A Weekend At Yumi's

A/N: Okay, I got this Idea when I was reading Spoiled Vacation by Julie The Hunter

(thx ;) ) and, well, I thought I could make more happen in a fanfic of my own. So, here goes nothing- Enjoy!!

"Hey guys." Said a familiar voice from behind the four teens. "Hey Yumi." Answered a boy with brown hair- Ulrich. "You guys 'll never guess what's happening this weekend." The girl continued. "What?" asked a girl with unusually colored pink hair.

"Okay, well, as you guys know, my parents are going out of town for the weekend…" Yumi continued. "And…?" said the blond haired boy with glasses standing next to the girl with pink hair.

"And- they said I could have you guys over for the weekend!" she said.

"What about Jim, huh? Won't he get suspicious? All of us gone at the same time?" asked the usually unreasonable teen with a purple spot in his blond hair that came to a point.

"Actually Odd, my parents have already talked to Delmas and Jim- asking Delmas if you could stay, and notifying Jim that you could. They're pretty good negotiators." Yumi responded.

"Sounds like fun!" said Aelita, now knowing everything was taken care of. She then turned and gave an angelic puppy dog face to Jeremie right next to her. "You'll come too, right?" she asked in the cutest way possible, Jeremie winced. He was completely under her control. "Sure, Princess." He replied.

Yumi looked over to where Odd and Ulrich stood. "Ah, what the heck. Does sound like fun." Odd replied. "Sure".

"Alright, cool! Oh! And I forgot to tell you, I'm gonna invite my new neighbor, Holly. She's cool. I know You guys'll like her! Okay, well, I've gotta get to class, see you guys later!" Yumi said before walking away.

A/N: Yes, I realize this is a very short chapter. YOU TRY WRITING AT 1:00 IN THE MORNING!! Jk. Lol. Okay, I don't think this should really count as a chapter. … It's more of a prologue. … but yea. This should be a good story…!!


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