This is a following of my other (unfinished) story A Mistake Undone. Meaning that Gollum has lived and never betrayed Frodo and Sam. I hope you like the story! I do not own any of the characters or places, Tolkien and Paolini do.

"Thank you brother eagles for saving my friends," Gandalf said after checking to make sure the three were alright.

Aragorn quickly fed the starving hobbits and famished Gollum to their capacity before allowing the others to greet them. The heir of Gondor was quite surprised to find Gollum with the two but never hesitated to heal a nasty cut that was across his back. The hobbits had suffered less severe wounds and were now only hungry and filthy.

"Frodo, Sam!" Merry and Pippin shouted at the sight of their two kin, "you're alright; when we saw the Mountain explode we thought you had perished along with Sauron," Merry explained to the happy and startled saviors of Middle Earth.

"Master, what Hobbits are these who know you so well?" Sméagol asked.

Fortunately when the Ring had been destroyed Sméagol had gone back to the way he had been before the finding of the Ring. The Gollum in him that had been overcoming him so powerfully had vanished in the time it took to blink an eye, he had been cured. Sméagol stood a few inches over Frodo and the others, but was still a good two feet below the height of Aragorn or Legolas.

"Sméagol, meet my two cousins, Meriadoc Brandybuck and Peregirn Took," Frodo pointed to each of the Hobbits in turn as they were introduced. "Merry and Pippin, this is Sméagol also known as Gollum," Frodo said making a sweeping motion to the taller River man.

"Wait, Gollum? You mean the creature Bilbo described during his adventure to the Lonely Mountains?" Pippin questioned a look of wonder playing on his face, "but Bilbo described him as being wretched, this man looks only to be a very high Hobbit," he finished looking at Sméagol in question.

"This is the Sméagol before he ever found the Ring of Power," Frodo explained to the group in general. Gimli, Legolas, and Aragorn had ventured closer after hearing Pippin's accusation. "Fortunately the destruction of the Ring gave Sméagol his life back in his own form, he is over five-hundred years old, and yet looks to be only in his thirties," Frodo continued ignoring the stares from the others.

"Sméagol, helped save us in the end from an ancient being called Shelob, and then he forced Frodo to drop the ring into Mount Doom after he was unwilling to;" Sam explained slinging an arm around the taller man.

Sméagol glanced around the group as though expecting someone to throw him away and kick at him, like his family had in the past. Upon seeing the elf, he shrieked and dived behind Frodo crawling again like he had as Gollum and cursing in an unintelligible language.

(This is the translation of what he was saying.)

"Curse the Elves! They trapped us….I mean me, they shut me away from my Mountain, and the pool of fish I so loved. They hurt poor Sméagol; oh they tied me with their filthy rope and would not take it off until I was locked up. And here's another of the wretched things, he looks at Sméagol with distaste and hatred. Wait we….I recognizes this elf, he told other nasty creatures to let Sméagol walk outside and climb nasty Elven trees. He was nice to Sméagol, we, I should be nice to him, for my sweet master seems to like this Elf so he will not hurt Sméagol," Sméagol muttered in his native tongue.

The group watched as Sméagol muttered to himself, the only bit they understood was either when he said his own name or when he said the word Elf. Much to Frodo and Sam's amusement, it seemed that Sméagol was cursing Legolas; they began to have silent fits of laughter that they would not explain to the others. Finally after a few more seconds of muttering, Sméagol crawled away from Frodo, and finding himself in such the position that he was in, slowly stood up to his full height and walked beside Sam.

Unknown to the group, Sauraman was watching them. Using a powerful language, taught to him by a king from the land to the east, Sauraman created a wormhole to that very land. When the fellowship, and Sauraman, fell out of the wormhole they found themselves face to face with a sapphire dragon and a young boy on her back.

"What in the wor…SAURAMAN!" Gandalf cried in understanding, leaping at the former wizard.

It took very few seconds before the boy on the dragon reacted, "Letta!" he cries loudly. The entire group was left trapped and unable to move

The next chapter will go up soon. Please review; I will even accept flames as long as they're clean. Anything will help to improve my story.