A/N: Not sure why this is all posting in italic. There's something up w/ the original file I have and when I type it comes in italic Sorry but I'll try to change the others when I get a chance... pain in the ass!

8 Promises

Beta by Helen :kiss

She woke up to the feel of his hot breath on her neck and his hard cock sliding in and out of her. Jack groaned and wondered how she could sleep though him entering him. Nothing felt as good as having Riddick inside of her.

She heard him growl when she began to respond, "'bout time you woke up." He said before he kissed her deeply.

When they finally broke the kiss, she gasped and shook her head, "Riddick, I don't think we should be doing this." He didn't respond, only began to move into her a bit faster. "I'm serious, you could get infected."

Riddick sighed and stopped for a second. "I checked it. It's closed and sealed. Don't fuckin' worry about it and let me fuck you."

Well, how could a girl turn that down? Jack smiled to herself, "Is that what you're doing?" she asked, her voice husky with desire.

Frowning, Riddick looked down at her, "What the fuck do you mean by that?"

Jack giggled. "Nothing,"

"Nothing?" He grabbed her hands and pinned them above her head with one of hers. "No, you meant something by it or you wouldn't have said anything."

Arching her back, Jack smiled as she teased him, "It's just, can it really qualify as fucking when you're moving so slow?"

Riddick scowled at her, "I was being considerate. You were sleeping."

"And now I'm not so fuck me already."

"Just remember. You fuckin' asked for it." Riddick growled and nipped her lip, drawing both a gasp of pain and a drop of blood. He licked it before he pulled out of Jack and flipped her over onto her stomach. He slid a pillow under her hips, pinned her body to the bed and slammed into her almost roughly. Jack screamed and he smiled humorlessly.

His voice was sensual, husky when he spoke again, "Is that what you want, Jack?" He asked as he pumped brutally into her. "Am I fucking you hard enough now?"

"Oh God, yes!" She screamed.

"You like when I fuck you like this?" Riddick told her more than asked. He knew what she liked. She like it rough with him. She liked when he took possession of her, owned her.

Pushing her shoulders against the bed, he raised up on his knees and drove into her as hard as he could. She screamed and gasped under him. Writhed and moaned his name. Begged him for release. Pleaded for more.

Fuck, she was beautiful for him. Uninhibited. Totally his for the taking. She trusted him with her life. Her body. His Jack. How could he have left her all those years ago? Ten years they'd lost together. Ten years of denial. She might have been too young for him then but somewhere inside of him knew. The beast knew she was his.

"Riddick!" she cried and he grinned. He loved to make her scream. Loved the sound of his name on her lips, just like he did when she cried out for him to save her from the monsters.

"Come on, Jack. That's it. Cum for me." he demanded as he worked her. Fucked her. Loved her in the only way he really knew how.

Her arms tensed and he knew she wanted him to release her. He wasn't gonna do that. He loved her at his mercy. Spread out fully. Just for him. When she came, he felt it not only around his throbbing cock, but in the strain of her body, the clenching of her ass against him, the tensing of her arms as she stiffened and then exploded under him.

Riddick let her almost finish before he joined her, dumping his load deep inside her receptive body.

He growled as he rolled off of her and winched only slightly at the pulling of the glue on his sensitive parts. He pulled her to his chest and buried a fist in her mass of hair.

Jack sighed contentedly and closed her eyes. Would it always be like this? She'd never dreamed sex could be so wonderful. So complete. She knew she'd follow Riddick anywhere. Nothing else mattered but being in his arms. His scent. The strong, steady beat of his heart.

"So? Where are we heading?" She asked him sleepily.

"Thought we'd go and visit Imam."

Jack sat up and smiled, "Can we? Do you think it's safe?"

"Safe?" Riddick couldn't help but smile back. She looked so excited. Imam was her father. It had nothing to do with skin color or genetics. Imam was the man that stuck by her and raised her. "I know you miss him and I'm sure he misses you."

"He'll shit when he sees you. He pretends you never existed." She wrinkled her nose and looked at him, "It was safer that way. If we never talked about you, then we never had to worry about slipping up, you know?"

Riddick nodded, "I understand. I told you two to forget about me. It was the safest thing for all of us."

"But you came back to me?" Jack said shyly.

