Title: Vacationing with the Star Wars
Author: VA-Parky
Genre: Humor, mini-sequel to "Skating with the Star Wars"
Characters: Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidala, Siri Tachi, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mace Windu
Disclaimer: I still have no affiliation with Star Wars. Drat!
Summary: Our fabulous foursome (plus one), heads to Plauu for what's supposed to be a refreshing vacation. Unbeknownst to them (at least at first), Mace has agreed to film the entire debacle, hoping the publicity will aid the planet's tourism industry which has crumbled in the wake of Jarrick's treachery. Needless to say, the typical chaos ensues.
Author's Note: We're back, ya'll! I have to warn you, this won't be updated as frequently as the trilogy. My free time is scarce these days – my husband and I are in the process of moving and recently found out that we're expecting our first baby! But if you hang in there, I'll do my best to try to deliver some laughs along the way.


When he looked back at that fateful day, Anakin would realize that he should have sensed Windu was up to something. After all, he was pretty sure the Jedi Master had never taken a vacation in his life. In fact, Anakin could well remember a speech Mace had once given that made the outrageous claim that simply being a Jedi was reward enough.

So when Windu had graciously offered a vacation in the tropics, his inner alarm really should have been sounding.

It had all started when he had been summoned unexpectedly from a training salle in the middle of the afternoon. Still soaked with sweat, he had made his way to the Council chambers, pleasantly surprised to find his wife waiting for him...


Padmé was radiant, her hands folded over a gown that proudly emphasized her bulging belly. Her hair was pulled back and secured with a myriad of clasps and pins, although a few stray pieces had worked their way free and curled softly around her face.

A smile on his lips, he strode forward, intending to pull her into a warm embrace. Unfortunately, her reaction was not what he had hoped.

She burst into tears.

"Love, what's wrong?" he prodded. Suddenly, a spark of alarm flew through him, sending his heart into his throat. She'd gone to the med center earlier that day - had something happened? Unable to bring himself to voice the thought, he stared at her worriedly.

She shook her head. "The babies are fine," she sniffled, correctly guessing his fear. "The medic said the pregnancy is right on schedule."

He closed his eyes in relief, but noticed that her shoulders were still shaking with silent sobs. "Then what is it? Please... Tell me so I can help you."

"It's Dormé." Her voice was muffled against his tunic and he had to strain to hear. "She said... She said that I was... waddling." The last word came out as a wail.

Anakin sighed inwardly. Pregnancy hormones, he deduced. They came and went, but when they were here, he knew to tread carefully. Very carefully.

"I'm sure she was only teasing," he finally offered. "You know she doesn't really think you... waddle."

"Who's waddling?" a familiar voice asked.

Anakin turned, already beaming. Sure enough, his former Master was standing in the doorway, a battered rucksack slung casually over his shoulder.

"Master!" he exclaimed happily. "You're back!"

"Fresh off the transport," he confirmed. "The border dispute was resolved with minimal bloodshed. Quite a satisfying victory for the Republic if I do say so myself."

"And you know he does," another voice piped up sarcastically.

"Siri!" Padmé cried happily. Anakin stumbled as she pushed past him to get to her friend. The two women moved off to the side where they began chatting animatedly. Siri, however, continued to direct a poisonous glare in the direction of her new husband. Obi-Wan appeared to be keenly aware of her ire for he kept his distance as he made his way towards his former padawan.

"I'm afraid she's not too happy with me at the moment," he confessed quietly.

"What did you do this time?" Anakin retorted knowingly.

"Why do you always assume I'm at fault?" the elder Jedi grumbled, letting his bag fall to the floor with a thump.

"Because you usually are!"

Having no reply to that, Obi-Wan crossed his arms over his chest and frowned.

"You'd better tell me," Anakin warned. "If you don't, I'll just hear it from Padmé later - only I'll get Siri's version, which is probably more accurate now that I think about it-"

"All right," he interrupted, annoyed. "If you must know the source of our disagreement... It seems my wife thinks that I'm holding her back as a Jedi."

"And are you?"

"Of course not!" he snapped. Putting a hand to his forehead, he let out a groan. "Okay, so maybe a little. But is there anything wrong with wanting me to make sure she's safe?"

