A/N: Thank you so much for the reviews, I am supposed to be updating the power cut story, but I am so into this one right now, lol. It's like I'm torn between two loves, lol and this story won. Please enjoy this chapter it will only be Cam/Cuddy in the beginning oh and I know I said there was going to be smut last chapter but I have gone off the Cam/Cuddy smut at the moment, there will be no under the waist nudity for Cam and Cuddy, but not to worry I will add some House/Cameron smut in later chapters to make up for it.

Sorry for any inconvenience, lol. On with the story, please enjoy!

Cameron was all tensed up apart of her just wanted to strip Cuddy of any hope, although she doubted anything was going to happen anyway, the other part of her told her no, keep doing this see how far she goes, it may be fun. Cuddy knew that eventually Cameron would break whether it took that she had to show her breasts, she knew it would work eventually.

Because if Cameron is starting to think like House then she won't be able to resist the temptation, although Cuddy started to think that this might have worked better on House, but she decided it was more exciting doing it with Cameron.

"So are you going to tell me yet?" Cuddy asked her seductively.

"Um...," Cameron considered for a while, "nothing is going on, House is being House, Foreman has a giant crush almost as big as the one you have on me, Chase is girly and me I'm just a slut, who right now is two timing House with you," Cameron said deciding to play for some more.

"Wrong answer!" Cuddy said as she plunged her tongue back into Cameron's mouth. Cameron couldn't really believe it but it was actually kind of turning her on too, but she knew it was just because it was happening.

Cuddy had taken Cameron by surprise though, Cameron tried to escape the grasp of Lisa Cuddy but she had her pinned between herself and the wall, so it was useless.

"Tell me!" Cuddy demanded.

"NO!" Cameron yelled.

"So you admit that there is something going on? You just won't tell me what," Cuddy said with a conivving grin.

"Not that I won't, I want to but I can't," Cameron said, "House will fire me," Cameron said in between breaths.

"You will be safe, I won't allow him to fire you," Cuddy assured her.

Cameron considered it for a moment, "I can't I'm sorry, he will still find a way to make my life miserable," Cameron said because she knew Cuddy wouldn't give up.

"Come on Cameron, I am running out of options now," Cuddy said, "you are quite similar to House aren't you," she said with a smirk, "that means that there is one thing you can't resist."

Cameron was getting kind of worried about Cuddy now, when she said she would do anything, she really meant it.

"House would die to be in this position right now," Cuddy said as she reached for the top buttons of her blouse.

She slowly undid the buttons, and once they were all done she undone the back clasp of her bra and lowered it. Cuddy just looked at Cameron as Cameron was just staring at her wide eyed.

"So what's going on Cameron?" Cuddy asked her.

"A game.." Cameron said.

"A game? what game?" Cuddy asked knowing that she is getting closer and closer to the truth.

"We were bored," Cameron said slowly as she still stared, "we played truth or dare with a twist," Cameron blurted out. Soon after she wished she didn't though. Cuddy pulled back and put back on her shirt and bra.

"Thank you Dr. Cameron," Cuddy said grinning.

"Shit! House is gonna kill me, you can't tell him that I told you anything," Cameron said coming to a sudden realisation of what just happened, "and this what you just did to me, oh my god, Cuddy!" Cameron shrieked.

"Calm down, House doesn't need to know any of this," Cuddy said, trying to reassure her, "don't act as if you didn't enjoy it anyway," Cuddy smirked at her, "I know you enjoyed it as much as I did."

"I know you have a huge crush on me, what is everyone gonna think if I tell them?" Cameron said laughing.

"Well you won't, because I know you," Cuddy started, "you don't won't the humiliation of making out with the dean of medicine because some would believe that it's you trying to advance your career," Cuddy said.

Cameron was so appalled at what Cuddy said to her so she rewarded her with a slap across the face.

"Ouch!" Cuddy shrieked.

"How dare you! The game is going to continue whether you like it or not, you are not going to tell House you know or else you will face humiliation!" Cameron shrieked at her, "for once you have no control over the situation," Cameron said.

"But obviously I have some kind of control over you, if all I needed to do to get you to talk was take off my top and show you my breasts," Cuddy said about to laugh at how pathetic she was.

"I dealt with Cuddy," Cameron said as she walked into the conference room where the rest of them had retreated to, "she knows nothing, I made up a bunch of lies."

"What did you kiss her again and she folded," Chase joked.

Cameron didn't take that as a very funny joke, so she picked up the vase of flowers that were usually in the middle of the conference table and threw it across the room at Chase. It missed him though, it hit the wall and the pieces flew around him, one piece hit his arm giving him a slight cut nothing major though.

"Someones got a case of PMS," Chase then said straight after, ducking in case she threw anything else at him. But she didn't because House spoke up.

"Chase go get yourself patched up then you and Foreman go back to whatever you were doing before this whole Cuddy thing," House said, "we have a game to finish," House finished.

A/N: Please review, and tell me it didn't suck. Oh and I don't mean what I said in the beginning there is another chapter of my other story coming, lol. It is next on my long list of things to do lol.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter coz it may be the last until after new years, I will see how things go.