Title: On the Edge of Forever
Author: Phoenixflame
Rating: PG-13
Note: Companion/ Sequel to Vespers
Disclaimer: Don't own them. 'nuff said.
Spoilers: All the most recent eps.
Summary: Buffy spirals down...
Notes: The tune is from Macross, Sharon Apple's Final Concert. I think I
got all the lyrics right...

You know how to get eternal life,
In the centre our lives,
Feel your soul cut by a rusty knife,
As you head down for the self destructive edge.

Angel's hand tore away from hers, and the mist evaporated, twirling
around her and condensing into the raw energies of the vortex. As she
had before, she stretched her arms wide, feeling the merciless winds of
the planescape tearing into her. She grinned wildly. It was her last
battle. And even though death was certain, she fought on. She was the

Our satori are just floating in the core,
We're like a spirit 'til we go through the door,
We'll know how to get eternal life,
While we catch the pulse from unknown satellites.

A streak of energy rushed towards her, and she shielded with her arms.
The bolt shuddered through her, leaving her strangely exhilerated. The
pain was nothing compared to the vortex. Throwing her arms wide again,
she howled to the void, a challenged.

Is that all you've got?

If we get chance in fact,
Then we feel the painful high,
If we get the chance in fact,
Then we are really free,
To fly high,
In space.

Pure energy poured through her veins. The energy of the Slayer, of the
Key, of Summer's blood. Life filled her. From one vessel to another, it
found it's focus in her, purified and sharpened into a weapon. The
Slayer fought on, and she would not be denied. Death would not come
swiftly, and she would fight it with every last ounce of self that she

We know how to get an eternal life,
In the centre of the our lives,
See our soul struggling to survive,
As we head down for the self destructive edge.

Within the core of Buffy Summers, memories boiled up, shedding
themselves as she spiraled down into the darkness between plains, to the
vortex in the center, to where universes were born and destroyed. The
memories, experiences and rememberings were stripped away as soon as
they formed fragile shells that protected her for precious seconds. She
needed the time, to reach the center. She had no idea why, but she

Sayonara to intrusive noise,
No more childish play and no more toys,
We know how to get eternal life,
While we feel and sense mother natures strong might,

Somewhere between universes, a voice rang out that lent her precious
time. "I'll wait for you. Forever... I promise." She raised her head to
the energies, mouth opening to scream.

I have promises to keep!

Energy swept through her as the vortex mounted a final questing for her
soul and the energy that filled her. Throwing back her head, Bufyf
screamed. *I've got... I love him... You cannot win!*

And as she entered the vortex, she chose like she always chose. And as
she fell into the light, broken wings of energy healed, arced out.

I am the Slayer, and you cannot win.

She was returning home...

Then all was silence.