"Not when that strategy involves putting me at the rear of the battle lines!" Siri suddenly yelled from the other side of the room.

"Force, she has ears like a sand-fox," Obi-Wan muttered. Lowering his voice, he turned back to Anakin. "Surely you can understand where I'm coming from? I mean, you entered not one, not two, but three competitions to make sure Padmé was safe."

The younger man shrugged. "Yes, but Siri is extremely well trained."

As soon as the words left his lips, Anakin could feel Padmé's indignation streaking through their bond. Cautiously, he risked a glance over his shoulder... and found his wife glaring at him, small hands planted firmly on her hips.

"What's that supposed to mean?" she asked, her eyes narrowed dangerously. "Are you saying my training was substandard?"

"Of course not," he attempted to soothe. "But surely you must admit your training isn't as intensive as a Jedi's."

"I can shoot a blaster better than you," she pointed out.

Hearing this, Siri chuckled gleefully. "Really?"

"It's true," Padmé relayed. "A few months ago, he dragged me to target practice and I beat him."

Anakin's cheeks began to burn. "I wasn't feeling well that day," he argued. "Besides, you know that my blaster wasn't calibrated correctly."

"Seemed to work fine when I used it," she shrugged. Pointedly turning her back on him, she resumed her conversation with Siri like nothing had transpired.

Swearing inwardly, he faced his former Master once again. "She's exaggerating," he insisted automatically. "I really wasn't feeling well that day. I was dizzy and everything - you can ask the healers!"

"Whatever you say," Obi-Wan teased.

He was about to respond with a rather rude gesture when Master Windu walked into the room. Oblivious to the charged emotions, the Korun Jedi strode to the center of the room and waited for the small group to surround him. Much to his aggravation, it took several moments before they eventually wandered over, forming a lopsided semi-circle around him.

"Master Kenobi," he greeted. "Knight Tachi... it's good to see you have returned unharmed."

"Thank you," they replied tightly.

Mace raised his eyebrows, but wisely moved on. Directing his gaze to Padmé, he dropped into a respectful bow. "Senator Amidala, I see you received my summons. Thank you for coming."

"I got here as quickly as I could," she replied. "The Senate is in recess until tomorrow morning so my afternoon was free."

"I'm glad to hear it." Nodding absently to Anakin, he tartly acknowledged, "Skywalker."

The young Jedi had to fight the urge to roll his eyes. Despite their improved relationship, it seemed the stern Jedi Master still harbored a bit of a grudge from being upstaged during the whole Jarrick debacle. Well, that and the whole secret-marriage thing.

Anakin pasted on a wide grin and responded with a cheerful, "Good afternoon, Master Windu."

Mace ignored him. "I'm sure you're all wondering why I've called you here today. I would like to put your minds at ease - you're about to receive some very good news."

"That's a relief," Obi-Wan sighed. "I was afraid you were going to tell me I was about to be put into something sparkly."

"No," Mace snapped. "We have put all of that behind us. Haven't we, Skywalker?"

Anakin had the grace to blush, remembering his garish attire during the Tachi-Kenobi wedding. "I told you, Master, I was merely fulfilling my end of a bet. Honestly, I generally do not prefer to wear skating costumes."

Mace sniffed derisively, but did change the subject back to the task at hand. "As you all know, it has been well over six months since the conclusion to your last undercover assignment. In that time, you have all worked tirelessly to oversee the transition of power from Palpatine's minions to the newly reformed Republic."

"It's been an honor, Master," Siri piped up. "A lot of hard work, yes, but an honor nonetheless."

"And the Council is grateful," he assured them. "So much so, that we've decided to send the four of you on a much-deserved vacation."

"A vacation?" Anakin repeated dubiously. "Are you serious?"

"Am I ever not serious, Skywalker?" he snarled.

"No," Anakin admitted. Smiling broadly, he looped an arm around his wife's waist and was startled to find her shaking her head.

"I don't mean to dampen anyone's spirits," she began. "But I am expected to return to the Senate tomorrow. Several motions are going to be put forth and my vote is needed."

"We have already seen to that," Mace replied. "Your handmaiden, Dormé, will take your place."

