Notes: More freewriting for fun, this time it's sort of a drabble. Look for echoes of Lucifer's fall from Heaven. Yes, I know this means I change the past of the characters I wrote about, but I had to for this story to work.

Time taken: 30 minutes.

Summary: Not all victories are happy ones. A different look at a familiar movie scene.

Transcending Fate

You had the mismatched wings, one black and the other blue. Your passing split the day and the night. You were the most beautiful of our beautiful that you had your own name.

You loved me many lifetimes ago.

And then you fell victim to your own pride.

I saw your beauty stripped away. The sky was torn off your wings and stretched as a veil between us and Heaven. Your eye spots became the sun and moon. You screamed and cried. Your anguish manifested in the ugliness you became.

I could have loved you anyway, had you stayed! But we parted bitterly, only for destiny to have us face each other again. Here, now, today...after a long sleep I wake to find you waiting for me.

I have just flown through the heart that held all your love for me. It is so empty and dark that the warm light I offer is like matter colliding with antimatter. I know what will happen next and I don't want to turn around. My heart wills me to anyway. I face you again. You look back as your body dissolves.

Mothra... you say.

I don't know how to respond. I want to say that I forgive you. I want to tell you that I never hated you. I want to scream at you for being so foolish. I want to scream at myself for letting you become so prideful.

All I have to offer now is a silent benediction. There is nothing else to say.

The glimmering light reaches your face. You smile as you shed a tear. One tear for all the wasted millennia, one smile to tell me you still love me. Then you are gone.

Earth is saved, and so are you.

Goodbye, my Ghidorah.