Twisted Hands

Chapter One- Been Here Before

Kagome sat at the roots of the sacred tree, tears stringing her eyes. Regret had started to settle in. "If I wasn't so weak, if I could just be strong like Kikyou, maybe he wouldn't be so ashamed to keep me around." She whispered to herself.

Flash Back

"What do you mean their gone!" Inuyasha screamed at Kagome's face

"I mean there not here anymore. As in I can't find them!" she screamed back

Inuyasha stormed over to the hut mumbling something like " I wish Kikyou was here, at least she wouldn't lose the jewel shards."

Kagome heard every word, but he didn't know that. He didn't know that she had them in her hand. He didn't know that it ripped her heart out every time he talked about Kikyou. Tears collected in the corner of her eyes. The scent of salt floated to the dog's nose.

"Oh stop crying you big baby!" he whined, turning around to see Kagome running off towards the well. "Fine then go home! See if I care. We don't need you!" he yelled after her.

End of flash Back

So there she was, being the crybaby that everyone hated. "Maybe Inuyasha really doesn't need me?" Kagome took out the jewel shards and quickly smile to herself. She'd never lost them. She just wanted to see how he would act. She knew that his temper was short and that was all he cared about.

After a few hours after the fight Inuyasha began to pace outside the hut.

"Just go and get her Inuyasha. I'm sure she is waiting for you to come and apologize." Miroku reasoned. Looking at Sango for mental support.

"I'm not apologizing! She lost the shard I worked so hard to gather."

"YOU worked so hard to gather! I think we have all worked hard to get them!" Sango joined in the conversation. "Kagome does the most work around here. If we didn't have her we wouldn't even now where they are!" she told him.


"I guess I should go apologize. I know he won't do it and I did lie to him." Kagome stood up and wobbled, trying to reawaken her legs.

"He won't like it." A cold voice said behind her, walking silently through the woods. "He doesn't even like you." She added. Kagome twirled around meeting the motionless gaze.


"That's right wench. It's me and Inuyasha loves me." Kikyou glared at Kagome wishing for her to fall over dead so she could reclaim her soul.

"What do I care if he loves you! Your just a stupid dead wench that nobody likes." Kagome shot back, stepping backwards until she was pressed against the tree.

"Nobody likes me, but the one you love." Kikyou laughed at drew an arrow, notching it nicely into her bow. "You will die here Ka-go-me." With that Kikyou released an arrow, hitting Kagome in the shoulder. Kagome let out an ear-piercing scream that could be heard from miles away.

Inuyasha jumped up and the recognition on Kagome's scream. "Kagome-…" he ran out the door faster then he had ever ran. Following her scent to the sacred tree. He stopped dead at the sight of Kagome. A sacred arrow pierced her shoulder, blood dripped over her white and green uniform. She was bound to the tree, just as he had been fifty some years ago.

"Kagome?" he wandered around the tree noting the roots that hugged her tightly. She was unconscious. He walked up to her and shook her good shoulder, not wanting to cause the other one to bleed even more. "Kagome wake up."

"She will die Inuyasha." Kikyou stepped out of the bushes raising an arrow in her bow.

"Kikyou why? Why did you do this to Kagome." Inuyasha took a couple steps forward towards his love.

"She was taking you away from me. She may have been to stupid to know it, but I knew it all along. You were falling for her." Kikyou looked at the lifeless body.

"No Kikyou I love you and only you, I will never love Kagome like I love you." Inuyasha took another step closer before Kikyou pulled the string on her bow. "Die Inuyasha!" she released the arrow pinning him back to the tree.

"No, Kikyou, I love you, please understand that." Inuyasha cried after her as she walked back into the forest. "Kikyou-…"

A/N: well that was a weird way to start off a FF but oh well I hope you all read on. 