Disclaimer: I do not own 90210 or any of it's characters... and if I did own the series you can bet that Brandon and Kelly would still be together... but I don't so one with the story.

Author's Note: I came up with this idea late last night when I was rewatching one of my favorite episodes so let me know what you think. Oh and the first set of Dialog between Kelly and Brandon is from the last scene in the episode Mother's Day.

Casa Walsh Brandon's Room

Kelly is lying in Brandon's arms totally terrified and unable to fall asleep. She had attempted to fall asleep in her own bed at the beach apartment, but she couldn't, all she could think about was that home pregnancy test she had taken the day before. It had told her that she was pregnant and that frightened her to no end. She knew that she wasn't ready for a baby and neither was Brandon, but this was happening and she had to think of a way to fix it.

At the club her mother had told her that she had an abortion once and that she would never do it again, but she still didn't know what to do. Brandon was trying to be helpful, but he really didn't know what he could do that would make everything alright… after all this was his problem to. Instead of trying to solve the problem in his head he decided that he would try to talk to her instead… after all he really didn't think things would change all that much.

"I'm glad you decided to stay here tonight." Brandon said as he held her close.

"My bed felt awfully lonely… I just need you to hold me." Kelly was so scared that she was near tears.

"You know, Kel… whatever you decide… I'll be here to love and support you." Brandon said trying to make her feel better, but at the same time meaning every word of it.

"That's what you keep saying. That's what everyone's saying—that they'll support me no matter what. But I don't know what to do, Brandon, I don't want to make this decision alone." Kelly said as she sat up slightly.

"But it's your decision to make. It's your body." Brandon said trying not to let his true feelings shine through.

"But it's our baby. I need to know how you feel about this Brandon—how you really feel." Kelly wanted to know what he thought because she did love him and his opinion mattered to her.

"Ok. At twenty-two… I don't know if I'm ready to be a father. But at forty-two… I don't want to look back and realize that we made the biggest mistake of our lives." He said again trying not to let his pro-life viewpoint take over what he was trying to say.

"Neither do I. But we're so young, you know? We can have a houseful of children someday." Kelly said not because she didn't want the baby, but because she didn't want to go through this right now.

"Yeah… but one will always be missing." Brandon said leaning back onto his pillows.

"This would be so much easier if I didn't love you." Kelly said as she put her head back on his chest.

"You're going to do it, aren't you?" Brandon asked knowing that he really couldn't stop her.

"I don't know how I am going to live with myself… but I can't have the baby right now." It was hard for her to say because she was already thinking of this baby growing inside her as a real person, but at the same time she wasn't ready for this type of change.

"I know." Brandon said as he thought to himself that he hoped he could forgive her for what she was about to do to their unborn baby.

Brandon continued to stroke her hair until she fell asleep and then he just laid there… thinking about what Kelly was going to do. He couldn't help but feel sorry for their innocent child, after all, that baby didn't to anything to deserve what it was going to get. He just hoped that he would be able to change Kelly's mind before it was too late. It was at that very moment that he had an idea… quietly he got out of the bed making sure that he didn't wake Kelly, and headed down the stair to make a call.

Jesse and Andrea's Apartment in New Haven

Andrea was still up finishing a paper she had neglected to write last week for one of her classes because Hannah had been sick, when she heard the phone ring. She picked it up before it had a chance to wake Jesse or her little girl, but she wasn't prepared for who was on the other line or what he was about to say.

"Hello?" Andrea asked in a soft voice, not wanting to talk any louder.

"Hey Andrea it's me Brandon… I need your help!" Brandon said also trying not to wake anyone in the house.

"Oh my god Brandon I didn't expect to hear from you… what's wrong?" Andrea said shocked that he had called her, but yet she knew it was important because of the urgency in his voice.

"It's not really me that needs the help… well not really… its Kelly…" Brandon started but Andrea couldn't help but butt in.

"Is she sick? Brandon you have to tell me what's going on!" Andrea said more worried than anything.

"If you would be quiet for two seconds I could tell you." Brandon said as he waited for her to respond.

"Sorry." Andrea said as she became really quiet and just listened on the other end.

"Well yesterday Kelly took this home pregnancy test and it came out positive… It's not for sure yet… she's seeing the doctor on Monday… but she is really freaking out. I though that maybe because you have been through this before that maybe you could talk to her." Brandon said knowing that this would bring up some painful memories for Andrea, but he also knew that she would do anything for him.

"I'm done with school tomorrow I just have to turn in this paper that I am working on and I will be on the first flight out. Brandon this baby… it's yours right?" Andrea had to ask because even though Kelly was her friend too, she wasn't going to just drop everything in her life… now Brandon, he was the first actual friend she had in Beverly Hills, and she really would do anything for him.

"I can't believe that you would even ask me that… of course the baby is mine… Andrea I love Kelly with all my heart and if you are going to ask these questions than I think this was a big mistake telling you." Brandon said getting a little defensive.

