A/N: Once again, I am terribly behind on review replies and I know it probably doesn't mean much now but I will catch up, both with the ones left for this story and for The Green Files. I'm very sorry, and I do truly appreciate any and all reviews. School has simply taken over my life at the moment, and if I want to get into grad school, I have to make good grades.

That said, we'll move on to Jinx, the subject of this 20Truths. She's a great character, even if I am flailing around just a little bit when I write her, and it's too bad she was only in, what, five episodes? Yet another reason why I wish the series had continue--the writers develope a minor character into someone very colorful and interesting, and then everything ends. That fact made this 20Truth just a little bit difficult to do and most of the information here is a mix of slight comic references, speculation, and my own imagination. Also, no one get upset about the references to pairings I've made. In all honesty, I'm more of a Cy/Jinx fan but most of what's here is KF/Jinx because that's what the series left us with.

Anyway, I hope everyone enjoys this update and more will be coming in the future, along with those review replies.

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

20Truths: Jinx

1. She isn't a good person but she thinks the only thing truly bad about her is her luck.


2. She had parents once, and they loved her very much. They called her their "lucky charm" but that luck didn't save them when they got sick and it didn't help them have enough money to pay for treatment at a hospital. Jinx was taken to the US after they died, and even though it's been a long time since then, sometimes she misses her mom and dad so much it hurts.


3. Her powers are…difficult to explain. She uses magic but she's never had anyone teach her anything and she's never read a spell book. She just knows how to use her abilities, like it's an instinct or something. Of course, things go wrong with them sometimes but it's always been like that. She's always been like that. It's how she got the name "Jinx."


4. She did have a name before "Jinx." She just doesn't remember it.


5. The first thing she ever stole was an umbrella. She'd just escaped some crappy orphanage in a city she can't remember the name of and it was the middle of a rainy night. She used her powers to break the glass window of a general store—and accidentally broke every glass object within the place. Alarms were going off so she grabbed an umbrella and ran until her eight-year-old legs gave out from under her.


6. Her hair is natural. Her eyes are natural. She's really getting tired of being asked those questions.


7. She never set out to be a criminal and joining the HIVE was less of a desire to cause mass destruction and more of a matter of survival. She was a teenaged, pink-haired freak with no parents, no home, and a tendency to naturally attract bad luck. The only thing she was good at was magic, and the only people who didn't seem to hate her were Gizmo (who she'd found hiding out in a run-down playground, fiddling with his first attempt at his hover ring and grumbling about showing it off to a bunch of "scum-slurping slug butts" who'd been beating up on him) and Mammoth (who had just received his bulk and hair from a steroid experiment that went way, way wrong). They took care of each other and tried to keep to themselves but when trouble kept finding them—trouble being all the punks who wanted to pick fights because of the color of her hair or Giz's size or Mammoth's slight stench—Jinx came to a decision. Well, fuck it, she thought. If the rest of the world has a problem with us then we'll at least give them a reason to be so afraid. They're not going to push us around anymore.

She, Gizmo, and Mammoth joined HIVE the next day.


8. She really hates those e-surance commercials.


9. For the HIVE Superlative Awards, she won Most Likely to Join a Punk Rock Band three years in a row. She's oddly proud of that, even if she isn't sure how fitting it is.


10. She doesn't like to admit it but she always kind of admired the Titans. Sure, they were enemies and all and they were certainly bad for business but it wasn't like she ever hated them. She thought it was funny how Beast Boy would pester Raven while the dark girl pretended not to like the attention, and she—just like everyone else in Jump City—had a pool going on just how long it would take for Robin to ask Starfire out. She liked that Cyborg had an awesome car and took care of his friends, just like she took care of Giz and Mammoth. She'd always thought that they were probably all pretty cool once you got to know them.

Jinx just didn't think she'd ever have a chance to get to know them.


11. The most frustrating thing about being the HIVE's resident "tough girl" was that everyone always used to forget about the 'girl' part. Sure, she liked that she was considered just as good as—and usually better than—any of the guys but was it so hard to remember that she wasn't a guy? She thinks that's what made her like Stone so much—he didn't forget. He accepted her as a reliable teammate who just happened to be a girl. He didn't laugh when she watched Moulin Rouge. Instead, he sat down and watched it with her. They both got a little misty-eyed during the final scene but then they looked at each other. A second later, they were both laughing so hard, they really did start crying.


12. Her favorite color isn't pink. She likes turquoise.


13. He kept the thorns on the rose he gave her. Jinx thinks that may be why she's attracted to Kid Flash.


14. She's always considered herself a strong person. That didn't keep her from crying the night after she left the HIVE Five.


15. She has pictures of the Titans from the Mother Mae-Eye incident. She's still debating on whether or not to post them on the internet.


16. Sometimes she wonders if Mammoth and Gizmo hate her now. They probably do (or they'll at least act like they do) but she can't blame them. She never promised to be around forever but if she had things to do over again, she wouldn't have just left them like that. She would have at least gone back to tell them goodbye.


17. Yes, she's seen Cyborg. Yes, she knows he's sorry. Yes, she knows it hurts him to see her with Kid Flash. Yes, that bothers her.

No, she's not ready to talk to him yet.


18. She chats online with See-More every now and then. The connection is safe and she never says anything about the Titans but those are only precautions. She doubts he'd turn her in to the others. He's too nice of a guy.

Of course, the fact that she has him half-convinced to leave HIVE also helps…


19. This hero thing really isn't her style and she doubts she'll ever be completely comfortable with it. People still give her weird looks on the street. People still call her names when they don't think she'll hear. People still sneer and treat her like she's nothing more than a superhero wannabe.

But she's okay with that now and she'll still save those people's asses later—but not for them. She'll do it for Kid Flash and the other Titans. They're just like her and after all, Jinx has always been good at taking care of her fellow freaks.


20. Joan Jett so wrote "Bad Reputation" just for her.