It's back! And this is the long awaited chapter where Remus and Sirius finally… well you'll just have to read it and find out, won't you?

From: m00nh0wler

I just read a really good book by a muggle author, it's called the Catcher in the Rye. If you have got over your literature hatred then maybe you would want to borrow it. It is, as I say, very good. It may be the kind of fiction that you would like to read. You don't know until you try.


From: m00nh0wler

I do not! You are just plain pugnacious and jealous of moi, your intellectual superior. So there. Not lending you the book now.

From: quidditchhero69

Did you send me that computer virus??? Not funny. It wiped off loads of my files, and I got them back okay but it was really annoying. So don't do it again! I would send you one back if I knew how.

From: quidditchhero69

… Shut up! Anyway, you got a date to the dance yet? I bet you have queues of potentials, as usual!

From: quidditchhero69

What do you mean by that? I don't… I'm going with Lily.

From: quidditchhero69

Hey!! That's mean… I'll tell her you said that!

From: m00nh0wler

Pugnacious means argumentative. And you have good looks; that would be why twelve girls asked you to the dance today.


From: m00nh0wler

I was commenting on your physical appearance I think you'll find, not admitting sexual attraction to you. Even Peter says you're flipping gorgeous. Mind you… in his case it probably is sexual attraction.

From: m00nh0wler

Well… he is okay looking. But why go for Peter when you have a whole spectrum of possibilities right under your nose?! All those screaming fan girls for you to choose from…

From: m00nh0wler

No, I assure you, you do not. I thank you for your praise… but when compared to the teeny bopper parade it isn't exactly a compliment is it?


From: allrealblacksareslytherins

Sirius, if I was not your brother I would call you a son of a bitch. Don't e-mail me again.


From: m00nh0wler

I would rather die shudders imagine that… such a scary thought. Well, as I said before, Wormtail is perhaps bordering on the crazed teenie. But I am not.

From: m00nh0wler

Trust me, I would never run after you begging you for anything. I would expect you would give me whatever I wanted without having to ask smirks

From: purebloodblonde666

Hey, is that Sirius Black?

I want to tell you that if I was not a die-hard trainee Death Eater and you were not a straight Gryffindor, I would quite probably fancy you. As it is, I will have to get my kicks from harassing you online. So what colour boxers are you wearing?

PS. If you think I'm Snape, I am definitely not. Yuck.

From: m00nh0wler

Yeah, but I never said I WOULD ask for anything like that, did I? Anyway, you never denied the fact that you WOULD give me that if I asked for it, did you?

From: purebloodblonde666

Yes, I am male. And very good looking. And blonde, as my screen name suggests. You like blondes?

From: m00nh0wler

Who said I was flirting? Even if I was, am I not allowed to flirt? Is it a prerequisite of Remus Lupin to stay quiet and never have a meaningless flirt to pass the time?

PS. Regarding your online stalker, I would ask how old he is. In case it's some 50 year old pervert or something.

From: purebloodblonde666

Hmm… a little older than you perhaps Black. I know your cousin Narcissa. I'm two years older than her. Not much older than you… you may consider me a pervert if you like. I like to think so. Although you don't appear altogether innocent yourself. Maybe we should meet up some time… compare notes.

From: m00nh0wler

IGNORE HIM!! Don't answer his e-mails! And what makes you think it is more than meaningless? Have I ever given you reason to believe otherwise? I don't think so.

From: m00nh0wler

Warm… for your form? Where did you get that from, a muggle movie? How am I stringing you along, anyway? I never actually said anything either way.

From: m00nh0wler

So what if I told you I did like you? And what if I asked you to the dance? Where would we go from there?

From: purebloodblonde666

Ignoring me now? If you don't watch out I might have to kidnap you and make you pay attention to me… and I am a hell of a lot bigger than you are.

From: m00nh0wler

Then I do like you. And I would like you to go to the dance. With me. And I would like to beat up your scary blonde stalker. lol

From: m00nh0wler

Well, I am your boyfriend now. That sounds so weird! Anyway, shouldn't I be allowed to get protective?? That dude sounds terrifying anyway. Have you… told anybody yet? About... us?

From: quidditchhero69

OMG!! Really? You and Moony?? Now that's something I didn't see coming! Wait a minute… so it was true? Really? Seriously? Wait till Lily hears!! And Peter? Can I tell Frank and Alice as well??

From: m00nh0wler

Just James, huh? Well, the whole school ought to know by now. I'm fine, thanks. Yeah, should be a great night. I can't dance, you know that? We could pretend I suppose.

Love you too
