Bones: Future Fic

Summary: Temperance and Seeley are married. They have a baby boy and a baby girl on the way. There was an accident in the field and someone gets seriously hurt. Read to find out more.

Disclaimer: All Characters do not belong to me exact for the future kids.

Characters: s/t, j/a, z/?

Temperance and Seeley Booth have been working together for 8 years. But have been married 4 years. They have a 2 year old son named Adam, and a little girl on the way. They live on the outskirts of DC. It's a quiet area where no crime happens.

It was a Monday morning and the baby sitter called in sick.

"Hello" Seeley says answering the phone.

"Mr. Booth its Sam. I can't watch Adam today. I got a pretty bad cold over here. I don't want to get him sick" Sam says sadly because she loved watching Adam.

"It's okay Sam. Will bring him to work today. Hope you get better soon" Seeley says walking into the toddler's room.

"Thanks Mr. Booth bye" Sam says hanging up the phone.

Seeley put the cordless into his back jean pocket and went over to his son's bed.

"Daddy" Adam says looking up to his father.

"Hey big guy" Seeley says picking up Adam.

Adam was jumping in Seeley's arms "Mama Mama Mama."

"You want to go and see Mommy Champ" Seeley says walking out of Adam's room and down the hall.

Seeley slowly walked into there room. Temp was lying down. She's been having pretty bad morning sickness. Temperance was only 4 months pregnant. But it was taking it's tall on her. She had a slight bump showing and Seeley smiled. He couldn't believe that she was pregnant again. The first Pregnancy was hard on her. Adam was born through c-section after 30 hours of labor. And 5 hours of pushing. He was just too big for her to push out.

Flashback: Adam's Birth

Temperance was home making dinner for her and Seeley. She was about to turn the oven on when she had this sharp pain in her abdomen. The next thing she knew there was a clear liquid all around her feet. That day she was glad she was wearing a dress. She held her stomach as another contraction happened.

"Aaaahhhhh" Temperance let out in pain.

After the contraction was over Temperance slowly walked over to the phone. She dialed Seeley's cell number. It ringed about 3 times before Seeley picked up.

"Booth" Seeley says picking up the phone.

"Seeley my water broke" Temp says as another contraction hit her lower abdomen.

"Temp baby I'm on my way okay hold on" Seeley says running out of his office to the SUV.

"Okay"Temp says hanging up the phone.

She fell to the floor and leaned against the wall. About 10 minutes later Seeley pulled into the driveway and rushed into the house.


"I'm in the kitchen" Temp says through clutched teeth.

Seeley ran into the kitchen to find Temp on the floor holding her stomach. Seeley rushed over to her on the floor.

"Baby come on we need to get you to the hospital now" Seeley says gently lifting her off the floor.

"Hold on Seeley there's another contraction" Temp says leaning into him breathing hard.

About 2 minutes later we were in the SUV and on our way to the hospital. The nurse admitted Temp and hooked her up to machines. About 10 hours later Angela, Jack, and Zack arrived. They walked in ad Temp was in the middle of a contraction.

"You're doing great baby" Seeley says wiping sweat away from her forehead.

"I can't do this anymore. No more kids after this I swear. No wait you aren't touching me after this" Temp says through grinded teeth.

"Baby you don't mean that does you" Seeley says smiling.

"Booth doesn't test her right now. Just go along with it" Jack says with amusement.

"Shut up Jack. She's in enough pain. Give her a break the both of you" Angela says looking at both the males.

"She's right"Zack says shyly still not the talkative person in the group.

Just as quickly as the contraction ended another one started. Temp clutched to Seeley's hand. She tried breathing through the pain. But nothing seemed to work. The nurse came in and checked how far along Temp was.

"Mrs. Booth your about 5 centimeters dilated and 100 at fase. You're doing great" The Nurse says taking her glove off.

About 15 hours later Temp was still in labor. She was getting fatigued and Tired from all the hours of labor. The doctor just came in and said "It was time to push".

"Okay Temperance your fully dilated were going to start pushing soon" Doctor Moore says gently walking away from the bed.

"Seeley I don't think I can do this" Temperance says looking up at Seeley.

"Temp you're doing wonderful baby. You can do this"Seeley says wiping her forehead.

Doctor Moore walked back over and told Temp to slide down to the end of the bed "Seeley get on the bed behind Temperance to help her push down. Mr.Addy and Mr. Hodgins I need you to hold her legs up please."

Everybody was in position it was all up to Temp now.

"Okay Temp on your next contraction I need you to push" Dr. Moore says firmly.

