If anyone had been in this particular alley at this particular moment they would see a strange sight, a large blue box with the words "POLICE BOX" lit up on it's top appearing out of thin air in the alley, if not for a perception filter built into it that would cause them to look right past this magnificent blue box that had just appeared with a grinding noise accompanying it.

The door on the police box opened and a young looking man in a blue pinstripe suit, a light brown overcoat and a pair of maroon sneakers, behind him appeared a young dark skinned woman in a red jacket and jeans that would not look out of place in the year they were in, although these jeans were from the 23rd century.

"June twenty-fourth Nineteen-Ninety Five, well down to business." The man said with a smile on his face.

"1995, why 1995 is there something particular we're here to see Doctor?" Martha questioned the being know as The Doctor as she followed him onto the sidewalk as he quickly walked along the street.

"Just looking in on some relatives, well at least I think that's why we're here." The Doctor proclaimed with a goofy grin.

"Relatives?" She questioned, last Martha had been told The Doctor was the last of his species until their recent run in with The Master, when he had been proved wrong.

"Relatives, almost one hundred percent sure about it." He responded with a backwards glance at her.

"But you told me that you were the last of your kind and now that The Master is…" she trailed off, she knew even though The Master had been a genocidal maniac, The Doctor had been heartbroken when he had died.

"Yes I suppose I did say that and technically that is still correct, I think." He said with a thoughtful frown on his face.

"Then how can you have relatives if there is no one else.?"

"I just do." He said not even bothering to give her a straight answer.

Martha continued to trail after The Doctor as he walked up the steps of a library and proceeded to go inside.

"Are you going to tell me who these relatives are Doctor or do I have to guess?"

"Yes." He said as he held the door open for her.

"Well will you tell me then?" She asked testily.

"Ah…no." He responded. "You may guess though if you feel like it."

The Doctor marched into a small area that housed several public computers connected to a horrendously slow internet connection.

"First things first." The Doctor stated as he fiddle with his sonic screwdriver and then pointed the device at the computer, powering it on. He then stuck his hand in his pocket like he was searching for something, after a minute or so of him moving his hand around in his pocket he pulled out a small device that looked like an old fashioned radio and placed it on top of the computer.

"Giving it a bit of a boost" He stated with a glance over at Martha. "Not that I can do too much with something so.." He paused trying to find the right word. "Primitive, but this will work well enough for now."

Martha stood over The Doctor's shoulder watching him access the internet, he proceeded to type the name Rose Evans into a search engine for news articles and waited for the computer .

"Rose?" Martha stated quizzically. "Is this the same Rose that was traveling with you before me?"

"No." The Doctor answered without taking his eyes away from the screen. "Rose Tyler is in another world and currently she is just a young girl, still years away from meeting my previous incarnation, the name is just a coincidence."

"Who is this Rose then?" Martha questioned again, not sensing The Doctor's annoyance at her questioning.

"A woman I once knew, I stayed with her some time ago, she was not Evans at the time of course, that came." The Doctor paused. "That came after she was married again."

"Again?" Martha asked.

"Drop it Martha, it's not important to you."

"But what does this have to do with your relatives?" She asked.

"Everything." He responded cryptically.

The search was no w complete and The Doctor had found what he was looking for, but he did not find what he had hoped for.

"She's dead." The Doctor said with an undecipherable look on his face, Martha could tell that The Doctor was affected by this woman's death, even if he did not want to show it.

"I'm sorry Doctor, can you travel back to before her death and talk to her?"

The Doctor was still looking at the obituary in front of him that showed. "Rose Smith-Evans Born June 24th, 1939. Death October 10th, 1978."

Martha was only able to read a small bit of information before he scrolled down.

"No." he stated after several moments, answering her previous question with a haunted look upon his face. "The TARDIS arrived here for a specific reason, it has something to do with Rose, but not her directly."

Staring back at the screen the young medical student started to read the bottom of the obituary.

"…Mrs. Evans is survived by two daughters, Lily Potter of London and Petunia Dursley of Little Whinging."

"If she has." Martha paused for a moment trying to think of the correct term to use. "Passed on, could it be that you were brought here for someone else?"

"There is no question in my mind, that it has something to do with Rose, I've been too afraid to face this for so long, we landed thirty-six years to the minute in the exact same spot I met Rose. So long ago, yet not, she will be thirty four now." The Doctor trailed off towards the end as he started a new query on the computer.

The unasked question of who would be thirty four was answered when the obituary of James and Lily Potter appeared on the screen.

"Oh." She whispered, she could see a pain appear in The Doctor's eyes in his reflection on the screen, the pain of of his heart's breaking and had he not placed his head in his hands, she would have seen tears rolling down his cheeks.

After staring at the picture of the young man and woman sitting with a small child that had his mother's bright green eyes and jet black hair that was pointing in odd directions, an obvious inheritance from the young man in the picture, Martha read the text on the page.

"Mr. and Mrs. Potter were found in the wreckage of their home in Godric's Hollow, the house is believed to have been partially destroyed by a combination of faulty wiring and a gas leak…"

The Doctor scrolled down further not needing to read more of the descriptions of the deaths.

"Lily Potter, Born January 30th 1960, Death October 31st 1981. James Harold Potter Born march 27th 1960, Death October 31st 1981. Lily and James Potter are survived by their young son Harry James Potter and Mrs. Potter's sister, Petunia Dursley."

There was a glimmer of happiness that came back to The Doctor's eyes when he read of the survival of young Harry Potter. From the look that The Doctor had in his eyes previously, Martha knew hat questioning The Doctor at this moment was a risky venture, so she filed away the unasked questions for a later date.

The Doctor now decided to forgo the use of the keyboard and mouse, pointing his sonic screwdriver right at the computer and started going through the pages on the internet at an extremely fast rate to find any scrap of information he could about Harry James Potter.

Martha was not able to process the information that was quickly blinking past on the screen, but The Doctor apparently could, after a few moments The Doctor found what he was looking for, on the screen were the school records of Harry Potter, pulled directly from computers at Harry's former school.

The Information showed Vernon and Petunia Dursley as the guardians of Harry Potter, but the information pertaining to Harry's schooling appeared to stop at the age of ten.

The Doctor found the Dursley's address, Number four Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey.

"That's our destination." The Doctor stated as he pointed his sonic screwdriver at the computer, turning it off, then removing the radio like device from the top and placing it in his pocket.

The Doctor then placed his coat back on and started to leave the library motioning for Martha to follow him.

AN: this is my first try at writing any sort of story and any reviews of the beginning of my story and any helpful advice would be appreciated---Antioch XX

EDITED: 12/16/2009 I recently realized that I had guessed James and Lily's date of birth prior to Deathly Hallows and fixed them both, on another note I'm quite proud of myself only being four days off on James' birthday(and two years).

EDITED: 5/13/2010 Retyped this chapter, making it hopefully, easier to read. It was quite mashed up previously.