"Well, I appreciate that, but-"

"If necessary, we can present you with orders from Chancellor Organa himself." Mace cleared his throat and brushed an imaginary piece of lint from the sleeve of his cloak. "He said you have been working yourself too hard and for your own health, he demands you take a break."

Anakin remained frozen in place, certain that Padmé would not take such news well. To his surprise, however, she acquiesced. "I suppose it would give me a chance to finish my knitting."

Off to the side, Obi-Wan was studying her curiously. "Knitting?" he mouthed.

Anakin shook his head, silently begging him not to ask. Unfortunately, his former Master did not heed the warning.

"I didn't know you knew how to knit," he enthused. "That's wonderful! Are you making something for the twins?"

As Anakin had feared, his wife's eyes filled with tears. "I'm trying to," she replied, miserable. "But I'm not very good at it. After six months, I only have half of one bootie complete and even that is misshapen and ugly. I'm going to be a horrible mother!"

Ignoring Obi-Wan's sputtered encouragement, she turned and waddled from the room as quickly as she could.

"Good job, Kenobi," Siri spat before hurrying after the weeping Senator.

Bewildered, the two men could only nod when Mace turned to them and barked, "The shuttles will depart tomorrow morning at 0800 hours. More information about our destination will follow en route. Do not be late."

As Mace stalked from the room, Anakin exhaled a deep breath. "I have a bad feeling about this."


Frowning as the memory of the pervious week faded from his mind, Anakin punched in the landing sequence, wondering why the string of numbers seemed vaguely familiar. The niggling thought was quickly forgotten, however, when he glanced over to find Padmé smiling at him, her infamous knitting project sprawled atop her burgeoning tummy.

"Do you know where we're going?" she wondered.

"I'm not sure," he replied, sliding into the seat next to her. "Wherever it is, Master Windu said it would be warm and tropical."

"You know what that means, don't you?" Padmé murmured slyly. "That means there's going to be sand - all kinds of it."

Anakin threw an arm over his eyes, pretending to be horrified by the thought. His wife giggled, the sound filling the cabin with a soothing melody. A part of him wished he could remain in that moment forever, listening to her happiness. He was seriously contemplating doing just that when his ears caught a dull roar that seemed to be growing even louder.

"What the-?" he grumbled, sitting up.

"I hear it too," Padmé noted. Her knitting forgotten, she stood and made her way to the view port. "What is that?"

Anakin followed the line of her gaze, immediately zeroing in on the teeming mass below. The shapes were still far away, difficult to distinguish... but he had a sinking feeling he knew exactly what they were.

"Open a communications channel," he growled. "I need to speak to the other ship."

Too confused to be offended by his gruff tone, Padmé did as requested. Within seconds, the hiss and crackle of an open line met their ears.

"Y- Yes, Anakin, what... what is it?"

The younger man knew then and there that the vacation was not off to a good start. Past experience told him that when Obi-Wan was flustered, things tended to go downhilll quickly. No, this was not good. Not good at all.

"Anakin?" Obi-Wan prompted again.

"I was just wondering," he began. "If Master Windu was going to grace us with any further instructions."

"I'm not sure. He's still in his quarters."

"At this hour?" Anakin double checked his chrono before shrugging. "Well, you need to wake him up. I'm not sure if you've noticed, but there appears to be some activity in our landing quadrant and I would like a heads up as to what we might be walking into."

"Just one moment, please."

Anakin rolled his eyes at Obi-Wan's formality and waited. A series of small scuffles followed as the other Jedi evidently made his way to the view port aboard the Dake and Tarv. If he hadn't been standing so quietly he might have missed the first muffled curse - though he wouldn't have missed the ones that followed... the ones being muttered by Siri.

He grinned.

Finally, Obi-Wan returned to the comm. "I believe those are people down there, Anakin," he groaned, confirming Anakin's suspicions. "I shall awaken Master Windu immediately."

"There's no need; I'm right here."

Anakin would have recognized that annoyed tone anywhere. "Good afternoon, Master Windu. It seems we have some company waiting for us. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?"

"Of course I do," Windu snapped. "That's our welcome committee."