Lisa: I came across this idea when watching cut scenes of a game I now so want called haunting ground…it looks cool…and it basically gave me this idea for a fan fic…possible mpreg…not sure as of yet though…anyway here's a summary.

Summary- Yami Has Been Having Weird Dreams Lately With Some Guy Saying That He Wants His Body For Something…Bakura Worried For Yami's Safety Vows To Protect Him At All Costs No Matter What. Who Knew That All This Weird Stuff Was Relating To A Castle Just 5 Miles Away

Lisa: I know the summary sucks…but I'll make improvements as time goes on -- knowing me…anyway this fan fic will have two OC of my own creation…they just won't have names at the moment…but I will describe them…one's a man the other is a woman…there the only two I'm 100 sure off…I might add a little girl but still unsure for reasons

The Man- The Man Is In His 20-30's And Is Very Mysterious…He Is The Guy That Is Haunting Yami's Dreams…But Why???? You'll Have To Wait To Find Out

The Woman- The Woman Looks About 20-21…She Very…How Do I Put It…Odd…You'll See What I Mean Later On In The Story…She Has Long Brown Hair That Is Curly It The Front…Her Eye's Are A Very Dark Purple…And She Wears Very Gothic Like Clothes…Like In Medieval Times Or Something Like That.

Lisa: I'm not going to describe the man for he hasn't yet shown his face…so until then it's a secret…anyway on with the show…I mean fan fic

Italics - Dream

"Speech Marks And Italics" - Thought

Just thought you should know

Disclaimer- I Do Not Own Yu-Gi-Oh! The Only Thing I Own In This Fan Fic Are The Two OC's

Haunting Ground

Footsteps were heard though out the many halls of a dank, dark, creepy castle as a boy was running for his life as a voice was heard where ever he went "LEAVE ME ALONE" the boy shouted as he tripped and fell on the floor.

As the boy quickly got up and started to run again the voice was heard once more "then give me what I want pharaoh and there will be no harm done"

"I WON'T GIVE YOU MY BODY SO STOP ASKING…IT'S NOT YOURS TO HAVE" the boy once again shouted as he once again tripped over but he couldn't get up again as he was weak from running to much "why do you want it so much?" the boy asked as he still tried to get up.

"I need the power that you have…you don't use it…so if you lend me your body I'll take it from you" the voice said as the boy looked around "well you can't have it" the boy said still looking around.

"Like you have a choice I'm going to get your body and you power whether you like it or not" the voice said as it started to laugh "no…no…NO YOU WON'T" the boy shouted as the voice continued to laugh.

"Yami!!!!! Yami!!!!! Wake Up!!!" Someone said speaking over the voices laughter as the boy had started to wake up look opened his eyes to see a boy shaking him slightly.

The boy who was shaking the sleepy boy had long hair a shade of light purple and had brown eyes "good Yami your awake, I thought you wouldn't for a moment there" The boy said sighing as the other boy named Yami sat up "oh I'm sorry Bakura…I just had that nightmare again" Yami said as he put a hand on his head.

"You've been having those dreams for a while now…don't you think it means something by now" the guy who we now know as Bakura said as Yami shook his head "I don't know, most likely there is someone that is after me for my body and something about a power I have"

"Well whoever that guy is he isn't going anywhere near you…not while I'm here anyway" Bakura pulling Yami into a hug as Yami wrapped his arms around Bakura's waist as he leaned into the hug.

"Everything will be ok Yami" Bakura said as he slightly started to stroke his hair to try and calm his lover down as Yami gripped tighter on to Bakura "thanks Bakura for still being with me though this time"

"Your welcome you know I'll always be there for you" Bakura said as Yami lifted up his head to look at Bakura "your right" Yami said as he smiled as Bakura let go of him "anyway time to eat"

"Ok then…is it ok with a come with, I don't like being alone by myself for much time" to look at Bakura "your right" Yami said as he smiled as Bakura let go of him "anyway time to eat"

"Ok then…is it ok with a come with, I don't like being alone by myself for much time" Yami said as Bakura nodded "yeah you can f you want"

"Thanks again" Yami said leaping out of bed onto Bakura's back as he nearly fell over as Bakura smiled as he started to take Yami down the stairs.

