Hiya! Chihiro's Return is back! Yay! After failing miserably to think past chapter 4.5 of Summer Holiday (and after waking up yesterday with a craving to watch Spirited Away) I've decided to continue writing, now that I have the WHOLE story, more-or-less, planned! (haha beat that, writer's block) I've decided to cut the story down in to acts (about 3 from here). This is the start of Act 2

I'm still making some of it up as I go along, But I have planned the story line!!( anybody else find that, that the story just, flows to you?) Anywaaayyyy………………

Disclaimer: I SADLY, DO not OWN Spirited Away

Act 2

With You Again

Chihiro eventually stepped back to take a good look at Haku. He looked the same, except he was taller (still taller than her), his hair was slightly longer and he had a more mature air about him.

Haku looked at her. Chihiro's face was more elegant and had lost its child-like roundness. Her hair was also longer, silky brown, down to her shoulders. Her cheeks though, were still peachy and her brown eyes sparkled more than ever.

They stood there a while in silence, drinking in the sight of each other, with their hands still clasped together.

After the shock had worn off, Haku remembered his manners and invited Chihiro in to his house. Chihiro looked around. It was small- yet cosy, with everything in one room, apart from two doors- which she guessed correctly, were the bathroom and bedroom. Haku brewed some tea and they sat on a dark red rug, near the warm glow of the welcoming fire place, sipping tea and chatting.

"It's been along time." Haku said as he placed his and Chihiro's empty cups to one side.

"Yes. Six and a half years," Said Chihiro. She was sat with her legs crossed and tucked beside her. Haku was sat with his legs crossed and his hands on the floor behind him.

"That felt like an eternity. I even lost track of time." He smiled at her softly. And before the two of them had realised, Chihiro had her head on his shoulder and Haku had his arm around her- the look was complete with pink-tinted cheeks.

"It was too long." Chihiro agreed, snuggling in closer to his warmth.

"I missed you so much." Haku rested his head on top of hers.

"I missed you lots too. Every day of every week."

"Every hour of every day." Haku began a little competition.

"Every minute of every hour." Chihiro answered back.

"Every second of every minute." Haku said smugly. Chihiro giggled slightly.

"O.K. you win!" She admitted defeat, whilst closing her eyes and nuzzling her face into Haku's shirt.

"I meant it to." He was once again deadly serious.

"Me too."

After that, they sat in silence and time just drifted by. Haku felt Chihiro's breathing even out and realised she was asleep. Trying not to wake her, he picked her up with one arm under her shoulders and the other under her knees. ('Bridal style'?) He walked through to his small bedroom and laid her down gently onto his bed- pulling the covers up around her. Haku looked down at her resting face and smiled contently. She'd come back to him, after all those years and because of that, he was starting to fell like he could live again. To relive his baited breath.

At the bath house.

Yubaba sat at her desk, in one of her luxurious, satin-covered chairs. It had been a long, tiring day and she had a half-smoked cigarette in her hand. It was times like these, that she wished she had followed her sister's example and retreated to a cottage in the woods. But something had changed.

She had sensed a human presence today, and she could have sworn it belonged, to that of the girl, Chihiro, who had stumbled into the spirit world six and a half years ago.

But why would she ever want to come back?

Yubaba had never really, completely understood love and friendship, like most of the others in the spirit world. It was a strange new concept to her.

But things had been odd lately. Darker. Her sister had noticed it as well, she had told Yubaba. Which, by it's self said a lot- for the twins rarely spoke to each other, due to the circumstances of their tense relationship. Zeniba had seemed almost certain, that it had something to do with Haku, her ex-apprentice. Yubaba couldn't quite make the connection. But perhaps, just, she could make the connection between the girl and Haku. He had helped her, after all. Perhaps he would know what was going on.

And so, with a small amount of magic, Yubaba summoned Haku. She had only let him quit his apprenticeship on the terms, that she could summon him if ever she need.

She took a puff of her cigarette and waited.

Haku's house

Haku had been sat opposite the sleeping Chihiro, in a simple wooden chair, thinking of past memories, when he felt the summons. He sighed. Yubaba wanted to see him. He couldn't think why, Haku just prayed it wasn't about Chihiro.

He didn't want to leave, but knew he had too. He stood and walked over to Chihiro and lightly caressed her cheek. (A slight blush tinting his face.)

"I'll be back soon." He promised softly, before turning to leave.

That's the end of that chapter! Sorry it's really short, I just can't seem to cram loads in one chapter, but on the bright side, because they are shorter I might be able to update quicker! Thank you for all your reviews and for being patient! Squeaky12345