Jillian was the first to wake up that morning. She turned on the television, keeping it low so as not to wake her two friends, and watched as the world seemed to celebrate Spider-Man's victory over the Sinister Six Plus One. They replayed footage that had aired the day before. Jillian's name was mentioned once or twice, along with pictures of an arrested Chameleon, a subdued Electro, and an unconscious Doc Ock.

Jillian's cell phone started ringing, and she answering it quickly so that it would not wake anyone. She checked the caller ID, and was happy to see that it was her mother's cell phone that was on the other end. Jillian flipped it open and answered.

"Oh, Jillian! I've seen the news! What have you been doing?"

"It's a really long a complicated story, Ma. How've you been?"

"Scared out of our minds! Not going out in public, screening all phone calls, looking out for those Six people!" Her mother howled.

"Ma, it's all over. It's safe now. You should come back to the city soon...and get my room ready. See, my apartment sorta-kinda burned to the ground."

"What?! Where are you now?"

"With two of my friends, but they need their space." and then Jilian said: "I'm really glad you're okay, Ma."

"I'm glad you're okay, too, sweetie. I love you. See you soon."

"Love you too Ma." Jillian said before she closed her phone and ended the conversation. She turned around then, and saw that Mary Jane and Peter were up.

"I'll make some coffee." Mary Jane said as she moved from the couch, and Jillian sat where she had been. She looked at Peter.

"Thanks, Pete. For everything."

"You're welcome. And thank you."

"You're welcome." she smiled. Jillian moved a little closer to Peter, then said: "Hey, Pete? I have...sort of a problem I think you can help me with."

"What kind of problem?"

"You see, Spider-Man and I were involved in this whole Sinister Six plot."

He smiled. "Were you now?"

"And, you see, I'm a journalist."

"Are you? I had no idea!" Peter laughed.

"Yeah. And, I was wondering, if you do ever see Spider-Man, if you could ask him for a quick little interview?"

"I think Spider-Man can do that. Where should he meet you?"

"Tell him I'm moving in with my parents, since my apartment burned down."

Peter stopped smiling then. He had forgotten about that. He cleared his throat. "Don't worry. I'm fine with it. Don't--oh, no you don't! Don't blame yourself for that, Peter!"

"But if I was a little faster, a step ahead, then I could've--"

"No! No, Peter. Jeez! Look, we won! The Six are in jail, we're all safe, the world isn't a mess. You did it, Peter!" Jillian said, trying to change the topic. "And for the first time...despite everything that went on...it feels...normal."

Peter smiled. "Is it true Nick Fury offered you a job?"

"Well, sorta kinda."

"He didn't offer me one! What the heck's up with that?"

"I shot Doc Ock with a plasma blaster, that's what's up with that." Jillian smiled as Mary Jane handed her a fresh cup of coffee. Peter shook his head at that. "I still can't believe you did that. You're crazy."

"Coming from a guy who dresses up in spandex and fights megalomaniacs for a living." Jillian added.

"Point taken."

Jillian smiled and sipped her coffee. Everything did feel normal now. Just as it should be.

A/N: Thanks to everyone who kept up with this story and for all your reviews. This was a hard one to end, and I'm sad that it had to. I really enjoyed writing this one. Thanks again, I luv ya all!