Temp just nodded filling the contraction coming.

Temperance has been pushing for the past 4 hours. The baby was just too big for her to push out. And she was tired at this point. The baby's heart beat was slowing. That was when Dr.Moore made the decision "Temp we need to deliver this baby now through c-section. Or you're both not getting out of this". Temp just nodded and fell backwards into Seeley's chest.

"Ssshhh baby everything is going to be okay" Seeley says holding Temp's hand as Dr. Moore started the C-section.

About 5 minutes later you hear "It's a boy."

The baby was crying loudly as the nurse took it to the table. They cleaned him, weighed, and measured him.

"His 21 ½ inches long and weighs 10 pounds 8 ounces. He is a healthy baby boy. You were just too small to push him out" The nurse says handing Temp her son.

"Hey Adam" Temperance says through tears.

End of the flashback

"Mama Mama" Adam says reaching for his mother.

"Ssshhh mommy's sleeping" Seeley says gently.

"No I'm not. Can't sleep with an upset stomach" Temp says leaning up.

"You feeling any better" Seeley asks walking up with Adam in his arms.

"A little" Temp says taking Adam from Seeley.

"Sam just called she's sick so we got to take Adam to work with us" Seeley says sitting on the side of the bed.

"Okay works for me. Need to spend some more time with him" Temperance says playing with Adams's shirt.

"Hey Champ you want to go and play in mommy's office today. Play with Angela, Jack, and Zack" Seeley says with a smile to Adam.

"Yeah Yeah Yeah" Adam says clapping his hands and jumping up and down in Temp's lap.

"Okay well Mommy's got to be at work in a half an hour. Let's get you feed and dressed" Temp says slowly getting out of the bed.

"You get ready and I'll handle him" Seeley says picking up Adam.

"Thank you" Temperance says heading to the Bathroom.

"Welcome" Seeley says walking out of the room and into Adam's room.

About 15 minutes later Seeley, Temperance, and Adam were in the car. Adam was jumping in his car seat. He couldn't wait to go to see the bones. They pulled into the Jeffersonian parking lot and got out. When inside they walked to the elevator to go up to the 5th floor. They meet up with Zack.

"Hey guys" Zack says entering the elevator too.

"Hey Zack" Temp says holding onto the side of the elevator.

"ey ake" Adam says with a smile.

"Hey Big Guy" Zack says ruffling his hair.

"There any new cases in the lab" Temperance asked as the elevator opened.

"Yeah there was a mob boss bought in. He was shot 3 times in the chest. That was after he got hit by a car." Zack says flatly to the doctor.

"Another mob case. Did the FBI bring him in" Seeley asked walking next to them.

"Yeah but they didn't want to call you" Zack says looking at Seeley.

"Okay than" Seeley says walking into Temperance's office.

"Yeah well his on the table when you're ready" Zack says walking to his own office.

"Thanks Zack" Temp says walking into her office and putting Adam down on the couch.

"Are you going to be okay with Adam while I go get briefed on the case" Seeley asked looking at her.

"Yeah go ahead. Will be okay" Temperance says kissing Seeley on the lips.

"Okay I'll be back soon" Seeley says walking to the door "Bye Champ"

Adam looked over to his father and smiled "Bye Daddy".

Seeley left as Temp sat down at her desk. Adam was playing with the toys he had in the office. Angela walked into the office and over to Temp's desk.

"Temp Zack and Hodgins are going to the park down the block. They wanted to know if Adam could go with them" Angela says with a smile.

"Yeah sure" Temp says getting up from her desk "Hey Adam you want to go to the park with Jack, and Zack."

"Yeah mommy" Adam says jumping up and down.

"Okay go have fun" Temp says pushing Adam towards the door.

"I'll see you in the Lab Temp" Angela says walking out of the office.

"Okay I'll be there in a second" Temp says walking back to her desk.

In the lab Zack, Jack, and Adam were getting ready to leave.

"Hey Adam are you ready to go" Zack says picking Adam up.

"Yep" Adam says with a smile.

"Okay Ang will see you later" Jack says kissing her goodbye.

Zack, Jack, And Adam left just as Temp came out of her office.

Meanwhile at the Hoover building Seeley was just getting out of the briefing. Cullien just told him that the mob was still after the body. And they will kill anyone that will get in there way.

"Special Agent Booth you should get back to the Jeffersonian. We don't know when there going to attack" Another agent says looking at Booth.

"Yeah I should. If anyone needs me call my cell" Booth says walking out the door to the SUV.