As they got down the stairs Bakura went to start cooking the breakfast "Yami you could set up the table for breakfast if you like" Bakura said as he started to cook and Yami nodded "ok then, will do" Yami said going to get two plates, two knifes and two forks as he set them out of the table.

Yami sat down in his face as he heard something that sound close by "Yami if you want to find out about the dream that you've been having then go to Domino Castle…the answers you seek will be there"

Yami looked around to see if anyone was near by but he could see anyone but Bakura… and he knew for a fact that Bakura doesn't sound like a little girl. Yami sat there thinking of whom that voice could have been as Bakura came with eggs and bacon and served up.

"Thanks Bakura" Yami said with a smile as Bakura sat down and smiled "hope you like…I never actually cooked eggs before…so this was my first try…had to phone Ryou for instructions yesterday" Bakura said as Yami started to laugh and Bakura shook his head.

"Maybe after this we could go on a nice long walk ok Yami" Bakura said as he started to eat.

"Yeah ok then good idea, try to keep my mind off the dream" Yami said with a smile as he to had started to eat.

Both Bakura and Yami had finished their breakfast at the same time as yami went to gather the plates "it's my turn to do the washing, since you did the cooking" yami said going into the kitchen to start cleaning the dishes as Bakura stood by the door "ok then I'll quickly go get changed ok" Bakura said leaving as Yami nodded "ok then"

As Bakura was upstairs Yami washed the dishes as he started to hear the little girls voice again "go to the castle, find out the truth to the dream, find out what you want to know, but if you do be careful ok"

Yami nodded to himself as Bakura appeared once again by the door "Yami you've started to wash your own hands now" Bakura said as Yami snapped back and looked down to see that he was indeed scrubbing his hands "oh sorry about that" Yami said emptying the sink and turned around.

"That's ok Yami you were just spaced out…you couldn't help it at all" Bakura said going to him and pulling Yami into a hug "now you can go and get ready for our walk ok"

"Ok then Bakura" Yami said with a smile as Bakura let go "want me to be there with you?"

"No it's ok I can get changed by myself without going off into space" Yami said giggling slightly as he turned around and started to walk to Bakura's room.

Yami got there and looked in the wardrobe for something to wear for that day "these will go nicely together" Yami said picking out an outfit and closed the wardrobe door and turned around.

Yami turned around and came face to face with someone he didn't recognise. It was a man, between his 20's and 30's with a hood over his face, so Yami couldn't quite make the guy out.

The man spoke which made Yami realise who this guy really was as he started to back away "just leave me alone please what do you want?"

The guy kept moving forwards towards Yami as he held out his hand "pharaoh I know secretly that you want to go find out but are to scared to, I'm just, how to you put it giving you that little push that you need" the guy said as Yami shook his head "no go away, I don't want to find out I know what you want from me" Yami said as he backed into a wall.

The guy moved forward towards Yami smiling underneath his hood as his hand was still holding out towards Yami "looks like you don't have much room left to get away from me, so just except it and come with me"

"Never, I will never go with you" Yami said his hands searching for something to possibly hit the guy with "well you maybe lucky this time round, but you won't next time" the guy said as he suddenly disappeared as Bakura entered the door "I heard something you ok Yami?"

"Yeah, I'm ok now…think I was seeing things" Yami said as he went and sat on the bed "but was it a dream…or was he really here in this room trying to take me away?"

As Yami pondered that thought Bakura went and sat by Yami who had spaced out again "Yami maybe the walk will do you the world of good, maybe we should call Yugi and Ryou to…then you'll won't keep spacing off like this" Bakura said sighing and kissing Yami on the head and ruffling up his hair.

Yami came back to earth as he smiled and leaned on Bakura "whatever you say Bakura, if you think it will help" Yami said looking up at Bakura who just sighed "do you even know what I'm talking about right now?"

Yami sat there and thought about it as he really didn't know what Bakura jut said because he was to busy thinking about who the guy was and why he wanted his body so much. "It was about the walk right?" yami said looking at Bakura.

