Bitter Slash Sweet

Chapter 7: Epilogue

Disclaimer: I do not own Death Note. Also, I copied and pasted the wedding vows from the Book of Common Prayer because they seemed standard (and I'm clueless about weddings).

Note: Special thanks to my friends and family and google that helped me with the wedding stuff! I'm really ignorant on that sort of thing. But it's kind of cute with Light and Matsuda, heheh.


"Matsuda," Deputy Director Yagami stopped him before he ended his shift.

Here it comes… Mr. Yagami hadn't talked to him since the warehouse incident aside from some gruff "good mornings" and other polite necessities. He's finally going to fire me.

"I owe you an apology, Matsuda," Yagami surprised him. "I should be grateful that such a brave officer is taking care of my son."

"No, we should have been open with our families from the beginning. I still haven't told my parents," Matsuda scratched the back of his head and laughed sheepishly.

Mr. Yagami chuckled and placed a hand on his shoulder. Eyes sparkling, he assured Matsuda, "I'm sure they will be proud of you, son."

Matsuda's heart skipped at Light's father already calling him son. He hadn't even told him he and Light were engaged yet! Oh… right! "Father," He accustomed himself to the word with a smile. "Would you and Mrs. Yagami care to have dinner at our apartment next Saturday? My parents will be there."

Seeing what was coming, Mr. Yagami's eyes misted. "We'll be glad to."


"So, where's the lucky girl, Tota?" Councilor Matsuda scanned the apartment with a grin. Mrs. Matsuda beamed at her son.

"Huh?" Matsuda stared at his father dumbly.

"Don't be shy, son. We know you invited your folks over to show off your new girl… it's about time! We almost thought you might be gay!" the politician laughed.

Matsuda chuckled nervously. "Actually-"

"Ah, nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Matsuda," Light greeted their guests with a charming smile.

"Aww!" Matsuda's mom rushed into Light and threw her arms around him. "He's so handsome… good catch, Tota!"

Before Matsuda could reply to his mom, his dad cleared his throat. "Momoko, leave the poor young man alone. He's obviously one of Tota's friends."

A wave of pain crossed Light's face. This lady… squeezing… too tight. Matsuda noticed first and rushed to Light's side. "Mom, you're hurting him! He's still recovering from chest trauma!"

Mrs. Matsuda panicked. "Oh no! I'll get the Neosporin!" She ran off to find the bathroom.

"I'll get some cold packs!" Matsuda ran off to the kitchen.

Mr. Matsuda stepped up to Light. "Councilor Daisuke Matsuda. Pleased to meet you," he shook Light's hand professionally.

"Light Yagami," Light flashed a grin.

"Oh, I've heard of you! The genius of To-oh University? How did my son become friends with someone like you?" he chuckled.

"My father's the deputy director of the NPA," Light smiled back sweetly. Something about that smile unnerved the elder Matsuda.

"Ah." Mr. Matsuda leaned closer. "So where's the girl? Is she prettying herself up right now?"

"Girl?" Light blinked. "Oh," he laughed when he realized what Matsuda's dad was talking about. "There is no girl. I am Tota's boyfriend." Mr. Matsuda was silent. Finally, Light spoke. "You're crushing my hand," he suggested helpfully.

"Sorry." Mr. Matsuda released Light's hand from the handshake.

"I've got Band-Aids and Neosporin!" Matsuda's mom burst back into the living room.

Matsuda also returned from the kitchen. "Mom, that's not necessary. I already changed his bandages an hour ago. He's just sore." After he propped up some pillows on the couch he forced Light to sit down and placed cold packs over Light's wounds. "You're supposed to be resting. I could have brought my parents to you," he scolded.

"I'm feeling better, you don't have to treat me like I'm helpless," Light grumbled.

"The doctors said to give it another week or two of rest. I'm only looking out for you."

Light sighed. "Thank you, Tota."