Back at the Jeffersonian Temp and Ang were looking over the bones when something came through the door. Before they knew what was going on the lab blew up. In the process the table with the bones fell on top of Temperance. And Angela got blown into another table. The table that fell on Temp was right below her stomach and she was bleeding from a head wound. Angela tried crawling to Temperance. When she got there Temp was barley concouious.

"Temp you got to stay with me" Angela says wiping the hair out of her face.

"Ang. The baby" Temp says couching from the pressure on her lower body.

"Ssshhh I'm going to get help Temp okay" Angela says trying to get up.

"Ang please hurry" Temp says looking up at her.

"Don't worry Temp" Angela says heading out of the door.

Seeley arrived at the Jeffersonian just as the ambulances and cops showed up. He jumped out of the SUV and over to the nearest cop.

"What the hell happened" Seeley asks in a hurry.

"A bomb went off on the 5th floor" The cop says looking at Seeley.

"Oh My God" Seeley says running to the front door. Just as Angela limped out "Angela"

Angela fell to the ground and Seeley bent down next to her "Angela where is Temp and Adam?"

"Jack and Zack have Adam. They went to the park before anything happened. And Temp is trapped upstairs. A lab table fell on her. She's hurt pretty bad. I told her that I was going to get help" Angela says slowly.

"Okay thanks Ang" Seeley says running inside.

Seeley took the steps 2 at a time until he got to the 5th floor. Seeley ran into the lab and onto the platform. He saw Temp trapped under the lab table.

"Temperance" Seeley says running to her.

"Seeley the baby" Temp says opening her eyes.

"Ssshhh everything is going to be okay baby. I'm going to move the table okay" Seeley says wiping her tears away.

"Okay" temp says closing her eyes.

Seeley got up and gently lifted the table. He heard Temp grunt in pain as the table was lifted.

"It hurts so much Seeley" Temp says through clenched teeth.

"You're going to be okay. I'm going to take you outside to the ambulance okay" Seeley says bending down next to temp.

"Okay" Temp says slowly leaning up.

"Don't move baby" Seeley says taking her into his arms.

Meanwhile outside Zack, Jack, and Adam just got back from the park. They saw Angela in an Ambulance. They ran over to her.

"Angela" Jack says getting there first.

"Oh My God" Angela says falling into his arms.

"What happened" Zack says running up with Adam.

"The mob blows up the lab. Temp and I were in it at the time. I got out and Temp was trapped under a lab table. She's hurt pretty bad" Angela says leaning on Jack.

"Oh My God where is she?" Zack asks holding a fussing Adam.

"Seeley just went inside to get her" Angela says looking at them.

"ant mommy and daddy" Adam says scared from all the noise and people around him.

"Ssshhh Adam daddy will be here soon" Zack says trying to claim down the 2 year old.

Just than Booth came out the front door with Temp in his arms "I need some help".

An EMT came running up and asked "What Happened"

"She was in the explosion trapped under a lab table. Please hurry she's 4 months pregnant" Seeley says laying Temp on the gurney.

"Okay Sir we need to get her to the hospital. Will meet you there" The EMT says working on Temp.

"Okay" Seeley says to the EMT. He turned his attention back to Temp "baby I'll meet you at the hospital okay".

Temp just nodded her head as the EMT loaded her into the Ambulance. Seeley noticed the squints and his son waiting over by the other ambulance. Seeley walked over to them and noticed that Adam was fussing and crying.

"Daddy" Adam says reaching for his father.

"Ssshhh everything will be okay champ" Seeley says rubbing his back.

"How is she doing?" Jack says still holding Angela.

"I don't know. She was beat up pretty bad. I got to meet them at the hospital" Seeley says gently trying to still claim Adam down.

"Okay well let's go than" Angela says limping to the SUV.

"Angela is you sure you're up for this" Jack asks looking at his girlfriend.

"This is my best friend we're talking about here" Angela says getting into the SUV.

"Damn it" Seeley says looking at his watch.

"What's wrong?" Zack says looking at his friend.

"Rebecca is supposed to bring Parker over in a half an hour to my office" Seeley says trying to put Adam into his car seat.

"No down" Adam says clinging to his father.

"Ssshhh Adam Daddy's here. I'm not going anywhere" Seeley says rubbing his back.

"Booth I'll drive you hold Adam" Jack says moving to the driver's side.

"Okay thanks Hodgins" Booth says taking the car seat out of the back seat and putting it into the trunk.

"Do you want to stop and get Parker first" Zack says getting into the passenger side of the car.

"Yeah" seeley says getting into the car with Adam on his lap.

Jack got into the car and started driving to the Hoover building. When they got there Rebecca was just heading inside with Adam still in his arms.

