Title: The In-Laws

Author: Gabiroba

Rating: T (might change, I'm not sure yet)

Summary: House and Cuddy have some secrets. When both of their parents come into town, will they be able to keep them?

Author's Notes: Hello All!!! I was extremely bored the other day and this popped into my head. This will be a short multi-chapter story, less then ten I hope. I do not have a BETA for this yet so if anyone is willing, feel free to PM me. I would greatly appreciate it as I can get carried away sometimes and don't always catch my mistakes. Hope you enjoy it. OH, and if you have any questions I will try to clear them up.

Good Reading!


Chapter 1 - Letters and Kisses

House walked into his office feeling happier than he had in ages. Nothing could bring him down.

He turned on his computer and began checking his e-mails.

Nothing out of the ordinary…some company promising him $10,000, another which told him of all the girls he could have if he did something or other. BORING!

Ahh, something new.

Wait a minute, this was from his mother…what the hell?

Dear Greggy-Bear,

I miss you so much my darling. Your father and I were thinking about taking a small trip cross-country and I thought the perfect place to start would be Princeton. We haven't seen you in so long and this is the perfect opportunity. We will be arriving at the airport in two weeks, on the twelfth. Please be there to greet us because we also plan on staying at your apartment. (I know you have that spare room hidden behind the bookshelf across from your room.)

I love you my little bear.

Love always,


Well, that would be fun. The last time his parents were in town they had only stayed a few hours. This looked like they wanted to spend a couple of days at least. He would need to find a very sick patient that week, definitely.

In her office, Cuddy received a similar letter but from her own mother.

Dear Lisa,

We haven't seen you in too long honey. I know that your job is very important to you but would it kill you to take a weekend off to see your parents every once in a while? No matter, you father and I have decided that since you won't come to us, we'll come to you. Some friends of ours are doing this cross-country trip and have invited us along. They decided to start in Princeton and we knew that would be marvelous. We will be getting there in about two weeks, on the twelfth. You don't need to pick us up; we can haul our luggage ourselves to your house. Don't worry about putting up our friends as well because they will be staying with their son. He's a doctor too, at your hospital even. Can't remember his name at the moment but they say he's very good. I doubt he's as good as you though.

Love you, and I'll see you soon,


"Oh, God," was the only thought she was able to form. She didn't mind that her parents had made some friends and were going on a trip. She didn't even mind that the friends they made happened to be the parents of doctors on her payroll, but did they have to come to her house? Now she would have to make some type of meal for these people.

This day had started out bad and had only gone downhill from there.

Looking at the clinic duty roster in front of her she looked for one name in specific. She noted the time and saw that he was already two hours late. She was behind today; usually she caught him after an hour.

She walked to his office with purpose in her stride and reached his office in record time.

He wasn't there. Great, now he was going to have her chase him through the whole building. Why hadn't she fired him again?

Her most problematic doctor, and also her best, what was she to do?

Her next stop was the Coma Guy's room. Sure, she wasn't supposed to call him that. He had a name, but why not? He was a guy and he was in a coma…who was to stop her in her mind?

Again she lucked out. Where could her be? It was too early for lunch and she'd seen Wilson with a patient and knew he was doing rounds. The ducklings were also missing. Hmm…what could he be up to?

She figured her next stop might as well be the clinic. There was no harm and maybe someone had seen him.

What she saw when she got there made her stop dead in her tracks. Gregory House was actually taking in patients. And, they were smiling at him as they left. What was wrong and what was he playing at?


He turned to her. "Why Doctor Cuddy, what a pleasant surprise. We were just talking about you."

She narrowed her eyes on him. "What are you doing?"

"Me? Oh, I am treating this clinic's lovely patients." He had this innocent look on his face that told her he was most assuredly NOT doing that.

"Where are Cameron, Chase and Foreman?" Her hands were on her hips and her foot was very close to start tapping.

"They're helping me."

"Right, which means that they are doing all the work and your name is being signed."

"They are my slaves. I can do as I please with them. Besides, it's not like we have any big cases or anything."

"Right, just make sure you don't stick any thermometers where they don't belong and we'll be fine."

"I would never." She was turning to leave but he had an idea. "Oh, Cuddles, will you accompany me to this lovely exam room? I need to talk to you about something."

She raised her eyebrows. What was he playing at now? "Of course. Lead the way, House."

As soon as they were in the room, this one with no windows, he locked the door. He did so without her noticing. "Sit. This may take a bit."

She moved to the chair but he shook his head. "The exam table."

"All right." She sat. "What is it?"

"We need to talk about your work attire. This is entirely too enticing." He approached her and stood between her legs.

She smiled. "Oh really? You've never complained before." She knew where this was going, but she wouldn't let it get that far.

"Who says I'm complaining? Greg likes,very much!"

She laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck and he wrapped his around her waist. "I bet you do." Her legs came around his waist, careful of his thigh.

"So what do you plan on doing about it?" she questioned him.

He smiled. "Whatever you let me."

He leaned down and kissed her lips softly. She loved his kisses; they sent shivers down her spine. She deepened the kiss and pulled his head closer to hers. They could never get enough of each other. His tongue tried to gain access and she allowed it and they became tangled in a duel for control. Their relationship was based on their fights and passion, their kisses were no different. Their hands were everywhere. Whereas he pulled her shirt from her skirt and was running his hands up and down her back and grabbing her breasts, her hands were tangled in his hair and caressing his face.

Deftly he unhooked her bra, thankful that it was a strapless today and that it came off easily. His hands instantly found their prize and kneaded them in his hands, causing Lisa to moan into his mouth. If they didn't stop soon, she was likely to take him right here.

She removed her mouth from his and rested her head on his chest, breathing heavily. He still didn't take his hands out of her shirt. They were having too much fun playing.

"Good thing you made me sit because I don't think I can stand right now."

"The only thing holding me up is your legs my dear."

She brought her head up and placed a chaste kiss on his lips. "Thank you for this. I needed it."

"I noticed. But mind, I got something out of it too."

Her legs came down and he stepped away from her to give her room to stand and fix herself. She tucked her shirt back in, adjusted her skirt and put her hair in place. He had nothing to fix seeing as his shirt was never pressed and his hair was always everywhere.

"It will never stop amazing me how you can get ready so quickly after our little quickies and to go out you take hours."

She laughed. "It will never stop amazing me how you never get fixed up, period." She gave herself one last look over and walked to the door. "Now continue doing your job, or I may just make you sleep outside tonight."

"You wouldn't dare!" He pretended to be aghast.

Her eyebrow rose and she smiled mischievously. "Wouldn't I?"

With that she left him in the exam room with a smile on his face. He would continue doing what he was doing before, not because of her threat, but because watching the three lackeys do his job was too entertaining.

Conveniently, both Lisa and Greg forgot about the letters they had received earlier on. They chose to put it as far away from their minds as possible. Little did they know that they would very soon have to remember because there were some aspects to their life that no one knew about and that no one would expect.