16 Goin' Back to Callie

Sean and Shayna just spend the evening making love to each other. They were both sated, content and happy. She lay with her head on his chest as he played with a few strands of her hair.

Cleaning his throat he broke the comfortable silence. Sean took a deep breath and spoke, "The hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life was watch the woman I love slip away and there was nothing I could do to stop it."

"Sean…" Shay's voice broke and she gave him a small kiss on his chest, right over his heart. She couldn't bear to think of him like that. In that much pain and having to go through something so awful. Alone.

"I've done it once. I won't live through it again." He told her, kissing the crown of her head.

"I'm not going anywhere." She told him, turning her face to look up into his eyes.

Sean got out of bed and then walked over to the veranda that was attached to her room.

He strolled out onto it naked as the day he was born and she couldn't help but stare at his fine ass.

"I know. I won't let you. But I'm not talking about me." He gestured toward a lone man staring out into the ocean below them.

Shayna came up behind him, also naked and wrapped her arms around his waist. "Taylor?"

"Yeah, baby, he loves you."

"What? How you know? Did he tell you that?" She tried not to let his words affect her. She loved Sean, of that she was sure, but she had always felt something strong for Taylor. They were so much alike and she found it hard to love one and not the other.

Sean smirked, "No, he didn't have to. I see it in the way he looks at you. The way he touches you."

She looked at him, confused. "Do you think I'm going to leave you for him?" She could never leave Sean. He gave her a reason to live and she was pretty sure she did the same for him.


She snickered at his male arrogance. Just knowing one's place was sexy as hell. "Then what's this about?"

"I can't do this to him." Sean sighed and walked back into the room.

"Do what?"

"Take you away."

"Sean, what are you talking about?"

He took a deep breath and just went for it. "I want Taylor to come with out to California. To live with us."

Shayna shook her head, not understanding what he was saying. "What? Like a roommate?"

"No, Shay, like a lover."

Her jaw dropped in shock. She would have never guess this turn of events in a million years. "Are you serious?"

"Yes, I know you care about him," He broke eye contact trying to hide the his feelings about that.

Her eyes narrowed on him, "You're willing to share me to keep him from being hurt?"

Sean shrugged before he muttered, "I'm used to sharing you."

She winced but she knew he didn't mean it as an insult. It was the simple truth. He had to share her with other men. He had no choice. But now? He was offering to share her with Taylor so he wouldn't be hurt and alone.

Shayna narrowed her eyes on him, "It could get messy. Your friends will wonder where he and I came from and why he's living with us."

"I don't care what they think." Sean said it with such conviction that she wanted to believe him but she wasn't sure if he truly meant it.

It was hard living on the outside. She'd done it for more years than she could count. Never quite fitting in. Always different. Always alone.

Unsure how to ask the question that was burning inside of her she just plunged ahead, "Do you and Taylor have something going on?" She asked it as gently as she could, not wanting to offend him.

Sean looked away quickly before his eyes found hers again. "No, but…"

"But what?" She asked. Sean rubbed his head and started to pace. "You want there to be?"

"I don't know what I want, Shay. I've never been in this situation before."

"What about him, what does he want?"

Sean threw his arms to the side. If he had hair, he'd be pulling it out right about now. "I don't know."

"What if he wants just me?" She pressed, needing to know.

His voice was very low but firm, "Then that's what he'll get."

Shayna let out a small strained laugh, "Are you serious?" She couldn't believe what he was saying to her. He'd sit back and let them be together without him involved.

Sean stared at his reflection in a mirror on the wall. He didn't recognize himself anymore. Sure, the body was the same but the eyes were different. They had seen too much, experienced too much to ever look at the world through rose colored glasses again. "You remember the first night Riddick caught up to you?" He asked her quietly.

"Oh yeah, good times." Shayna laughed, what a night. Sean and Taylor had made love to her all night long. Every way imaginable.

"Indeed." he said and turned away from the mirror. "Well he and I kinda got carried away."

"How so?"

Sean looked her dead in the eye when he spoke."Well, you remember when he was fucking you from behind and you were blowing me?" She smiled and nodded her head. "Well, we kinda kissed a little bit."

