Me:Wellcome fans.

Zim:We have fans?

Gaz:Of course you idiot. How else do you explain all the "fan"fics.

Zim:Zim does still not get it.

Gaz:Urggggh!(grabs Zims face and shakes face) How can you be so cute and so stupid at the same time?!


Me:Okay, now with that out of the way-

Dib: Hey guys, what's going on?


Gaz:Zim is being a complete idiot again.

Me:Hang on let me-

Zim:Me being an idiot? Your the one that's mostly sucidal in most fics.

Me:Guys seriously just let me-

Dib:Hey asshole don't talk to my sister like that!(throws water on Zim)





Zim:HHHHH! That hurt!

Me:Here's the fic.

I do not own Zim, or any other Jhonen based characters. But I own you.

A lone school girl walks the streets of Tokyo at night. She turns a corner into a dark alley for a quick way home. The girl feels a presence behind her and looks. There at the entrance of the alley is an outline of a thug. He is dressed in a leather jacket and matching pants. He's overweight and has a lustfull look in his eyes. The girl gets scared and starts to run. The thug dashes forward and catches her wrist. He slams her against a wall and starts to sniff her hair. He reaches forward and-.

Suddenly the girl feels the wait of the thug off her and she turns to see he has been thrown to the other side of the alley. She also she's a figure in black and blue camo pants with a stream line jacket. His hair is tied back and is spiking up. The figure to the girl and in the darkness of the alley she see's his eyes glow red. He flashes her a smile where his teeth sparkle in the dark. The girl screams and runs out of the alley, screaming for her life.

Two figures emerge from the shadows. One is a girl, purple that has been let down and it decends to her shoulders. She wears an outfit similar to the school girls and has a carrie bag with her. The second one is a boy, he is wearing a wig that shows spiky black hair and is wearing what most of the Tokyo school boys wear. He has on a pair of black glasses(even though it's night). They both walk over to the boy with his raised eyebrow at the sudden reaction he got from the girl.

" What, were you expecting her to just thank you"? Gaz said as she pokked at the knocked out thug.

" Nah, just didn't see why she had to freak out so bad". Derek said as he stretched his arms and scratched his head. " I mean, it's not like they never saw a red eyed guy before".

" Actually they haven't". Zim said. " Of course you wouldn't need to know that if you wore your disguise like we planned".

Derek rolled his eyes. " Oh and I suppose your outfit is working just perfectly". He said matter-of-factly as he pointed at Zim.

Zim was still wearing the same type of...cloaking, device he had when he first landed on earth. His normally red Irken eyes were covered by contacts and his antennae were covered by a toupe'. Zim raised an imaginary eyebrow. " And what's that supposed to mean ya' red gecko".

Derek spun around towards Zim. " Call me gecko again frog boy, I dare ya'".

Derek and Zim soon began calling eachother names and what not(hehe, I said what not) until the thug stirred himself and the two turned to look. The thug sat up and looked around. His eyes landed on Gaz and he shot up and licked his lips. Before Gaz knew what happened the guy slapped her...ass. DUHN, DUHN, DUHN! No body touches Gaz's toosh without her permission. Before anyone noticed, Gaz brought her fist back and nailed the pervert right in the face, sending him through the wall. " FREAKING PEDO FREAK"! She yelled and shook her fist. Derek and Zim just stayed in the back, away from the range of violence. Derek leaned close to Zim. " Dude, sometimes your girl scares me". Derek just wisspered. Zim just nodded.

Gaz turned and stomped to Zim. She stopped right infront of him and began wringing his neck. " And you! How come you didn't try and defend me or something huh"!? She shook him harder. " You didn't give me time enough". Zim said between chokes. " Oh so now it's my fault"? Zim cringed. " Uh, no"? " No, what do ya' mean no? No as in it's not my fault, or no as in it's your fault"? "...The first one"? Zim said hopefully. Gaz scowled and tossed Zim into the garbage can, where the crouch immediatly kicked him out(nah just kidding).

(At the hotel)

Zim got into the shower and started washing himself rid of the garbage and-(Wait! Zim, and water!. ). Zim immediatly felt the sting of the liquid hitting contact with his sking, but kept still. He had left his clensing chalk and just didn't feel like smelling like a skunk. He heard the bathroom door open and shut and he peared through the glass door that seperated his vision from seeing the person. The door was suddenly slid open to reveal Gaz...naked.( no comment). She pushed Zim out of the was and got into the spray of the water. Zim looked down at the perfect orbs that were just mere inches away from him, glissting with water that trailed down her to her- Zim suddenly remembered something interesting behind him and he turned to look at it with a hint of orange across his face. Gaz smiled and wrapped her arms around him. Zim looked back and turned to hug her back. " So does this mean Zim's off the hook"? He asked worridly. Gaz squeezed him tighter and looked up. " No your not off the hook". He face saddened at this. " But that doesn't mean we can't have some fun" Gaz then reached behind Zim and turned off the shower. He raises his non real eyebrow at this. " But I still have to clean". He protested. Gaz smirked and reached behind her and revealed Zim's clensing chalk. " How, when, where the hell did you hide that"? Zim asked(where indeed). " That's my secret". She simply said. Zim reached out for the chalk but Gaz pulled it back from his reach. His and Her faces were mere inches away now. " I'll be doing the washing this time". Gaz said seductivly. Zim agreed and let her wash him on his back, and among other places. If you looked close enough you might see a sparkle in his eye.