"Good boy," Matsuda kissed him on the forehead.

Mr. Matsuda's face softened. His son really cared about, no, loved this man. Maybe it would be alright. But this meant his only child wouldn't give him any grandchildren. He couldn't help but feel mildly betrayed.

The doorbell rang. "That's probably Light's parents!" Matsuda bounced off the couch to the door and answered it. He greeted the Yagami's and they both embraced him in a friendly hug. Again, Matsuda's father felt betrayed. Yagami's parents must already know about the relationship.

"I'll go start dinner now!" Matsuda announced cheerfully. The mothers offered to help and followed him into the kitchen.

The fathers sat in silence on the couch across from Light. Eventually they began to talk about trivial matters, with Light joining in occasionally. He got the feeling Mr. Matsuda wasn't thrilled with the situation, so he wanted to observe and be able to contribute to the conversation in ways that would get on the councilor's good side.

Half an hour passed and Mrs. Matsuda returned to the living room. Her son and Mrs. Yagami politely asked her to go keep the men company after too many close calls. Seeing both Matsuda's parents together, Mr. Yagami remarked. "I'm really proud of your son. He was quite a hero two weeks ago."

"Oh?" Mr. Matsuda raised an eyebrow.

"He was the officer responsible for arresting a serial murderer we had been hunting for three years."

Mrs. Matsuda's eyes widened with her smile. "Good job, Tota! Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you!" she shouted toward the kitchen. Matsuda stammered a modest yet cheerful thanks back. "I'm so glad to hear he's doing so well. I get so worried when I think about how my baby's out there facing dangerous criminals…" She glared at her husband with a pouty face. "Why didn't you get him a safer job?"

The councilor groaned. "He always wanted to be a hero. I know he probably meant like his heroes on cartoons, but I thought the police would suit him."

"I think you lead him in the right direction. Thanks to you, he's achieved his dream." It wasn't all sweet talk, Light really meant it. Thanks to you, I met Tota.

Mr. Matsuda smiled slightly. Maybe he had been too quick get worked up. At least his son was dating a good kid. The serious genius would complement him well. "Thank you."

Mrs. Matsuda also beamed at Light. Then she remembered her encounter with him earlier. "I'm sorry about earlier… you're still recovering from an accident, right?"

Light and Mr. Yagami were silent. The wounds were no accident. They were Light's fault and a reminder that under the right circumstances, he could be a monster. Matsuda came into the living when his mom asked that last sentence. Oh no! I forgot my parents might ask why Light has four holes in his chest!

"Tota saved me from the murderer," Light spoke. And he left it at that, with a wistful turn of his head. It was true… if Matsuda didn't love me, I would have died as Kira. Matsuda's bullets avoiding my heart was no mistake.

Matsuda's mom shed a tear. "That's… so romantic!" she sniffled.

Matsuda's eyebrow twitched. He's such a drama queen. He put a hand on Light's shoulder. "Let's not talk about that anymore. It hurts me." Then he announced that dinner was ready.


Light and Matsuda waited until everyone was almost finished with dinner before they made their special announcement. Light squeezed Matsuda's hand. "Tota and I will be tying the knot next month."

After it sank in, their parents congratulated them and Mr. Yagami proposed a toast. After the excitement settled down, Mrs. Yagami kidded her son, "Now Light, I hope this doesn't affect your studies."

"Don't worry," Matsuda chirped. "Light and I have been at it like rabbits for two years and he's still the head of his class!" His enthusiasm wore off when he noticed everyone staring at him. Particularly Light's icy stare. Matsuda's mom looked like she was going to have a massive nosebleed any time now. "I mean… we've been eating carrots. A lot of carrots. We've been…" Matsuda flustered.

Light looked ready to repeatedly bash his head into the table. Idiot. I'll eat your carrot.

Matsuda's dad came to the rescue. "Two years, huh? Well, it's good to see you two aren't rushing into anything."

