A/N: This is after New Moon, and this chapter is basicly just fluff. Grammar and spellign aren't my strong points, so let me know if you see mistakes!

Light kisses bushed my lips as the morning light spilled into my room. It wasn't sunny, but at least it wasn't raining.

I sighed contentedly.

"Are you awake, my love?" Edward asked in his honey sweet voice. I smiled and nodded.

"Human moment, please" I asked, realizing that I was stinking and had morning breath. Then he surprised me he shook his head and attacked me with delicate kisses. When I was practically hyperventilating he let me go.

The shower felt wonderful, but I would rather be in the arms of my true love than in a warm shower. And soon I was backing his arms.

"What are we doing today?" It was Saturday so maybe we could go to his house!

"I thought we could go to the meadow, just spend the day together"

"Will I get to see Alice this weekend?" I really did enjoy spending time with Alice, even though most the time she made me shop, ugh shopping.

"No, the rest of the family took a hunting trip" It seemed like there was a little bit of sadness in his eyes, but it quickly went away, i tried not to let it worry me.

"Okay, let's go" He easily swung me on his back, and took off out my window and into the forest. I no longer hid my head ever since he came back, I loved running.

The meadow was, of course, beautiful, but nothing could as gorgeous as my Edward.

He had a picnic all set out, with every kind of food imaginable.

"What is your favorite kind of bread' He asked sweetly

"Italian" With that he took out some toast and began to feed it to me. When he was done, he smothered me in kisses.

The rest of the day was something like that. He would feed me and kiss me, and we talked about all kinds of things, except for my change, but I did not want to bring it up.

Just as the sun was beginning to set, Edward said those fateful words…

Review, PLEASE