"Olivia go long!" Upon hearing Casey's command, Olivia charged down field. In a few more seconds, the touchdown would be theirs. "Come on Come on..."



Were all Fin and Casey heard as they watched the duo hit the dirt. "Oh ow!" Olivia complained, struggling to sit up.

"Gotcha Liv! Another point for the destroyers!" Elliot jeered, ignoring the fact he was indeed cutting off his partner's air supply. Rolling her eyes at her opponent's enthusiasm, Olivia once again attempted to sit up. "Admit it Livia. I took you down." Elliot crooned, pinning her underneath his massive frame.

"Let me up." Olivia growled, making eye contact. It was bad enough her partner caught her off guard, but the fact that he was rubbing it in irked her badly. She didn't mind losing, unless it was to him.

"Not until you admit it Livvie." Elliot persisted, turning it into making fun of her name.

"I thought we agreed on no tackling," She tried instead. "El you're breaking the rules." A micheivious, flirtatious grin spread across Elliot's face.

"Maybe I wanted to tackle you." he said, moving his face closer to hers.

"And maybe...I wanted to do this!" Gently nudging him in the stomach, she managed to push him off and race towards the make shift goal line.

"WHOO! TOUCHDOWN!" Casey cheered, running up to give Olivia a high five.

"No fair," Elliot whined, rubbing his stomach. "She hit me!" Fin laughed.

"That's your fault man. You should've took her out when you had the chance."

"Exactly." Olivia concurred, sticking out her tounge. That'll teach him to call me Livvie.

"All right our turn," Fin said, racing down field. Elliot followed.

"Ok quick plan," Casey said, the lawyer coming out of her. "You take Fin-"

"No I'll take Elliot." Olivia cut in, fire in her eyes.

"Um ok..." Casey said, taking her position to the left.

"Ready...HUT!" Catching the ball from Fin, Elliot charged towards the goal line. "This was easier than I thought," he said to himself. Suddenly, the ground rose up to meet him. "Hey what the-" he started, trying to turn over and see just what was sitting on his back. A forceful elbow kept him right in place: viewing the grass.

"Damn man you never saw her coming!" Fin exclaimed in awe.

"HA!" Olivia laughed, milking it for all it was worth.

"her'd he all o." Elliot mumbled incoherently.

"I'm sorry what was that?" Olivia asked, finally allowing him to turn over.

"I said," Elliot repeated himself, "Where'd the ball go?" Casey scanned the field.

"Uh-oh. we'd better search for it." she recommended.

"Aw man! Can't we just call in CSU?" Fin complained. rolling her eyes, Casey

dragged him away. Olivia giggled.

"What?" Elliot asked warily.

"You have grass in your hair." Olivia answered, dusting him off but still sitting on top of him. Elliot took this oppurtunity to caress her hands.

"You know Benson...I never pegged you as the tackling type. I didn't know you had it in you." he teased, holding eye contact. Olivia shifted, so that she was sitting over a very personal place.

"There's alot you don't know about me Stabler." She responded, putting her lips mere inches away from his. The ringing of a cell phone shattered the peaceful silence of a Monday morning. "Benson," Olivia answered, all business.

"WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU GUYS? CRAGEN'S THROWING A FIT!" Munch's voice boomed in reply.

"I know that voice from anywhere. Tell his bony ass we're comin'." Fin said, emerging from the woods with Casey in tow.

"On our way." Olivia told him, and hung up. Eyeing her partner for a little while longer, she decided to let him up.

"What about the game?" He asked after seeming to calm himself down. A grin spread over Casey's face.

"Don't worry it will be finished." She said, pulling out her car keys. The four headed to the car.

"Why do you hate the name Livvie?" Elliot asked out of boredom.

"Why have so many nicknames? You already call me Liv." Olivia said, slowing her pace to match his. Elliot's face crumpled in thought.

"Because. I wanted to give you my own nickname." he said finally.

Olivia stopped dead in her tracks to face him. "Elliot...you're the one who gave me the nickname Liv." she said, failing to hide the trace of pain in her voice. She knew he didn't really notice her, but the nickname Liv was something she cherished. The thought that he didn't remeber giving her something she considered so important was a little heart breaking.

"Relax I'm just kidding. Geez don't have a heart attack." Elliot said, stopping beside her. Despite herself, Olivia let loose a sigh of relief. Jokingly, Elliot hugged her. "Aww! Little Livvie got worried that I didn't care!" he said in a whiny voice. Groaning, Olivia tried to push him off.

"Come on El stop. Casey's honking the horn and you know she won't hesitate to leave us in the middle of New York." she protested. Sliding his arms down her back, Elliot pulled her into a warmer, more form fitting hug.

"I'd never forget giving you your nickname. You're mine Liv. And I refuse to share you," he whispered, giving her a quick kiss on her temple. HONK HOOONNKK!

"Come on before we leave your asses!" Fin shouted. Smiling weakly, Olivia jogged to the car. Without even looking back, she knew Elliot was following.