"Brandon I didn't mean it that way…" Andrea tried to say but now it was Brandon's turn to cut her off.

"What way did you mean it then… because I would really like to know?" Brandon questioned getting more upset than he needed to.

"You knew that this wasn't going to be easy for me after what I went through with Hannah… but you still asked me… I just wanted to know what I was getting into before I made my decision." Andrea said holding the phone tightly in her hand.

"Well, if I remember correctly Kelly was the one who helped you get through it so why you have to think about helping her I will never understand… she jumped at the chance to help you… I just… I…" Brandon was trying to force the tears from coming but he couldn't hold them off any longer. "Andrea I don't want her to abort this baby… I know I am being selfish, but it's my baby too… shouldn't I have a say in what happens to it?" Brandon asked knowing the answer.

"Brandon you know that this is her decision and hers alone… there really isn't anything you can do about it… except love her and support her. Brandon this is tough on her as well… you can think that this is an easy decision for her… she is going to have to live with this for the rest of her life… and who knows she might not even be able to go through with it… I couldn't and look at me now… I am a wife and mother… and let me tell you that it was scary at first and I wanted to back out and change my mind but I couldn't… parenthood is forever! I'll try to help you, but whatever she decides to do is what is going to be, you can't change that." Andrea said not really wanting to lecture him, but it was the only way she knew how to deal with things.

"I just want my girlfriend back… Andrea, Kelly is so scared that she really can't talk about anything else. She is having a hard time sleeping and isn't really eating anything because she is working herself up to the point of exhaustion… I can't take it anymore… and it has only been one day. I just want things to be okay again… I want to see her smile again." Brandon said as he heard someone coming down the stairs.

"I'll see you tomorrow afternoon okay Brandon… I'll do my best." Andrea said before she hung up.

Casa Walsh: Kitchen

Brandon was sitting down at the kitchen table, still holding the phone when he heard the footsteps coming closer. He knew that they could only be one of two people because Steve wasn't that light on his feet… in fact, you could hear him coming from a mile away most of the time. So that left Val or Kelly, and Brandon could only guess who it might be. Val had nothing to worry about so it most likely wasn't her so by process of elimination that left Kelly. As Brandon turned around in his seat he confirmed his suspicions.

"Why are you down here?" Kelly asked sitting down next to him.

"Couldn't sleep so I thought I would come down here to think." Brandon said as he set the phone down on the table.

"About?" Kelly asked even though she had a pretty good idea on what it was.

"About how much I hate that I don't have a say in what you are going to do to our baby… Kel I know that I said I would support you and I will… I just need to understand your reasoning behind this." Brandon said trying not to lose it in front of her.

"I don't know Brandon… I really don't know what I am going to do… because the more I think about it… the more it becomes real to me… part of me hopes that the doctor tells me that I am not pregnant and that this was all just a false alarm because then I wouldn't have to decide what to do. God, why do I have to love you so much?" Kelly asked as she put her head down on the table.

"I love you too Kel… and I am just as scared as you are about this, but this little one here… deserves a chance at a real life." Brandon said as he placed his hand on her abdomen.

Kelly looked up at him as she placed her hand on top of his. This was becoming more and more real to her and it was really starting to touch her heart in a way that she would never have thought it could. They didn't even know if this was really happening for sure or not, but to them it was real and both of them knew in their hearts that if it wasn't real they were both going to be a little sad.

"Come on… we have to be up early in the morning… Doctor Reed is seeing me first thing in the morning and I want you there… please." Kelly said as she forced a slight smile onto her face.

Doctor Reed's Office: Next Morning

Brandon held Kelly's hand the whole time that they were waiting for the results to come back. It wasn't that he needed to it was just that he wanted to and it gave him something to hold onto while they awaited their impending doom. Kelly put her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes as she thought about the one thing she knew that she shouldn't be thinking about, and that was holding their baby in her arms in about eight months. Before she could think about it for too long Doctor Reed walked back into the room.

"Well Kelly I have some good news for you…" Doctor Reed started.

"I'm not pregnant?" Kelly asked wanting that to be the good new, but yet in her heart knowing that it wasn't.

"Actually I was going to say congratulations your pregnant, but if you didn't want this than I guess what I had to say was bad news." Doctor Reed said.

"No… not bad news… just not the news we wanted to hear right now… maybe in a few years, but not now." Kelly said as she stood up.

"Thanks Doctor Reed." Brandon said as they both shook the doctor's hand and walked out more shocked than when they had walked in.

Kelly knew that her life was about to change in more ways than one, but she wasn't sure what way it was going to go. With the talk that her and Brandon had the night before she wasn't one hundred percent sure that she would still have him if she decided to end the pregnancy. She knew that he was pro-life, and that it would be really hard to get over this if he could at all. Why couldn't this be something that was easy to decide… why did it have to be so hard to decide how your future was going to end up? She was so confused and felt like all she wanted to do was run away from the situation, but this was something that she couldn't run from… not now… not ever.