"That wasn't all of it" Bakura said getting up "I'll go call Yugi, hopefully you won't go off into space when he's around" Bakura said leaving the room as Yami sat there still pondering about the guy "what could he do with my body…doesn't make me want to wonder…but I remember he said something about power in my sleep…whatever that it…anyway I better get changed before Bakura gets annoyed"

As Yami was getting changed upstairs Bakura had gone downstairs and had picked up the phone and dialled a number for Yugi's house. Bakura waited as the phone rang as he then heard a voice at the other end of the telephone "hello this is Yugi Motou speaking" the voice said as Bakura spoke "hi Yugi, it's Bakura, is it ok if you come for a walk with Yami and me, it's because Yami hasn't really been himself much lately and I think you being there will help him a bit"

"Ok then I'll come over with Ryou and we'll all go together, by the way, how long has it been since this all started?" Yugi said down the telephone as Ryou was walking around trying to wake up.

"Ummmmm about one months ago I think" Bakura said trying to think as he head a bang "don't worry Bakura that was in my end…Ryou's so sleepy that he walked into the door that he forgot he closed."

"That's not good but it is as that it wasn't Yami, anyway thanks for helping out, see you soon" Bakura said putting the phone down as he saw Yami starting to come down the stairs "well Yugi is coming over so once he gets here we can go for that walk" Bakura said as he went to sit on the sofa with yami sitting on his lap.

"You like sitting there don't you" Bakura said as Yami leaned on him and nodded "I like sitting on your lap, it's comfy" Yami said smiling a cheeky smile as Bakura held him close.

Yami leaned on Bakura closely feeling the warmth of the boy as he smiled "I like sitting on him for the closeness to…I like to feel that he is there" Yami thought as Bakura saw Yami smiling "you thinking of something good to make you smile like that" Bakura said messing up his hair as yami laughed "I'm thinking of why I sit on your lap…it makes me happy"

"That's cute" Bakura said as they both heard the knock on the door and then a bang "guessing that's Ryou and Yugi…the bang coming from Ryou" he said sighing as Bakura went to get the door "hi Yugi…Ryou hit the door didn't he" he said looking at ryou he was rubbing his head "maybe this walk will wake you up…even though you are not a morning person"

Yugi dragged Ryou in as they both saw Yami sitting on the sofa "you ok Yami?" Yugi asked going to him as he nodded "yeah I'm find at the moment" Yami answered as he got up from the sofa and went to Bakura holding his hand "well we should start going for this walk you keep talking about then" Yami said with a smile as Bakura nodded "ok then, lets go guys" Bakura said leaving through the front door, making sure to have his keys and waited for Yugi and Ryou to leave the house before he locked the door.

When the two had left they stood next to Yami as Bakura shut the door and locked it up "right come on everyone lets go for a walk" Bakura said once again grabbing Yami's hand and started to walk with Yugi holding Ryou's hand hoping Ryou doesn't fall asleep while standing up again.

Ryou had ended up fall asleep leaning on Bakura so Bakura decided to carry him on his back "doesn't look like he'll be wide awake anytime soon" Bakura said carrying him as Yugi shook his head slightly.

As they continued there walk Yami noticed the castle "what's that place?" Yami asked pointing towards the castle in the distance "oh that's Domino castle, it's said to be haunted" Yugi said walking next to Bakura as Yami stopped and both yugi and Bakura still walked on without realising that Yami had stopped.

Yami stood still as he looked at the castle "so that's where the voices are telling me to go, it sure looks creepy, but if I should go or not is the question that I'm not even sure how to answer" Yami thought as Yugi had come back "come on Yami, Bakura's gone on ahead so we better catch up now" Yugi said grabbing Yami's hand and dragged him

"The answer to what you seek is at Domino Castle"

Lisa: well I'm going to leave it at that line xD…so thanks for reading….i do many things based on stuff I like mainly and thing that could go well…like at the moment I'm planning on doing The Mummy…I love that film, once again it will be Darkshipping…and the characters are(The ones I know 100):

Rick- Bakura

Evelyn- Yami

Imhotep- Priest Seto (well who else would suit)

Jonathan- Ryou (In this case Ryou and Yami would be related…my mate's idea…I originally planned it to be Joey…then my mates said Ryou would suit…I thought about it…and he did xD)

Well there are the only one's I'm sure about at the moment…anyway hope you enjoyed the chapter xD