Gabriella smiled as she watched out the window of the airplane. She and Troy were finally returning from their blissful honeymoon in California. Now they were about to land in the Delta Airline Airport in Washington DC. It was the closest airport to CIA headquarters, and their new home.

Gabriella sighed as her mind wandered to all that had happened to her in the last year. First, she had been a main target for one of the country's top criminals. Then she was thrown into a whirl wind of jewel thieves and mystery by trying to find the world's largest ruby cave. And not to mention she had been shot at, kidnapped, chased and many other things multiple times. But there was a positive thing on the whole thing. She was married to Troy. And that in itself made everything else worthwhile. Gabriella wouldn't have it any other way.

Gabriella felt a warm hand on hers, pulling her out of her thoughts. She looked turned her head to see Troy smiling softly at her. She smiled back. Then a voice came over the intercom.

"Thank you for flying with us today. Please exit quickly and safely." Troy stood up, bringing Gabriella with him, holding her hand tight, and led the way out of the plane. They ended up being the last ones to start exiting the plane, due to Troy's gentlemanly ways.

Troy and Gabriella walked out of the plane and towards the airport entrance. They had just stepped into the airport when it happened. All Gabriella knew was that a huge explosion had went off behind her and Troy, and that Troy held on tight to her as they were rocketed forward by the force of the explosion. They both landed on the ground, with debris lying all around them. Gabriella and Troy looked behind them to see that the plane they had just been on had been completely destroyed, along with the part of the airport wall. That could have been us, Gabriella thought to herself.

Troy helped her up and they brushed off each other, and then decided that they would leave all the chaos. They squeezed through the crowd unnoticed and walked toward the luggage pick-up. Thankfully, their luggage had been taken off before they had left the plane. Troy found their things, and grabbed the three suitcases they had. Then they made their way slowly toward the front of the airport.

When they got there, three people were waiting for them, Tyler Williams, Alex Brown and Sam Keller. Tyler was six feet tall, with blonde hair, brown eyes and an award winning smile. He was always happy and full of energy and never said anything offensive. You always felt like you were important when you were with him. Alex was about the same height, expect with dark brown hair and hazel eyes. He was the more soft spoken of the threesome. He always tried to make it so everyone had what they wanted, not caring about himself. Alex was also the smarter one of the three. Although you wouldn't think it, he seemed to always know everything. The last of the trio was Sam. And he seemed to be a totally different person in himself. He was a shorter then the other two, but had a very athletic body. He had sandy blonde hair with mystifying blue eyes. He wasn't afraid of anything, and was always quick to respond on an assignment. Gabriella's favorite thing about him was that he was fun to tease, because he would just tease you right back. Sam was the kind of person you get to know, and then can't really live without.

As Tyler, Alex and Sam all smiled at Troy and Gabriella as they walked up to them, Gabriella couldn't help but love these brother-like men more.

"Hey Gabi, Troy, how was the honeymoon?" Tyler said shaking Troy's hand and giving Gabriella a big bear hug.

"It was amazing! I wish we were still there." Gabriella said, now giving Alex a hug.

"Did you guys hear that boom a while back? I though a bomb had exploded." Sam said waiting for his hug from Gabriella. Gabriella smiled, and hugged him tight, listening to Troy's explanation of what had happened.

"If we had been on that plane any longer, we wouldn't be here right now." Troy said as they loaded his and Gabriella's things into the car.

"Well, we're sure glad you guys aren't known for dawdling while you walk." Alex said while getting into the driver's seat. He started the car and started driving. For the remainder of the drive, Troy and Gabriella talked about their honeymoon.

About an hour later they reached Troy and Gabriella's new home. (Troy had bought one before their honeymoon). As they were unloaded the luggage, Tyler's cell phone rang and left so he could talk in silence. Alex and Sam helped put things in the house and waited for Tyler to finish his call. They didn't have to wait long. Tyler came in with a serious look on his face.

"We need to get back to the office." He said pointing to Alex and Sam. Gabriella and Troy walked them to the door.

"Thank you so much for picking us up. It was nice to see you guys again." Gabriella said waving to them. Troy put his arm around Gabriella as they waved good bye. Troy closed the door as Gabriella walked to the kitchen, admiring all the decorating. Troy followed her.

"Well, I guess I better break it in now. Besides, I'm hungry." Gabriella said. And with that she started working on dinner preparations. Troy smiled at his wife, glad to see she was so eager to run her own house. He walked to the living room and turned on the TV to a basketball game.

At 8:00 Troy was just finishing up the dishes, while Gabriella was in the shower, when the phone started to ring. Troy picked it up of the receiver.

"Hello?" He said into the phone.

"Hey Troy, its Tyler." Troy held the phone up against his ear with his shoulder so he could keep washing dishes as he talked.

"Oh hey man, what's up?" Troy said, rinsing off a plate.

