sweat on his face, panting like it was there was no tomorrow. His head was down and his hands were on his knees, trying to get a hold of himself as he struggled to get his words out before grasping for breath again. He finally rose his head up and the headband he wore fell over his eyes. He hurriedly pulled them up, "You four, you guys gotta get outta here desu!"

"What's wrong manager?"

"Some people found out that you guys are staying here and are spreading the word! We won't be able to get out easily if we leave later desu!"

And so everyone grabbed their jackets and shades, leaving the other luggage for the staff to carry. They got outside and passed two girls standing on the sidewalk.

"Sachi! Sachi! Did you get them? Did you get them? Oooohhh, oooohhh, tell me you got them! Tell me you got them!" A girl squealed as 'Sachi' approached her.

"Yes, yes, chill would you? Stop repeating everything you're saying, I got them, so don't worry." Trying to calm down and loosen the grip the other girl had on her shoulder.

"I'm not worried, just wonderin'...and really excited!! Aozu17 has only done a single! And I really, really, really want to see Fuji-san!"

"Machi, it's not he knows you."

"Well, you didn't have to pop my bubble, hmph!"

"It's burst."


Echizen smirked as he heard this. Of course, it was pretty normal, but he still couldn't help but feel a little arrogant. Yes, he did just say he was arrogant. No need to hide it is there? Fuji just kept smiling like he did, sauntering, looking cool, and well, smiling. Anyways, this was just another day. The four guys casually walked out into the street, unnoticeably dodged all their fans without looking suspicious, into the car their manager, by the way, whose name is Dan Taichi, had prepared for them. Yep, just another day. Just another day...


"Che, it's Aozu17, concert's on December 21st."

"Why are they so popular anyway?"

"I don't know Momo-chan, but if they become more popular, we'll just have to beat them!"

"Right Eiji-sempai! Together, we Cap to Bin, will prevail!" Momo-chan shouted, putting his fist in the air with Eiji in the back looking like he was admiring him.

"Shut up you!"

Momo-chan immediately snapped out of his 'admire me' mode and turned to shout at the person, "you shut up Kaidoh!"

"Guys, guys, be quiet a little, Inui's sleeping in the next room...and you know how he..." the person talking trailed off.

"Ah, right Taka-san..."

A door creaked open as a figure stepped out, "It's alright, I'm already awake. Since all of you guys are awake, want to try my new Super Deluxe Inui-"

"No thanks!" They shouted in union.


"Best friends? Of course!"


"Atobe, you hear about that band? Aozu17?"

There was no response from the said person, "Oi Atobe! I asked you a question!"

"Shishido, he's not here so shut the hell up!"

"What's with your attitude Mukahi? I wasn't even talking to you!" Shishido shouted with a sudden (sudden…?) rise of anger. He stood from his place on the couch and leaned towards the chair in front of him to grab Mukahi's shirt.

"Well I wasn't talking to you either," Mukahi retorted.

"Whatever. I was just wondering where he is, we have an interview in an hour," Shishido said, shaking off his anger and let go of Mukahi while pushing him back to his chair and sat back on the couch. There was no use being mad at Mukahi; he was just being a girl like he always was. Phft. Girls. They were so annoying sometimes. That's probably why he didn't have a girlfriend. He was too girly to be get one. "Why don't you just ask Manager?"

"Ask me what?"

"Oh hey Yuushi, you know where Atobe is?"

"Hmm," he seemed to be in deep thought as he brought his head to level with Mukahi's. Mukahi looked uneasy with the proximity of him and the manager and moved his head away from the manager's face. He smiled and gave the impression that he knew the answer to the question that was inquired of him, "Nope."

"… That took you long enough to answer!"

The door handle clicked and opened, "I'm back."

"Hey Atobe, what have you been doing?"

"Oh, it's you Oshitari."

Oshitari raised his eyebrows like Atobe told a joke that was amusing to him and said in his derisible voice, "Yeah, it's me, Oshitari Yuushi, your friend, manager of your band, Hyoutei Eternity."

Atobe rolled his eyes, "I'm going to go change." He brushed passed Oshitari and straight into his room, door slammed, and clicked.

"Wow, he's in a bad mood."

"No kidding."





Yakusoku- Promise


An interview with one of the members of Aozu17! It'll be... Fuji!

Interviewer: So, how'd you guys come up with the name Aozu17?

Fuji: Aozu just because that was the first thing that popped into mind, and 17 because we are on the cover of the Tenisu no Oujisama manga volume 17.

Interviewer: Ah, I see. How old are you Fuji-san? And the rest of the members?

Fuji: I'm 19. Tezuka and Oishi are the same age as me and Echizen is 17.

Interviewer: How come Tezuka hasn't appeared yet?

Fuji: Oh, actually, he has. But this is story form, so you wouldn't have been able to see him. If this story were to be turned into manga, which I'm sure this authoress is planning to do in the near future, you would have seen him reading on the couch not bothering with our conversation back there.

Interviewer: Where was Oishi?

Fuji: Where? He was with us. He was the one who told Echizen to get away from the windows.

Interviewer: O.K.! That's it! If you liked it so far, please tell me so if you got the time! If needed or wanted, interviews will be given to members of other bands if you want to know random facts.