'Daddy, will you tell me a story?' Five-year-old Aly of Pirate's Swoop gazed at her father with large hazel eyes. He grinned at his favorite child-although he refused to admit it to anyone, not even Alanna- and scooped her up into his lap.

'I'm goin' t' tell you a story about your honorable mother.' Aly opened her mouth to protest; she'd heard hundreds of stories about her mother. Lady Alanna was known all over the world and thousands of people had written about the famous Lioness.

'No, honey, this is a new one.' Aly closed her mouth again and listened. 'Many years ago, a woman came here, looking for your mother. The strangest thing was, this new woman looked almost exactly like her!'

'Is this a true story?' Aly interrupted suspiciously.

'O' course it is. Do I ever tell you anythin' but true stories?' Aly considered for a moment before shaking her head. 'No. You always tell true stories. And they're always interesting.'

'O' course they are. Now, may I continue?'

'Yes, Daddy.'

'Back to where I was before. Now, this woman was abou' five or six years older than your mother. And, as you may have guessed by now, she was her older sister…'