"Crime, that's what's up. Listen Troy, we have a new assignment. Monte Malzahn has escaped from prison." Tyler said in a serious tone.

"You mean that crazy guy who wants to take over the world?" Troy asked, washing a pot in the sink.

"Yeah, he's out. And we've got to find them. Who knows what could happen if he stays out in the world long enough." Tyler said with a sigh. "We start on it tomorrow. The boss would have called you, but he didn't know when you were coming home."

Troy drained the water from the sink. "I understand, thanks for calling. I'll see you guys there tomorrow."

"Ok, later Troy."

Troy hung up the phone and sighed. This was the one problem with being a CIA agent. You always had something you were working on. Troy dried the dishes quickly and was putting the last dish away when Gabriella walked in with wet hair and pajamas on.

"Thanks for doing the dishes." She said walking over and giving him a quick kiss.

"Anything for my princess." Troy said smiling. But his smile vanished quickly as he wiped his hands with the towel. Gabriella noticed this.

"Troy, is there something the matter?" Gabriella asked, following him into their bedroom. Troy sighed as he lay down on the bed.

"I've got a new case." He said flatly. Gabriella stared at him. She knew he didn't like having to always have a case to work on. She walked over to him and sat on the bed with her legs crossed, looking down at him.

"Well, what's this one about?" she said, trying to seem positive.

"Monte Malzahn, ruler over the world wannabe, has escaped from prison. Tyler, Sam, Alex and I have to find him." Troy said shutting eyes tight.

"Well, that sounds……fascinating." Gabriella said not quite as enthusiastic as before. Troy rolled up onto his side and looked at her, taking her hand in his.

"No, it's not fascinating. I want to stay here with you." Troy said, pressing her palm against his cheek.

"Who says I won't be with you?" Gabriella said quickly. Troy sat up suddenly, making Gabriella jump.

"I'm not going to be putting you in any danger." Troy said a little too coolly. Gabriella glared at him.

"I've been with you through your last two cases. I'm not in any danger, as long as I'm with you." Gabriella said raising her voice and crossing her arms. Troy stood up in frustration.

"Gabriella, I'm not going to be putting you in harms way because of what I do. I don't know what I would do if anything happened to you. You attract trouble like a magnet, if you haven't noticed." Troy said, shouting this time. Gabriella flew off the bed to face him, angry tears starting to come.

"I did not marry you so I could stay home and wonder whether or not you're going to come home each night. Wherever you go, I go." Gabriella hollered back at him. Now Troy was fuming. Why wouldn't she listen to him?

"Gabriella, you will not go with me tomorrow and that's final." Troy bellowed. That was the last straw for Gabriella. She ran out of the room crying unmercifully. She pushed the front door open and ran into the night. She didn't know where she was going, as long as she wasn't where she had been.

Gabriella stopped at the end of the street, too drained to keep going. She collapsed on the curb and pulled her knees to her chest, crying into them. Over five minutes later, she wasn't crying quite as hard, and started to criticize herself for being so stupid. Why in the world had she done that? Troy just wanted her to be safe. He was just showing how much he cared for her. What might he be thinking now? A fresh wave of tears came on when Gabriella realized what she had done.

It had been 15 minutes since Gabriella had left the house, and Troy was starting to worry. He was pacing the living room floor, angry with himself. How could he have actually talked to her like that? He certainly wouldn't want to have to stay home by himself, worrying about Gabriella all day. Had he actually yelled at her? The look on her face when she ran out of the room was like a knife being driven into his heart. He had hurt her. And he had vowed he would never do that. And now he didn't know where she was. Wow, he had really blown it. It's been almost 20 minutes now. Troy grabbed his jacket and rushed out the door to look for her.

It didn't take him long to find her. He could see her at the end of the street, sitting on the curb, crying into her knees. Oh gosh, what have I done? Troy started to run down the street, calling her name.

"Gabriella!" Her head popped up at the sound of her name. It was Troy. Gabriella stood up and was immediately in his arms. Troy was kissing her eyes, cheeks, neck and lips over and over again. Tears once again started down Gabriella's face.

"Troy, I'm so sorry. You were right. I shouldn't have contradicted you." Gabriella said in a shaky voice, clinging to Troy.

"No, no, princess. It's my fault. I should have looked at it from your perspective. I'm so sorry." Troy said. Then his lips found hers, and he kissed her passionately. Gabriella shivered, unexpectedly, making Troy pull back. He took his jacket off and put it around her. He kissed her one more time, then put his arm around her while they walked down the street, back to their home.

(a/n: Okay, so I know I said I wasn't going to do another one in this series, but I have so much fun writing it, that I just had to write another one. This one is going to be the best yet. Please tell me how you like it, and I'm always open for suggestions for later in the story. Please read and review this chapter. Thanks)