Yo! I'm going to write this story along with the other one because my brain can't focus on one thing alone; it has to have two things at least to focus. Here's some background.

The love of her life was ahead of her. The young girl kept running to catch him, but he kept getting further. "No, wait up!"

Then suddenly, everything started spinning and by the time it stopped she was at her homeroom. "Everybody turn in your test that determines is you turned into monkey or not." The young girl looked up at her teacher and then noticed her test contained her name and nothing else.





"NOOO, I don't want to be a monkey!" Makie woke up from her dream and quickly noticed everyone was looking at her. "Ah, don't worry Makie no one is going to turn you into a monkey." Makie looked at her teacher, embarrassed she had been caught sleeping in class, then smiled.

"Sorry, Takahata-sensei, I guess I tried too hard during morning practices, Heh heh." Takahata-sensei smiled and continued on with the lesson.

'Aw man, I almost got in trouble, wait there was another dream before the one about the monkey… what was it?' Makie deciding it couldn't be that important started paying attention to lesson, but the bell rang shortly after that. She picked up her stuff and walked to her next period which was science, but too the class 3-A it meant mad scientist, explosion, super, happy, fun-time!

Makie ran her slender fingers through her pink hair. She was dainty, but not like super skinny that people fear for her. She ate whatever she wanted and because of her intense rhythmic gymnastics workouts it all balanced out. She had a lot of friends, most of them were in 3-A, but no boyfriend. She had friends that were boys, but she didn't see them until after school and they usually were hard to find; except for Negi.

Negi was one of her best friends. They met about two years ago when she went into one of the bookstores owned by the school. She planned to buy another science book since the last one she had melt in class while the twins were playing with acids. Since she didn't really go to any bookstores, she asked a redhead worker there. He looked up and smiled at her and led her to the book. They talked to each other and had some laughs. The next couple of weeks she returned for a new book, but always for a different reason; Ku fei chop it in half practicing her marital arts, the twins set it on fire, Asuna threw it at Ayaka, but it went out the window, while it was raining.

After a while she started coming at least once a week, sometimes twice if something happened to her books, to talk to Negi. Then they started hanging out with each other and they eventually became good friends. They talk about almost everything. Makie couldn't put her finger, but she had a feeling that Negi was hiding something big from her.

Later during their last period, the so dread math class, a friend of hers came up to ask her something. "Makie, do you want to go get some ice cream?" Makie looked over at her roommate, Ako. She was fun to be with especially when all of the athletic girls got together and partied. Ako had also met Negi, with his friend Kotaro, and she was constantly blushing around his friend. Makie thought that maybe they should get together, but decided to entertain herself by watching them talk to each other. Then she smiled and thought of an idea. It may embarrass Ako and she won't like it, but she need help.

"Sure, Ako! Hey, let's call Negi-kun if he wants to go. I'll call him." Makie noticed the teacher was a little preoccupied with two very troublesome twins. She pulled out her cell phone and dialed Negi. 'He should be in his free period, so he should be fine.'

"Hello, Makie-chan what's going?" Makie could have sworn she heard an explosion in the background, but she decided that the connection was a little bad. 'An explosion is impossible; I mean this is ordinary boarding school.'

"Hey, do you want to go out for ice cream with me and Anko as soon as schools over?"

"Sure, Makie-chan I'll meet both of you at the World Tree."

"Great, oh and Negi-kun? Bring Kotaro-kun too!" Makie hung up her phone and noticed the twins were starting to calm. 'Always good for a good distraction, I'd treat them to ice cream too, but that like giving a squirrel coffee.' Makie grinned at the idea and looked over at the clock.

'Just enough time for a short nap, perfect.' Makie looked over and noticed the Asuna and Ayaka where about to get in another fight, which could last pretty long. Makie placed her head down and started to dream.

"Negi-kun!" The Englishmen turned his head at the voice knowing that the rest of the day would be amusing. The young girl was showing just how energetic she could be as she climbed up the stairs leading to the World Tree. Makie was wearing her blue skirt and pink shirt, which fades downwards to white. She stopped before crashing into Negi and Kotaro, then took a deep breath. Makie smiled and then turned around to check the whereabouts of her friend. Ako was breathing hard trying to get to the top of stairs.