"Rebecca" Seeley says running up.

"Daddy" Parker says running to his father.

"Hey Big Guy" Booth says hugging his son back.

"Where's Temperance" Rebecca asked handing Seeley Parker's bag.

"She's on her way to the hospital. A gang blew up the lab" Seeley says looking at his Ex-Girlfriend.

"Is she going to be okay? What about the baby?" Rebecca asks worried.

"I don't know I came here first. I'm supposed to meet the ambulance at the hospital" Seeley says taking Parker's hand.

"Okay well go than. I hope everything ends up okay" Rebecca says heading to her car." I'll see you in a few days Parker."

"Bye mom" Parker says waving to his mom.

"Okay come on we need to get to Temp" Seeley says taking his son's to the car.

Seeley lifted Parker into the car and put his bag into the trunk. Seeley got into the car with Adam on his lap.

"arker" Adam says reaching for his brother.

"Hey Adam" Parker says taking him into his arms.

"ant mommy" Adam says laying his head onto Parker's shoulder.

"Ssshhh Adam we're going to see mommy now" Seeley says looking at his son.

"Will be there in 10 minutes" Angela says trying to claim down Adam too.

Meanwhile the doctors and nurses just got Temperance stabilized. They had her in her own room and the doctor was about to go in the room to talk to her.

"Hello I'm Dr.Thomas" walking into the room.

"Hello" Temp says weakly.

"Okay well you have a concussion and a sprained wrist from what we can tell. You don't have any internal bleeding. Just bruising………"Dr. Thomas was saying until Temperance interrupted him.

"What about my baby? Is it okay?" Temperance asks with tears in her eyes.

"Well the baby is still alive Mrs. Booth. I'm not going to lie to you almost lost the baby. We were able to save it. But we don't know if it will effect your pregnancy from here on out" Dr. Thomas says slowly.

"No No No I can't lose this baby. God why does this always happen to me" Temperance says crying weakly,

"Your husband called and said his on his way" Dr. Thomas says looking at the upset woman.

"Thank you for everything" Temperance says slowly looking at the doctor.

The squints and Booth walked up to the Nurses station.

"Hello how may I help you?" The Nurse asks looking up at them.

"Hey were looking for the room Temperance Booth is in" Seeley says slowly.

"She's in room 202. They just put her in there. You guys can go in if you want" The Nurse says looking away from her computer.

"Thank you" Angela says watching Seeley run with the kids to the room.

Seeley made it to room 202 and walked in with Adam and Parker. Temperance looked over at them.

"Mommy" Adam says reaching for Temp.

"Hey baby" Temperance says laying Adam down next to her on the bed.

"Hey" Seeley says walking up to her and kissing her. "Did the doctor tell you anything yet?"

"Yeah but I don't want to say anything in front of the kids" Temp says with tears in her eyes.

"It's going to be okay" Seeley says sitting down next to her.

"I know" Temp says looking over to Parker "Hey Parker".

"Hey Temp" Parker says walking over to the bed and climbing into Seeleys lap.

Just than Angela, Jack, and Zack walked into the room.

"Hey guys" Temp says looking over to them.

"Hey Temp how you doing?" Angela asked limping over.

"Been better" Temp says slowly.

"Same here" Angela says smiling slightly.

"Can you guys take Parker and Adam outside for a few minutes so we can talk about what the doctor said" Seeley asks the squints.

"Yeah sure anything to help out" Jack says taking Parker from Seeley.

Zack took the sleeping Adam from Temp's side "No mommy" Adam mumbled in his sleep.

"Will be outside the room when you're ready" Angela says limping out the door.

When they left Seeley turned his full attention to Temperance.

"What did the doctor tell you" Seeley asked gently.

"He said that I have a concussion, a sprained wrist. Also that I have a lot of bruising but no internal bleeding" Temp says with tears rolling down her face.

"What about the baby?" Seeley asks gently.

"He said that I almost lost it. That they were able to save it but they don't know if it will affect the rest of my Pregnancy" Temp says crying now.

"Hey it's going to be okay" Seeley says taking Temp into his arms.

"I can't lose this baby" Temp says crying on Seeley's shoulder.

"You're not baby" Seeley says rubbing her back.

There was a knock at the door and Captain Cullien walked in.

"Agent Booth, Temperance" Cullien says walking in.

"Sir what's wrong?" Seeley asks looking at his boss.

"We need to put Temperance and Ms. Montenegro on a 24 hour watch. The mob has put hits on both of them" Cullien says looking at his # 1 agent.

