AN: Woo! Harry X Sirius! There's not enough of it! Man, I wrote this like, two years ago... enjoy? Review an' stuff.

Disclaimer: Me no owny.

Chapter 1: Introducing Harry Black

Things were awkward on the Hogwarts express. The entire train seemed fearful, now that the Ministry had finally admitted that Voldemort was back, but no carriage was more so than the one holding the only people who knew from the beginning that Voldemort was back.

Ron and Hermione sat tense and rigid, apprehensive of the black mood that seemed to surround their friend. Hermione was lucky to get the other window seat, and busied herself with it, casting quick, anxious glances at her brooding friend. Ron was not so lucky - so he sorted his chocolate frog cards over and over again. The only one making noise was Pig, who flew in circles around his cage, hooting; unaware of the dark atmosphere around them.

Harry looked out the window, but he felt like smashing it. Last year, the Ministry had admitted Voldemort was back. Last year, Sirius was declared innocent - after he'd died fighting for him. It was his fault. He had believed the dream, and it came true. He'd never see his playful grin, or hear his bark-like laugh, or those ice blue eyes that hid the shadow of his years in Azkaban. His death kept playing over and over in his head and Sirius's dear cousin's words kept circling in his head: 'did you love him, little baby Potter?'

Did you love him? Did you love him? Do you still love him? Love… more then he should have… Did Sirius love him like that too? Love like Harry loved him… His smile, eyes, hair, lips, laugh, hugs, and the kisses he gave Harry on the cheek that sent shivers down his spine? Did Harry do the same thing that Sirius did to him? Or was it not to be?

Obviously not to be, for now Sirius was dead and he left Harry wondering.


His bad mood lasted throughout the week, before it became depression, and Harry's grades started slipping. Hermione kept trying to push him to work, as they were in their sixth year, but upon seeing his sad face she instantly gave up. Even Professor McGonagall didn't have the heart to scold him. Ron was constantly trying to cheer him up, but the short bursts of happiness his pranks created only lasted a few minutes, as if Harry felt obliged to laugh. By Halloween, Harry's grades had slipped to an all time low, as did his spirits. The words kept repeating themselves in his head: 'did you love him?'

The festivities of Halloween continued around him, their laughs and shouts mocking him. He was getting a lot of compliments for his heroics last year, but what they didn't know was that it was his fault. He smiled and laughed weakly for Ron and Hermione, but he did no more then that.

Dumbledore made a speech at the end of the festivities, much to everyone's surprise, but Harry didn't listen. It was just a warning about Voldemort. At the end he got up wearily to leave like everyone else, and walked out the doors with Ron and Hermione, and things were once again awkward between the three of them. Silence hung above them as they made their way up to Gryffindor Tower. They started up the switching stairs when they saw Professor McGonagall striding towards them from another corridor.

"Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley and Miss Granger, please follow me," she said formally, and started to walk down the same corridor that she had come down. They followed obediently. Harry noticed that they were going towards Dumbledore's office. Sure enough, they stopped before the stone gargoyle.

"Peppermint humbug," McGonagall said to it. The gargoyle sprang to life and Professor McGonagall ushered them up the revolving stairs.

They waited outside the door, waiting to be called in. The awkward silence still hovered between them. There wasn't much to say. Ron was fidgeting a lot. He couldn't stand the silence, and by the looks of Hermione, who had become very interested in her shoes, neither could she. Ron finally broke the annoying silence. "Why do you think we were called?"

Harry just shrugged. Ron was about to say something else, when they heard Dumbledore call them in. They walked in and took their seats. Dumbledore was patting Fawkes. "Good evening, Professor," Hermione said politely.

Dumbledore smiled softly. "Good evening," he left Fawkes and sat down in his chair across the desk "Now, I have been told that you, Harry, have not been yourself," he said, his eyes twinkling sadly.

Harry didn't want to tell him why. He didn't want to tell anyone why. "I don't know what you-" "What are you talking about Harry? You've been moping for ages! We barely talk anymore!" Ron exploded. He couldn't help it. He felt like he was losing his best friend.

Harry stared shell-shocked at his friend's desperate plea. Hermione decided to add to Ron's plea as well. "We miss the old Harry! We miss our friend!"

Dumbledore smiled at their concern. "I imagine this is all about Sirius, Harry?"

Harry looked at Dumbledore then sadly at his shoes. "It was my fault…" He mumbled. Ron and Hermione stared sadly at Harry.

"No, it wasn't Harry. It wasn't fair that you spent such little time with him…" This was where Dumbledore was going to tell him that Sirius died with honor and he should live more like Sirius would have wanted.

"So I purpose that I send you three back in time to spend the year there. And maybe the next year, depending on this year."

All three of them stared at Dumbledore. Harry was the first to react. His face cracked into a grin. "Really?! You can do that?"

"Of course. But you need to be fully aware that this is experimental magic, and as of yet has not been properly used. I must stress the fact that this cannot fall into the wrong hands. The rules of time travel still apply, and you should tell no one who you really are, and tell no one of the future. Including me. I am sure that with that knowledge, even I would stop Peter." Dumbledore said sternly, the twinkle in his eye brightening. Harry's face fell, as did Hermione's. "I can't save them."

Dumbledore nodded gravely. "I'm sorry Harry, but that's the way it is." Silence fell across the room again.

"So we can prank Snape!" Ron said, cleverly changing the subject.

"RON! He's a teacher!" Hermione said sternly, but it was laced with amusement.

"But he won't be when we're back there!" Ron argued excitedly.

Dumbledore chuckled. "Of course. I have informed your families and they all agreed. Your family seemed most eager at the idea of you not coming back, Harry."

Harry grinned. "I couldn't care less, sir."