"Makie… don't… run… so… fast." Ako had been struggling to keep up with the young gymnast. She was wearing the black jacket she always wore when she put on sleeveless shirts. Ako finally caught her breath again stood up.

"Okay, after that marathon can we go get some ice cream, please? Oh and can we walk this time; pretty, pretty please?" Ako was practically begging pulling her best puppy dog eyes. Kotaro was shifting uneasily, Makie smiled with a guilty face, and Negi smiled, reassuring the desperate girl.

"Don't worry we'll take it nice and steady, isn't that right Makie-chan?" Makie pouted and faked annoyance at the young wizard. Negi smirked at this and started off. Kotaro sighed and followed Negi, while Ako followed suit. Makie was pouting still and by the time she turned her head they were at the bottom of the World Tree stairs. Makie, bugged eye, started after them.

"Wait up, guys! Come on, Ako, I'm sorry!"

"Negi, guess what heard?" Negi was walking back from ice cream, because he thought a gentlemen should buy the ice cream and Kotaro said that he wasn't a gentlemen.

"What did you hear, Kotaro-kun?" As he sat into his chair of the circular table and passed everyone their ice cream.

"Well, there's a martial arts tournament coming up! It's going to happen during the Mahora Festival and everything!" Negi and Makie sweat dropped. Kotaro always got excited about any upcoming marital arts tournament. Ako smiled at this and thought that Kotaro might be a little excitable.

"That's great Kotaro-kun, but maybe you should wait until you can beat Ku-chan." Lately, Kotaro had been challenging Ku Fei everyday hoping to defeat her. He started doing this about five months ago, but he always ends up tardy to his first period because of his visits to the nurse.

"Master Ku is pretty strong and so you shouldn't let it get to you Kotaro-kun." Negi recalled the first time he saw Ku Fei fighting. She was sending fighters flying everywhere. Negi had almost been squished by a fighter that ate his weight a day.

'Ku-chan may be strong, but she's crazy.' Makie remembered the day Negi asked the martial artist to be his master. After she agreed, Ku made him ran up and down all the stairs leading up to the World Tree, twenty times…. in an iron suit. Makie had joined Negi that day to support him, but ended up needing Negi to support her that night so that she could make it back to her dorm without falling… too much.

"Well guys we should get going now." Ako started to get up.

"Ako, why are we going so soon, it's only seven." Ako blinked and then sighed realizing that her friend forget. 'At this rate she will always be baka-pink.'

"Makie, we have a test tomorrow," Makie blinked once and Ako continued "in English tomorrow, the big test." Makie blinked twice. Ako took a deep breath and counted to three.

"The summative test and you totally forgot didn't you?" Ako sighed once again.

"No, no, no, no, I'm really bad at English. Negi-kun, can you help me, English is your native language, please! One more bad grade and I won't be allowed to go my rhythmic gymnastics club, please!" Negi, knowing full well what her club meant to her, agreed.

"Well, guys have fun studying. Negi, I won't be at the sleeping at the dorm today because I'll be doing some training for tomorrow morning." Kotaro of course was referring to his challenge against Ku Fei. Then he started off to begin his thirty minute run around the school.

"Come on guys, let's go and study." Ako urged them on to hurry so her pink headed friend could pass a test.

They had been studying for a while, when Ako's cell phone started ringing. "Hello, what's up? What… how did the twins get cut… shurikens? I told them to stop playing with those the last three times they got cut. I will be right there." Ako picked up her stuff and headed out the door. Right before she left, the class medic turned to Makie and Negi.

"Makie, you should stay and study here a little while longer, you really need it." Makie mumbled under her breath about not needing to add the part about really needing the help.

Ako left, and Makie turned to Negi and then they continued to study.

All alone in room, but all they're doing is studying, so nothing is going to happen. Right? You will just have to wait for Part 2.