(in the living room of the hotel room)

Derek was doing pushups on the floor. He had started as soon as he had gotten back from the fight with Nymphus. And now that he had heard he was back, he decided to play it safe and begin training. He sat up and wiped sweat from his face. he then walked over to the kitchen table and picked up the Gorgon. He looked over the fine weapon that had saved his life on more than one occasion. He twirled it and then put it back on the table. He then jumped and landed right infront of the tv and switched it on.

" Soap opera".


" Porn".


" Porn".


" And guess what? More porn". Derek finnaly just shut the tv off and layed back to look a the ceiling. His thoughts immediatly went to Shade who was in Siberia with Dib and Tak. He was about to think more(which is dagerous) when he suddenly heard a noise from the bathroom. His eye suddenly twitched as he realized Zim and Gaz were in there together. Derek quickly rose his fist above him and brought it down to his face. Knocking him out, but also saving him from hearing the very, very, VERY erotic sounds from bathroom.

(next morning)

Derek suddenly felt a sharp pain in his gut. He jumped from his sleep and got into a stance only to see Zim and Gaz in thier School uniforms. He got relaxed and asked lifes greatest question. " What the fuck do you want"?

Gaz threw him a uniform and bag. " Get dressed it's time to go". She then walked past him and walked out the door without another word.

Derek raised an eyebrow. " Go where"? Zim smilled and put an arm on his soulder. " Highschool". Derek suddenly dropped to the ground and screamed to the heavens. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"!

(High School)

Gaz, Zim, and Derek all stood outside the gates of Tokyo High(by the by I don't know if that's the highschool name). Derek had discarded his usual attire and had put on the school uniform, only he didn't button it up(power to the People!). He had also used his disguise like Zim suggested, which gave him the appearance of what he looked like before the Gorgon incident. The trio then heard the bell and immediatly ran for the doors.

Once inside they all split up and went to seperate classes(oh and they all have devices that let them hear, speak, and read in japanesse. Except for Gaz who's always squinting so must be Asian:). Gaz went to English, where you learned english. Zim went to history. And Derek had Gym. As soon as he got to the field he knew he was screwed. For one, every guy was in shorts and Derek did not do shorts. Secondly every girl was wearing short, and I mean short, shorts that looked like panties. That would mean big trouble if Shade ever found out. Derek rushed over to the sensei(did I pronounce it right?) and asked if he could just wear long sweat pants.

" Well what's the matter boy, I say are ya' a little out of them there gym clothes"? The sensei asked.

Holy crap, Derek thought, this guy sounds like Foghorn Leghorn. Derek stiffled a laugh and just replied he liked sweats better.

" It doesn't matter what you like idiot". Said a voice from behind Derek. He turned to see a girl with scruffy black hair and careing a bat on her shoulder. " In fact". She continued. " Why don't you just leave the thinking to people who remembered to bring thier gym clothes".

Derek was pissed. He was about to retilitate when the Sensei stopped him. " I say boy, this here is our top athlete at this here school. Her names Kaoru Matsubara and you'll treat her with respect". Derek growled and saw the Kaoru had stuck her tounge out at him.

After he had gotten dressed he headed out to the baseball field and just so happened to be picked on the opposite team of that Kaoru girl. And needless to say he was surprised when he saw her strike out every person up to bat and hit every ball out of the park. When it was his turn up she smirked when she saw him. " Now don't forget the bat". She teased. He mumbled bitch and got up to the plate. Zim had told him to take it easy and he decided to listen. When the ball came and he missed it, he heard her say what a pussy. That's when he decided that Zim could go screw himself. When the second throw came he swung with full force and shattered the bat whe it made contact with the ball. He looked at the broken piece of wood and threw it to the ground. " Give me another bat". He yelled at one of the awe strucken players. They threw him one and he got ready again. Kaoru, who was surprised, smirked. " Alright, lets see you make contact with this one". She then brought back her arm and threw at lighting fast speed. Derek was ready, he moved the bat and swung his fist which made a pounding contact with the ball and sent it flying into the atmosphere. Derek was the one smirking now as he tried desperatly not to cry from the amount of pain that had caused. " Domo Origato, bitch". He said. He then noticed that Kaoru and the others were all staring at him. That was when he noticed that his skin had turned red and he had only four fingers. He also noticed that the device which hid his skin colour in the shape of a watch was shattered. " Shit". He muttered. That was when the green energy beam came.