"What" Seeley says angrily?

"They are going after Temp and Angela because they were trying to figure out who they killed" Cullien says walking over to them.

"Do we know who these guys are yet" Seeley asks tightening his grip on Temperance.

"No not yet Booth"Cullien says sadly.

Temperance just cried harder in Booth's arms. She kept thinking that she'll really lose this baby. Especially now with the mob after them.

"I'm not going to let anyone touch you or Adam" Seeley says trying to claim his wife down.

"Agent Booth we're giving you personal leave. You need to stay with your family. If we find anything out will call you" Cullien says sternly.

"Okay sir" Seeley says looking up at him.

"I'll talk to you soon booth" Cullien says walking out of the room.

When Cullien left Temperance started laughing slightly.

"What's so funny"Seeley asks with a slight smile.

"You just agreed to stay home. Usually you're going after the people" Temp says looking up at him.

"You have a point" Seeley says rubbing her arm.

"Don't I always" Temp says slightly smiling.

Just than Jack bought Parker and Adam back in the room.

"We're leaving guys. Will be by tomorrow" Jack says laying Adam next to Temp on the bed.

"Okay see you tomorrow" Temp says smiling slightly.

Jack, Angela, Zack, and the cop left to go to Jack and Angela's apartment.

Meanwhile across town the gangs were in a rundown warehouse. They were discussing plans on what they should do.

"We need to kill Angela Montenegro and Temperance Booth" A gang remember spoke up.

"Or we can do something to there families. Get them shaking up and than attack" Another gang member said.

"I agree with what Carlos said. We should go after there families and than them" A young man said.

"So than it's settled" The leader said with a smile.

Back at the hospital Temperance was sleeping with Adam. Booth was sitting in a chair next to the bed and held her hand. Parker was in his lap. Just than Dr. Thomas came into the room.

"Hello I'm Dr.Thomas I'm your wife's doctor" Dr.Thomas says shaking Booth's hand.

"Hello I'm Seeley booth. How is she really doing?" Seeley says looking at the doctor.

"She's going to be okay. She was hurt pretty bad though. But I've also scene worse" Dr. Thomas says looking at Seeley.

"How long until I can take her home" Booth asks Dr, Thomas.

"She can be discharged tomorrow. But she has to stay off her feet. If she really wants this baby to live. She'll listen to what I say" Dr. Thomas says in a way that Seeley would understand.

"If she stays off her feet what's the chance that my daughter will be okay?" Seeley asks in a claim voice.

"From this point on it's 50/50. But if she listens there's a good chance the baby will be okay" Dr. Thomas says sadly.

"Basically you're telling me not to get my hopes up" Seeley says looking at the doctor.

"I'm sorry sir but that's what I'm telling you" Dr. Thomas says as his beeper goes off.

"Thank you" Seeley says watching Dr. Thomas.

"Welcome. I'm sorry but I have to go" Dr. Thomas says leaving the room.

Seeley watched the doctor leave and turned his attention to Temperance. Just than Parker woke up.

"Daddy I got to go to the bathroom" parker says leaning up on Seeley's lap.

"Okay come on Champ" Seeley says getting up and bringing Parker to the nearest bathroom.

As Seeley walked out a mob person walked in dressed as a doctor. He took Adam from Temp's side. In the process Adam woke up and started calling for his mother.

"Mommy I ant mommy"

"Shut up kid" The doctor says tighten his hold on Adam.

"Mommy" Adam says louder reaching for Temp.

Temperance woke up at this and saw Adam forcefully being held.

"Let him go now" Temp says trying not to show her fear.

"What you going to do. You won't risk losing your baby" The Doctor says smirking.

Meanwhile Parker just got done with the bathroom. They were walking back to the room when Booth saw something over near the room. The door was a creak and he knew he closed it. He pulled Parker to a corner with a little nock in it.

"I need you to stay here okay Parker" Seeley says rushing towards the room.

Back in the room Temperance had tears in her eyes "Let my son go please"

"No you're not stopping me and if anyone tries his dead" The doctor says heading to the door.

"No please" Temperance says noticing Seeley outside the door.

Booth was watching the scene in the room. He was slowly coming into the room without being noticed. He saw Adam struggling in the doctor's arms with tears rolling down his face. Booth sunk up behind him and said "Put my son down".

"What you going to do if I don't the doctor says smirking.

"This" Booth says taking him to the ground.

Adam ran away from the fight and over to the bed. Temperance picked him up and clinged to him.

Tell me what you guys think. I have more to type up but it's getting late so I'll just end the first chapter here.