Yo! One thing I want to change. School doesn't start in one week for me, it starts tomorrow. I promise to try to keep up with my schedule! By the way, I haven't done this in awhile so thank you; Jayme F. Midorikawa, Talks to Himself, and buzzbros.

Nodoka let out a defeated sigh, as the three geishas ran out of the café. 'Great, now we are the only weird people in here.' They were sitting in a booth touching the corner. Konoka and Haruna sat on the edge, since they wanted to spy on the couple. Nodoka noticed a waitress walk up to them.

"Can I get you anything?" The two spies broke out of trance and looked at the menu. Nodoka scanned the menu and noticed Yue put her juice down. "Do you have something that can put some energy in me?" The waitress thought for second and smiled. "How about trying out the 'blue hedgehog'? It is supposed to make you have enough energy to run faster than the speed of sound." Yue closed her eyes and nodded. Nodoka order a vanilla cone, while the two spies order lattes and continued with their 'activities'. As they continued to spy, Yue and Nodoka began talking.

"Yue, what do you think its like to kiss somebody?" Yue stared at her. "I'm not sure Nodoka. I would imagine it's like kissing something soft, kind of like a marshmallow." Nodoka became quiet for a moment. Yue closed her eyes and continued to think about the question. 'What would it be like?' The door opened again as the geishas returned. They gave the employee a radio and a song started to play. The opening beat was matched by Ako's heart beat. It was moderately fast. Ako looked over at song awaited for the lyrics.

'In the brightest hour of my darkest day I realized what is wrong with me' Ako smiled. So far, the song had been talking about the worst times in his life. 'The next part is probably about meeting the girl and she helps him out.'

'Can't get over you. Can't get through to you It's been a helter-skelter romance from the start' Ako paused for a second. 'Helter-skelter means something, what was it again? Wait, it means chaotic.' Ako began to sweet and looked over at Negi, who was smiling back at her.

'Take these memories that are Haunting me Of a paper man cut into shreds by his own pair of scissors He'll never forgive her...he'll never forgive her...' Makie saw the worried look on Ako that started forming and felt odd. She excused herself and went into the restroom. She went up to the mirror and saw something she feared; the look of relief. 'Why I'm I relieved? Ako is losing her confidence about her relationship. Is it because I might, maybe, a little like Negi-kun in that way?' Makie splashed herself with water and then walked outside to catch the end of the song.

'Because days come and go, but my feelings for you are forever' Ako started to relax a little, and then Negi started to talk to her. "Ako, are you okay?" Ako smiled, but kept her ears at the radio, just listening to the lyrics. The song was finally ending with a quiet noise.

'One last kiss, before I go, Dry your tears, it is time to let you go, one last kiss' Ako listened to words fade away, and then excused herself from the booth. She walked outside and stood by a tree. 'Are we destined to just break up eventually?'

She stared out into the distance, letting the wind blow through the hair, and waited for an answer, but none came. A hand landed on her shoulder and Ako turned around. One of the three geishas had come to comfort her, but then she noticed something. "Makie? Oh no, I didn't know you were a geisha. Makie if you need money I can lend you some. Is this the reason your food looks weird? You were so distraught about the need for money that you messed up your cooking." Makie was speechless. Ako was reaching into her purse for some money, when Makie stopped her.

"No, Ako it's just a costume, wait, what's wrong with my cooking." Ako stopped and put the money back in her purse, and then held it while she waved her left hand in front of her face. "N-nothing, it's great." Makie gave her glare, and then switched to a sympathetic smile. "I noticed that you were staring at the radio. We guessed it was because you were worried about the song. Why were you worried about the song?" Ako sighed and stared up in the sky. A single cloud floated aimlessly across the sky. It had a grayish hue to it. The cloud made Ako remember the moment where her life had also gone a little grey.

"Do remembered when I was turned down by that guy, Makie?" Makie closed her eyes with a glum look on her face. Ako had been depressed after that and did not leave the room for anything, other than school. But 3-A helped her with the emotional wound and she returned to herself, although she still had the scar in her heart. 'She has two scars, one in the inside and one on the outside.'

