Seto Kaiba send his respects: "I'm RICH, BITCH!" --' yes, we all know that thanks.

For B.E.D's contest, puppyshipping. And I know it's a sucky title.

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-gi-oh! Or any music videos, or a Mac-laptop.

Together with Music

If you know Joey Wheeler, then you know that he is not the smartest boy in school, or the sharpest tool in the toolbox, or however you want to put it. But when it came to certain things, even Albert Einstein would be colored impressed. Joey could eat you out of three homes, everyone new that, he could talk for fifteen minutes with barely taking a breath, and he cared for his sister with the passion of 10,000 fathers and brothers. But two things that people didn't know about him was that:

1: He was a computer genius!


2: He loved music just as much as he loved Serenity and food put together.

Those where the only two reasons that Joey took Computer tech. That and the fact that all you did in there was mess around on the Mac Laptops, as long as you weren't on any improper sites. After watching many of his favorite music videos, Joey decided that he raise from the ranks of 'Regular vid fan' to 'Video maker'.

'Maybe I'll dedicate it to him. It should take me about a week, and I'll need to steal those just might work.' The blonde thought to himself getting straight to work.

Seto Kaiba had the closet thing to a perfect life. He was rich, he had two people that cared for him deeply, he was the CEO of the biggest companies in Japan, and on top of all that, he was RICH!!! Meaning that he could and would buy whatever he wanted practically when he wanted, and in that was his little 'addiction' if you will. Even Seto's top stalkers/fangirls didn't know that to him: Music was life! He loved practically every kind of genre, except rap. 'How can they call that shit music!?' He had once said. And him being in a relationship that had his partner also in love with music, well that was just an added bonus to his nearly perfect life. While thinking of this on his was home from the office (A/n: Can you say: "Lucy! I'm ho-ome!" ) he wondered what his lover was up to. Hopefully not destroying the house and/or Mokuba.


Upon entering said abode, he went to his room and saw that there was a note on the door.


come to the den.

J, pup.

He threw his junk of the bed and did as the note said. When he entered the den and found that a laptop and projector was set up. His koi smiled and motioned for him to sit on the couch, and he complied. Not sure that he was going to like what he was about to see, he was ready for a complete and totally idiot showing.


Joey had completed his video just right before Seto got home, and had quickly set everything up in the den. He was veeeeeerry pleased with how it came out and was ready for any Simon-like comments from his lover.

"Joey. Come here" So he obeyed his master and went right next to the brunette.

"Sit." And he sat. Seto looked in his eyes for a full minute without blinking. Joey was getting scared, until he felt those oh so familiar lips against his own. He returned the kiss whole heartedly and took this as a good sign. When they parted Seto laid his head down in Joeys lap looking up at the blonde.

"I liked it. A lot. It was 25 minutes long, and had our favorite songs. How long did it take?"

"Mmmmmmmm about, like, all day. I was able to get the pictures from your files, with Mokuba's help of course." He replied petting his master's chocolate brown hair.

"Of course." He repeated with a slight chuckle. It was times like theses that he thought that he had the perfect life.

"Music IS what brought us together." Joey remembering their first date.

Replaying the video, Seto finished, "And Music is what's keeping us together."

Hope you liked, R&R please.