Dumbledore smiled. "I have the books and uniform you will be needing for the year here." He motioned towards the pile of books on his desk. "And I have your trunks and pets here as well.

"Now Harry, your broom is a bit advanced for the time-" "I'm not leaving my broom sir." It was the first gift Sirius ever gave him.

Dumbledore smiled. "So we will say that it is a custom made broom made by a talented little shop off the coast of Norway."

Harry blinked. Why Norway?

"Miss Granger and Mr. Weasley, I think it would be safe to keep your names, but Harry, you will now be Sirius's third cousin, Harry Black. I have already informed Mrs. Black of your coming, as I have informed myself - my former self, that is. You will be students moving schools from Norway."

They nodded. "Professor, why Norway?" Harry asked. Dumbledore smiled. "Norway doesn't get enough attention these days."

Ron and Harry looked positively thrilled at the idea of time travel, but Hermione's face was contorted in debate. She wanted to agree with Ron and Harry, that this was a great idea, but something was nagging her.

"But sir," she began, "this is experimental magic. The consequences of this venture could be enormous. No wizard has ever gone back more then 28 days, and even then there have been terrible repercussions. We could create a time paradox." She gritted her teeth and hoped she wouldn't crush Harry by saying this.

Harry couldn't believe she had just said that. This was his chance! His one big chance to meet all the people he should have known his entire life! He was speechless, and so was Ron. The dizzy excitement faded from the room and a much more somber feeling filled its place.

Dumbledore peered over his spectacles in a calm way. "I have already taken these risks into account, Miss Granger and I completely agree. This will be an experimental venture and it will be exceedingly dangerous. On the other hand I have known you three to be collected and rational even in face of Lord Voldemort. I trust that you three will obey all rules about time travel as if they were your life support."

"But sir, if Sirius and Professor Lupin see us back in the past and then in the future, that would create a time paradox! Who knows what could happen!" Hermione said sternly, though her expression was worried.

"Hermione! What are you saying?! This is Harry's chance to meet his parents! And see Sirius! How can you be against this?!" Ron cried angrily. Harry was silent. Hermione looked as though Ron had just told her he never wanted to see her again.

"Mr. Weasley, calm yourself. Miss Granger has a point. This is true, there may be a time paradox, but I believe that Sirius and Remus will understand what has happened, or will have simply forgotten in the years between." Hermione didn't look convinced.

"Miss Granger, I implore you: trust me when I say I have thought these things through and I honestly believe that you will be safe as long as you follow the rules. If worst comes to worst, you are to open this letter. It will tell you what to do and how. You, Harry and Ron are talented wizards and witch. You will be able to handle this," Dumbledore stated, handing over the letter to Hermione, who looked much more pleased knowing she had something it writing to tell her it was ok "At the end of the year, you will have to use that letter as well, Miss Granger: to get back."

"Now, if you would all grab your books, trunks and pets and hold on into this," he said, motioning to a clapping monkey toy.

They stuffed their books into their trunks excitedly and rushed over to the clapping monkey toy. They put their hand on the monkey and waited. Nothing happened. Dumbledore winded the monkey up and it started crashing its cymbals together. The sound of the cymbals reached their ears, and suddenly, everything went fuzzy and it felt like he was dreaming. Colors blurred together, and a warm happy feeling spread through his body. He looked to Ron and Hermione, but they were just blurry red and brown shapes. Things started to come back into focus, but none of them could tell. Their heads were still spinning. The little monkey didn't stop clapping and span in circles on the floor.

"Oi!" Harry's eyes started to focus on a man coming towards them in some kind of bright blue uniform. He squinted, focusing his eyes, and then realized it was one of the muggle train conductors from Kings Cross. Had they been seen? He looked at Hermione. She seemed to think along the same lines, but Ron was still blinking. The conductor stopped in front of them staring menacingly at them. "You three are disturbing the peace with that blasted monkey! Stop it or you won't be catching your train!"

Harry blinked. He wasn't wondering how they came from nowhere? Hermione clicked first and grabbed the monkey, clamping the cymbal together. "Sorry sir. We were just mucking around."

The conductor scowled at them. "What are kids your age doing playing with monkey toys?"

"Erm…" Even the quick-witted Hermione couldn't think of something. They were too old for this.

"Don't you know? Clapping monkey toys are all the rage at the moment!" All of them turned to see a grinning boy of seventeen with shoulder length straight black hair, an ear full of silver piercings and sharp blue eyes walking over. Sirius Black. He stood in front of the conductor, hands on hips. "Tut, tut, tut! Can't keep up with the times! Go!" The conductor fumed, but saw he was getting nowhere, so he left.

Sirius turned to face them, his face splitting into a grin. Harry felt his own face grinning as he looked on Sirius's happy face. "Now, why are you spending time on a monkey?" He said, taking the toy from Hermione. He examined it with mock-curiosity.

"It's a- It's-" The bushy haired girl stuttered. There was nothing she could think of.

"My brothers gave it to me. Bit of a stupid gift if you ask me. Not as bad as mum's yearly sweaters though," Ron intervened, grimacing at the thought of the yearly sweaters."

Sirius laughed out loud. His bark laugh. God, Harry had missed that laugh. He couldn't stop staring. Sirius grinned at them. "Sirius Black." He extended his hand in a loose greeting.

"I'm Hermione Granger," she said, smiling kindly at him, and shaking his hand.

"Ron Weasley." The red-head grinned, grabbing Sirius's hand as most blokes do, giving it a firm shake.

Sirius turned to last boy. His breath caught in his throat. He looked just like James, but his eyes were bright green, his face was more feminine and his lips - Sirius felt himself blush.

The bright eyed boy's cheeks tinted red as he shook his hand. "Harry P-Black. Harry Black," the boy repeated, testing it, as if it were new.

Then it hit Sirius. Black. As in the Black family. His family.