"Well, I figured that if I knew that they liked me, then it would be easy to confess, but the song… do you think it was an omen?" Makie grabbed her hands and smiled. "Omens aren't real Ako. If you really like Negi-kun in that way then it doesn't matter." Makie twitched a little at the pain she felt in her soul.

Ako looked at Makie and nodded her head. Then she ran back to her date leaving Makie alone. "Please don't let their hearts become broken."

Yuna noticed Ako return to the café without Makie. She wondered what they talked about, but it was better to be patient. "Yuna, Makie is signaling us to come outside." Yuna looked over at Akira and nodded. They ran out the café, but not before Ako noticed them. Yuna smiled and gave her thumbs up as she went through the door.

They walked for awhile before noticing the looks people were giving them. They decided to change after an old man started to walk up to them. They went into a store and then the bathroom. Yuna handed them their clothes and went into the stall last. She grabbed her clothes and smirked. "Let's see… I remember now." She whispered a word and a glow came out of her finger. Her clothes glowed along with the geishas clothes and then stopped. She was now wearing her jeans and her sleeveless shirt. She grinned and then walked out of the stall. She looked over at the girls and walked up to them. Makie glanced in her direction. "That was fast. What did you do?" Yuna washed her hands and smiled at her. "Oh, I used magic." Makie let out a short laugh, as did Akira. They left the store and proceed to the dorms.

Nodoka and Yue stared in wonder. Haruna was talking to Konoka, spying on the couple, and drinking lattes, at the same time. Even Konoka had raised her eyebrow in curiosity at the girl who drinking and talking and spying. Nodoka was so distracted that she had yet to taste her vanilla cone, which had started to drip on her hand. Yue had just received her drink and was about to taste it when Haruna started to speak with her drink. Haruna put her drink down and order another. Nodoka looked over at Negi and Ako, who where still talking about how crazy some people where. Makie had come up first, and then it was Kotaro. Negi had just finished the story of Natsumi's first kiss, when Yue took a sip of her drink.

"Nodoka, do you think it's time we go yet?" Nodoka nodded and the talked to the spies. Konoka agreed to leave and Haruna was a little disappointed that nothing interesting happened. As they stood up to leave, Negi and Ako paid and started to the door. Haruna got a glint in her eye and slammed some money down. Then she started to chase after them. Konoka sighed and ran in front of her. "Haruna, come on it's getting late and they're probably going home or taking a short walk." Haruna gave her a puppy dog face, but Konoka stayed firm. Haruna nodded and started towards the dorms. "Hey, is that a fortune telling booth?"

"Where?" Haruna then made a run for it. Yue and Nodoka walked out and saw Konoka looking around for the something. Yue stared blankly. "I think Haruna tricked her with the fortune telling booth trick, again." Nodoka nodded and walked over towards Konoka. "I'll handle Konoka this time. Now, we know how to bring her back from her stupor." Yue smiled and ran after the rumor monger. Nodoka turned to her and pulled out an eight ball. "I hope this works." Nodoka raised it over her head and smacked Konoka's noggin. The quick movement caused the eight ball to give an answer to Konoka's question. Konoka shook her head and looked down. "Nowhere near, but I wanted to get my fortune told." She looked up at Nodoka and then the eight ball. "She tricked me again didn't she?" Nodoka nodded and started pursuit.

Kotaro looked up. 'Okay if I'm right the first window should be Natsumi's room.' He walked up and knocked on the window. "Natsumi it's me, Kotar- hmph!" Kotaro fell on the floor and was followed by an alarm clock. He looked up and took a short glimpse of a very angry Natsumi. Even worse, she was just about to go to the baths and only had a towel on. "Now you're trying to peek on me naked! You pervert!" She picked up a chair and threw it out the window, but it missed and it was destroyed on the grass. Kotaro put his hand in front of his face. "Natsumi, I would never look at your naked body!" Natsumi stopped her rage for a second and then resumed it. "So are you saying I'm so ugly that I'm not even worth looking at?!" Kotaro shook his head, while in fear for his life. "NO, I'm sure you're pretty hot and sexy naked." Natsumi face turned even redder and then grabbed the TV. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'RE SURE?" Kotaro realized his mistake and tried to jump behind a tree. Keyword here is tried. Natsumi threw the TV and nailed him into said tree.

