Erasers came at us from all sides, clawing and biting furiously. We jumped in the air, only to find giant swarms of flying ones.

"Fang! Ig! Gaz! Handle the ones down there. Angel, Nudge, and I will stay up." I barked just as a flying eraser came and hit Nudge on the side of the head. She managed to keep her balance and then charged at that thing like there was no tomorrow.

Angel was having fun, using her mind control to do all sorts of damage. I, on the other hand, was struggling a bit to fight off the 15 erasers that had ganged up on me. I was just about to ram one in the stomach when I heard Fang shout, "Iggy! Iggy watch out!" I figured Gazzy must have been setting off another bomb, so I ignored Fang's yells.

The sky was mostly clear in a few minutes, so I swooped down to help the guys fight off what seemed to be about 20 or 30 non- air born mutants. Suddenly Angel screamed and pointed to a limp figure being tossed around by a couple of erasers. I looked around. There was Fang…the Gasman…Nudge and Angel…but where was… "Oh my g…Iggy!" I shouted and ran towards him. The half- human half- wolves must have sensed me coming, because all of them automatically turned and snarled. I braced myself, and then lunged at them angrily.


Iggy laid motion less on the ground. Fang and Gazzy came up behind me, bleeding and furious. Nudge and Angel dropped along side them and looked down at Ig. We all stood in silence.

"Is he…alive?" the Gasman asked, reaching down to feel Iggy's pulse. More silence. We all knew what that meant.

Fang draped the body over his shoulder and began to walk.

"Come on guys," I said, reaching for Angel's hand. "Let's go."