Chapter 1

Remus looked up from the History of Magic test he was writing. Glancing slightly in front of him he could see Sirius's test paper, discarded, half finished on the friend's desk. Sirius himself was relaxing in his chair, balancing precociously on its back two legs.

Remus watched Sirius as he teetered back and forth, fingering his wand; his eyelids drooped, and he looked utterly bored. Swallowing slowly, Remus slid his finger into his collar, loosening his neck tie.

Remus Lupin was fully aware that he was, as others had put it, a pretty boy. With soft blonde hair and brown eyes, he could easily turn heads with one seductive glance. But, being reserved and modest, the handsome boy rarely took advantage of his looks, keeping to himself, and avoiding any unwanted attention.

His best friend Sirius Black, on the other hand, relished the spotlight. Although not as classically good looking as Remus, Sirius's intelligent eyes, mischievous grin, and animated personality caused him to come off as sexy and confident. Sirius never cared much for his appearance, not bothering to tuck in his shirt; his grey sweater always tied jauntily over his shoulders. He always let his hair grow a tad too long, and it was constantly messy due to the fact that Sirius rarely brushed it. But despite all of this, Sirius remained the most popular and beloved boy in school. Remus attributed this to Sirius's ability to charm a person into loving him, within minutes of their meeting. The way someone could look into Sirius's eyes and become entranced by their intensity and power.

Trying to return his attention back to his own test, he looked down at his parchment, but Remus found the questions so painfully dull, that his eyes unknowingly wandered back up, to once again watch Sirius (who now seemed to have fallen asleep, and was snoring quietly).

God, why does he have to be leaning so bloody close to me? thought Remus, whose hands were sweating profusely. Unable to grip his quill properly, his usually impeccable handwriting had slowly gotten more and more slanted until eventually, his quill slipped completely off the desk (leaving behind a long ink line across his page).

Sirius's snoring was getting louder and louder. Whether he was really asleep or just attempting to annoy the professor, Remus didn't know, but it was definitely doing the job. Noticing the snoring teen, Binns pulled out his wand, muttered a few words, and a very loud POP! sounded in front Sirius, waking him up. Meanwhile, his chair lost balance, falling backwards, and Sirius came toppling over on top of Remus.

Before Remus knew what was happening, he found himself flat on the floor, with Sirius in his lap. "M'wake!" Sirius shouted, looking around, bleary-eyed. A few sniggers could be heard around the room, but all Remus could think about was the body of the person who was on top of him, crushing his stomach. His breath caught in his throat. His entire body tensed up. He was afraid to move in case it caused Sirius to get up off of him, and this was something Remus definitely didn't want to happen. Remus quickly memorized the way Sirius's leg felt on top of his, the hand on Remus's chest, the hip pressed in between Remus's thighs. Fuck, Remus thought, in a daze, this is…

But his thoughts were interrupted by Professor Binns' coughs of disapproval. Sirius, not phased by the experience at all, stumbled up without a care, and then extended his hand to Remus. Did that just happen? Remus thought, as Sirius pulled him up with unexpected strength.

Still a bit woozy, the strength of Sirius's arms caused Remus to stagger into his friend. They were intoxicatingly close, and Remus quickly stepped away, feeling like everyone in the room could tell what he was thinking.

Remus never let on that he was secretly entranced by his friend's every move, every word. This must be the way everyone feels about Sirius, Remus thought. After all, Sirius was the kind of person everybody is drawn to, and tries desperately to gain approval and friendship from. Everyone love Sirius, I'm not the only one. Remus thought, convincing himself that his infatuation was completely innocent. That is, until one day, when everything proved otherwise…