Natsumi huffed and turned around. "Hello Natsumi, is your Romeo outside?" Natsumi muttered no and walked past her roommate Chizuru. "He's not my Romeo, but it looks like he is my stalker." Chizuru smiled and looked out to see Kotaro trying to escape his predicament. She turned to see Natsumi about to exit the room. "Natsumi, he took the trouble to come here so maybe you should listen to him." Natsumi walked past her and muttered "Older people always think they're right."

"What was that Natsumi-chan?" Natsumi glanced in her direction and bounded back in fear. 'Is there fire in her eyes?' She dismissed it with a wave and walked over to the window. "What do you want?" Kotaro was now on the floor and looked up from the ground. "I came to say I'm sorry and this time I'm not close enough to kiss you." Natsumi started to walk away and then Kotaro started with his plan.

"Um, But, soft! What light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun. Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon, Who is already sick and pale with grief, That thou her maid art far more fair than she: Be not her maid, since she is envious; Her vestal livery is but sick and green And none but fools do wear it; cast it off." Natsumi widened her eyes. "Kotaro that was amazing." Kotaro rubbed his head. "Yeah, I figured that this was pretty important to you, so I worked really hard." Natsumi looked at him for a second. She turned around and Kotaro sighed in defeat. "Go get some sleep. You are going to need it after that performance. By the way, I forgive you." Kotaro smirked and started to walk off. "Just don't do it again."

Kotaro heard the last part and smiled and ran off back to his dorm. Natsumi smiled at his antics and proceed to the baths. "Natsumi are you starting to fall for him?" Natsumi turned towards her roommate and scowled in disgust. "Yeah, like that's going to happen. I just respect a guy who can act."

Yue ripped off her disguise and turned a corner to find the couple. She looked around and heard noise coming from the alley nearby. She squints, her eyes, and sees red clouds from the disguise. She walked into the alley. "Haruna, stop following them and let's go home." Suddenly, a clay bunny shot out of the darkness and landed in front of her. Yue picked it up and stared. 'What is this supposed to do?' Then, right on time, an explosion erupted from the bird. Haruna ran through the smoke that had appeared. Yue had a bored and annoyed look on her face when the smoke cleared.

"That's it. I'm going to catch her now." Yue searched her pockets, while she ran after her. 'Haruna is faster than me. I need some energy and fast. Huh?' Yue pulled out a juice box. 'Enough energy to run faster than the speed of sound. I doubt I will move that fast, but it's worth a shot.' Yue put her lips on the straw and suck the juice out. She widened her eyes at the end and exploded towards Haruna. She jumped up and tackled her. "Gotcha, gotcha! Now you have to go back to the dorm! Yay!" Haruna stared at the girl who was now jumping up and down. Nodoka and Konoka arrived at that moment to view this oddity.

"What did you do to her?" Haruna shrugged at Nodoka and stood up slowly. Konoka sighed and grabbed the eight ball that Nodoka was holding and walked behind Yue. Bam! Yue was lying on the ground twitching. "Grab her and let's go."

Negi and Ako were at the girls' dorm and talking. "I had a nice time today." Negi nodded and then received a kiss on the cheek. Then he proceeded to walk home.

Later at the dorms, Negi opened his dorm to be met by the sight of Kotaro eating some ramen and Chamo staring him down. "You talked to her all night? Negi next time you are on a date put some moves on the girl!" Negi sweat dropped and then went to sleep.

Kotaro looked at him and then turned to Chamo. "Oh Natsumi isn't mad at me anymore." Chamo nodded and promptly fell asleep. Kotaro yawned curled up on the floor.

Makie pulled out the watch she had bought. Ako fell asleep after she arrived and left Makie to her thoughts. 'The Countdown Watch, huh. What should I ask it first?' Makie rubbed her eyes and put her head on her pillow and slept.
Later guys! Don't forget to review!