Author's Note: I'm sorry this took so long.

What Would You Be Willing to Do
By Daylight

Chapter 3

In a mirror image of the position they had found themselves in only a little over a year ago, Z and Jack sat together in the SPD holding cell, once more contemplating the future. Jack leaned forward resting his head in his palms as Z rubbed a hand across his back feeling his tense muscles belie his calm outward appearance.

"All things considered," sighed the yellow ranger. "You probably should have just taken me to a clinic. If they had sent us back, we could have run away again."

"No," insisted Jack. "I didn't want you spending another minute in that house after what your mother and step-father did to you."

Z nodded closing her eyes against the memories. "I guess it's a little late to be second guessing ourselves now, isn't it."


The following silence was interrupted by the opening of the cell door. The rather hesitant pink, green and blue rangers stood in the doorway, all bearing trays of food.

"Knock knock?" said Syd.

Z gave them a wane smile. "Come in, guys."

Entering the cell, Sky and Bridge stood around awkwardly but Syd placed her tray on the floor and grabbed both Jack and Z in a hug.

"I'm so sorry," she whispered.

"It's okay, Syd," Jack chocked out. The pink ranger might be little but she was certainly strong as her solid grip on them demonstrated.

"We all understand why you did what you did," commented Bridge. "Even Sky came around, eventually."

"I honestly don't know what I would have done if I'd been in your place," said Sky then cleared his throat and gave a quick glance behind him. "And well… If you guys wanted… We could, you know…" The red ranger grimaced at what he was about to say. "Get you out of here."

Jack couldn't help smiling at that. "I appreciate it, but…"

"Come on, Jack," insisted Bridge. "I've got it all planned out. We'll steal a shuttle and go travelling throughout the universe. We'll be a rogue ranger team fighting the forces of evil and rescuing little fuzzy things with beady eyes wherever we go."

"That sounds nice, Bridge," said Jack and let out a sigh. "But I'm not really interested in spending the rest of my life on the run. I have to face the consequences of my actions."

"Well, at least have something to eat first," said Syd and plunked down on the floor next to her tray of food.

The others joined her there. And as they ate they took turns embellishing on Bridge's idea, creating an imaginary life for themselves as a group of adventurers battling pirates and travelling freely through the stars.


When Jack faced Cruger once more, he found himself with all the rangers standing behind him. He glanced at the Commander to try and determine whether the news was good or bad but he had never been good at judging the alien expressions on the dog's face. So he stared straight ahead, his fingernails biting into his palms as he clasped his hands behind his back.

"I have spoken to Eltar and made appeals on your behalf. They understand the difficult situation you were put in and appreciate your offered aid to capture the criminals. Therefore, they have decided to sentence you to only two years in their minimum security detention centre."

The former red ranger looked at the floor as a chorus of protests rose behind him.

"What? How can you…?"

"But what about…?

"We can't just let…"

"Sir, I really think you should…"

Looking back up, Jack interrupted the mounting voices. "Thank you, sir."

"No. No. No," objected Z. "This isn't fair. He did it for me. If he goes to prison, so should…"

"Don't even think about," Jack cut in. "It's alright, Z." He placed his hands on her shoulders. "This is better than I hoped for."

She shrugged his hands off. "It's not alright. You're going to be stuck in some tiny dingy cell on some remote moon just because you wanted to help me."

"My choice, remember. My consequences."

"You don't…" The yellow ranger frowned as she stared intently into his eyes. "You do! You actually believe you deserve this."

"Maybe I do. People may have died because of me."


"And I would do the same thing if I had to do it again. But I still have to face what I've done. I'll be okay," insisted Jack but he didn't quite manage to keep the tremor out of his voice or his hands. "Besides it's only two years, right? It'll be over in no time."

She threw her arms around him as if she was preparing to fight them for him. "They'll have visitor hours though."

"So you'll still be seeing a lot of us," said Sky and then before they knew it placed his arms around them as well.

"Oh, and those guards better treat you right," added Syd as she joined the group hug.

"Or they'll have four very angry rangers on their hands," finished Bridge glomping on too.

After a few moments, Cruger cleared his throat, but got no reaction. "Rangers…" he said. The five of them reluctantly separated. "Mr. Landors needs to make preparations to leave."

No one willing to say goodbye, silent looks were exchanged as the rangers left the room. But before Z disappeared she turned back to Jack once more and with a sideways smile, said, "Don't forget we'll being waiting for you when you get out."

The former red ranger returned her grin. "Never."


"Landors! Delivery!"

Jack got up from the bench where he'd been lying to see the guard dump a box on the floor of his cell. The guard, who in the long first week at the detention centre Jack had already named Mr. Grumpy Face, left without another word.

"Thank you," Jack called out after him sarcastically.

Noting the SPD logo on the box, Jack quickly pulled it towards him ignoring the obvious signs that the guards had opened it and been through it already.

His first look into the box left him confused as he saw well worn furry fabric filling most of it. It was only when he pulled it out that he recognized the familiar shape of Peanuts the elephant. A note was attached: I thought Peanuts could keep you company. Love, Syd. Jack grinned.

He reached into the box once more, this time pulling out a copy of the SPD handbook. Another note was inside the cover: Maybe you'll finally have time to read this. Sky. Shaking his head, Jack grinned again wondering how long it would take for him to be desperate enough to read the book.

The third gift made him laugh. It was a refrigerated carton full of buttered toast. The note that came with it said: I wanted to send you one of my specially designed toasters, but they wouldn't let me. I hope this will do instead. See you soon, Bridge.

The final gift brought tears to his eyes. Wrapped in a yellow and black bandana was his sister's Z necklace. All the note that came with it said was 'Don't forget.' Starlight from the window sparkled off the silver Z, the shine contrasting with the dull grey walls and furniture that surrounded him. He grasped it tightly in his hand.

"Forget, Z?" he said aloud with a sad smirk adorning his face. "Not possible."

The End