His voice dropped to a deep velvet purr, "Yeah, I came back for you. Never planned on actually talking to you. Just wanted to catch a glimpse. See how you were fairing. If I did the right thing. Then I got and fuck your life up the moment you looked at me with those eyes. Damn, Jack, you and those eyes will be the death of me."

"Don't say that, Riddick, cause if you die, I'll die right beside you."

His jaw clenched and he looked at her intently, "What do you mean?"

"I mean, life ain't worth living without you."

"You wouldn't do anything stupid would you?"

She looked away and shrugged, "That depends on what you consider stupid."

Riddick grabbed her by the chin and forced her to look at him, "Killin' yourself over me is stupid."

"I'm hungry," she said suddenly and tried to stand. Riddick refused to allow her to get away from him. Grabbing her by the shoulders, he shook her. "Tell me you're not gonna do somethin' stupid if somethin' happens to me."

Jack finally met his eyes and shook her head slightly, "Don't make me make promises I can't keep, Riddick. Without you, I've got nothing to live for."

"You live because it's chicken shit not too," he growled at her.

"Cluck, cluck!" she snapped and tried to pull her arm from his grasp.

Giving her another shake, "Promise me," he demanded.


Cocking his head to the side and knew how he'd get her, "What about the kids? You gonna leave 'em with no parents?"

Jack blinked, "Kids?" What was he talking about? Children?

Riddick smiled knowing he had her now. "Yeah, all the little Riddick's we're gonna have."

"We can't have kids," she whispered in denial. She didn't want to think about it. Didn't want to get her hopes up. Oh, how she'd love to have Riddick's son growing inside of her. She could almost see him and damn, he'd be more of a handful than his father. Shaking her head to dispel the image, she sneered at him, "That wasn't fair, Riddick."

He winced at the small wail she had in her voice. He knew it was a trump card and now that he pulled it, he might have to follow through with it. "Promise me," he whispered and watched as a tear ran down her face. He brushed at it with his thumb and licked it off. "Jackie girl..."

"Only if we have kids, Riddick."

He'd take what he could get and he knew that was all she was willing to give. He nodded and pulled her close. "Don't worry, nothin's gonna happen to me." He told her firmly. Not if he could help it. Maybe they should implant his tracking devise in someone else? But who? How? He'd think about it.

She resented what he made her promise. Resented that he brought up kids that he had no intentions of having. It hurt and she blinked her eyes against the sting of tears. Clearing her throat, she got up and he let her go.

Riddick could sense her swirling emotions. Maybe he went too far just so she'd promise him. He couldn't think about her hurting her self because of him. Couldn't live with that on his shoulders. He'd find a way to make them safe and then... then he'd give her anything she wanted. If that anything was a child, he'd gladly give it to her just to prove he wasn't as coldhearted as he acted at times.


"Don't, Riddick. I'm fine. Just don't make promises you can't keep. I think it's best if we both avoid that trap."

Sighing, he stood and followed her out to the galley. "We'll get to Imam's in about a week. You think we should call ahead or surprise him?"

She'd love to call ahead, but she knew better. So did Riddick. He was trying to give her a say, after what he just demanded from her. She felt her anger slipping away and she smiled. She'd never be able to stay mad at him. "We both know the answer to that one."

He smirked and nodded. "You think it's safe? I don't want to bring the dogs to his door."

"I'm his daughter and I should be able to visit without the authorities breathin' down my neck."

"Yeah, but what about my neck?"

"Does Johnny Black have the law after him?"

"No. Maybe while we're there, Johnny Black and Kyra Richards should get married?" It was a seemingly casual suggestion but she could tell it wasn't casual at all.

She turned slowly and looked at him, "Married?"

Riddick shrugged. They were going to New Mecca and there, sex out of wedlock was a greater sin that murder. If they got married, it would draw less looks and less interest while they traveled there. And less was so much better. Besides, Richard B. Riddick may never be able to marry, but Johnny B. Black could.

"It's the only way I can, Jack. We both know it. I can't give you my real name. I'd love nothing more but it's a sure death sentence for you. Jack B. Badd is bad enough!" He told her with a chuckle.

Jack wrapped her arms around his waist and rubbed her face in his chest. "I know, Riddick."

"So is that a yes?"

Did he really sound unsure or was she imagining it? "Yes, I'll marry Johnny Black but it'll be Riddick I exchange vows with. Are you alright with that?"

He nodded, "Yeah. 'Cause you'll always be my Jack."