It hadn't been a very passionate kiss, more testing the water. A light brush of lips, a flick of a tongue and then one quick deep plunge. After that, there had been more slight touches. They'd brush against each other's body when they were both with her at the same time.

There had been a few times when they were alone they somehow found themselves bumped up against each other in a casual way they couldn't explain. Shoulder to hip contact when there was an entire room to sand in.

She raised her eyebrow at him, "Really and you didn't let me see?"

Sean's smile was slow in coming and he took a step toward her. "Would you've liked to?" His voice dropped an octave and became a sexy draw.

"Hell yah, that's fucking sexy."

He stood close to her now, looking down in her eyes. Willing her to understand. Needing her too. "You don't think it's weird, that I'm attracted to a man? This has never happened before in my life. I'm straight."

Shayna gave him a hug and giggled, "Are you sure about that? Maybe just a little bent?" They both laughed and he kissed her.

"Besides, it isn't that far of a stretch. The two of you are pretty much twins, it would go without saying you found him attractive. You're both beautiful."

"I love you, Shayna." Sean finally said the words that had been dancing around his mind for weeks now. He finally felt free enough to confess them.

When he first began to care for her, he felt like he was betraying Stacey's memory but the longer and deeper his feelings grew, the more he realized that wasn't true. Stacey would want him to move on and be happy. She'd even tried to talk to him about it once. They were talking about the future and she said if anything ever happened to her, she'd want him to move on. To remarry. Sean got angry and assured her that nothing was going to happen to her. That they would grow old together and die surrounded by millions of grand-children.

How wrong he had been.

"I love you too, Sean." Shayna kissed him again, and said, "If this is ok with him, I'd be willing to give it a chance. I don't want to lose him either. The two of you mean so much to me."

Like it would really be a hardship for a woman to have two men that looked like they did loving her?

"I want him part of our lives." Sean admitted, "One way or another. If it is just as friends than that's better than nothing."

She nodded, agreeing with Sean.

She walked back out onto the balcony and then leaned over the railing. "Taylor!" She waited till he turned around and looked at them. He looked sad and lost and it broke her heart.

Had he been standing out there since Gibbons left?

"What's up?" Taylor asked. His voice was abnormally deep and full of emotion he was trying to hide.

For Taylor, seeing them together put a knife in his heart. He couldn't wait till morning when he could head home. Though there was nothing waiting there for him either.

"Take me to bed or lose me forever." She yelled down at him. She watched as a look of shock spread over his face and giggled.

"What?" He called back, his heart pounding in his chest.

"Take me to bed or lose me forever." Sean echoed. The men's eyes locked for a moment and then he was gone.

Sean and Shayna laughed as they heard him running up the steps before he burst into their room.

"What was that?" Taylor asked, cocking his head to the side.

"Sean and I've been talking," Shay began.

Sean finished, "And we want you to come to Callie with us."

"To live."

"What are you asking?" Taylor stood there in shock.

He didn't know what to make of this. He loved Shayna, though he would never come between her and Sean. He had also found himself drawn to the man and he couldn't figure out why. He wanted him, and that had never happened before. He was so confused and slightly angry about it. He was not gay.

"This is new to all of us but, I love you both." Taylor cocked his head to the side and looked at her and then at Sean.

"What do you think about his?" Taylor asked Sean. He needed to know what the rules were. Did Sean really want this or was he doing it to make Shayna happy?

Sean smirked, "It was my idea."

"What about," Taylor trailed off, knowing Sean would understand what he meant. Not knowing if he'd admitted it to Shayna.

Sean smiled. He was just as unsure as Taylor was about the whole thing but he wanted to at least try.

He walked over to Taylor and slid he hand along his jaw before he grabbed the back of Taylor's head and pulled him in for a kiss.

They kissed for a few minutes, getting a fell for it and Shayna felt herself growing breathless just watching them. It was beautiful.

"You better get those clothes off, Taylor. We have a long night ahead of us." Shayna said, her voice filled with lust.

Both men turned and looked at her, their eyes mirroring the same.


Thanks for reading

Furyan Goddess