Light sighed. Matsuda scratched behind his head and looked warmly at his father. Thanks, Dad.


Sayu tied the bow on her brother's tuxedo. She stepped back and let Light examine himself in the mirror. "That's my big brother… not even nervous the day of his wedding!"

"You still don't have a boyfriend yet, do you, Sayu?" Light smiled teasingly at his sister.

Sayu puffed out her cheeks. But she smiled shyly. "You know, the best man is kinda cute… and interesting…"

"No," Light said flatly. No way is L going to get his kinky hands on my baby sister. "He's not your type."

"Aww… Well, are you ready?"

Light nodded.

"Then go get 'em!" Sayu hurried him out of the dressing room.


Matsuda stood with L at the front of the chapel. Somehow they managed to get L in a tuxedo, but he still refused to wear shoes or stand properly. The suit was too big, too. Matsuda turned around and admired Light. Handsome and charming as always.

Light's father walked Light down the aisle as "Here's Comes the Bride" began playing. Misa trailed behind, tossing flower petals.

When they were planning their wedding, at first Light seemed offended at the idea of him walking down the aisle to "Here Comes the Bride," insisting that he wasn't a bride.

"Just think of it as 'Here Comes the Light.' Tota and Matsuda don't fit," Matsuda tried to reason.

"Or idiot," L helped.

"How about 'Here Comes the Fool'?" Light suggested.

"That works," L nodded.

"You two know I'm listening, right?" Matsuda whined.

"If there is anyone that objects to this union, speak now or forever hold your peace."

Mikami, despite being a lawyer, held back his urge to shout "objection" and weep. Kami was going to be truly happy. Plus, he had to be strong for Megami, whose cheeks were tear soaked. He took his handkerchief from his pocket and dabbed her tears. Misa grabbed it and blew her nose in it.

"We are gathered here today to bond this couple in holy matrimony." The priest gave a speech that shared some of the fluffier moments of Light and Matsuda's relationship.

Then Mikami, the ring bearer, presented them their rings. The priest started the vows.

"Do you, Tota Matsuda, take Light Yagami to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish, 'til death do you part?"

"I do," Matsuda slipped the ring on Light's finger.

"And do you, Light Yagami, take Tota Matsuda to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish, 'til death do you part?"

"I do," Light slipped the other ring on Matsuda's finger.

"Then with the power vested in me, I now pronounce you Mr. Tota and Light Matsuda. You may now kiss the groom!"

Light and Matsuda took their first kiss as husbands. Yes, Light took Matsuda's last name. He owed his life to the man.

The flower girl and ring bearer were both in tears, as were the grooms' parents. Well, Matsuda's mom was busy taking pictures of the kiss as she couldn't wait for prints from the photographer. Sayu and L smiled mistily at the newlyweds with pride. The task force beamed happily, even Ide, though he was sniffling back tears. The Whammy's sat in the back, looking like a bunch of restless kids. Near had actually been invited, but Mello and Matt came to spy on Near and L forced them to stay.

After several minutes, L spoke up. "Okay, save that for the honeymoon, you two."


At the wedding reception afterwards, Light and Matsuda cut the cake. Adorning the cake were figures of Light and Matsuda, courtesy of Near. Before cutting the cake, though, Light looked around and sighed with relief when he saw L was still with them. At least he wouldn't jump naked out of the cake like at the bachelor party. Light had only been joking when he suggested that. Not that he didn't enjoy it or find it amusing, but it scared the rest of the guys at the party, including Matsuda.


During the dance, L and Sayu danced past Light and Matsuda. L leaned in and kissed Sayu, causing the teenage girl's face to blossom with redness.

"You're sister tastes sweet, Light-kun," L remarked.

Light's eyes widened. "Get your kinky hands off my sister, you pervert!" He shook his fist, Matsuda holding him back. Why does L always have to start things?

"You should know, Light-kun."

"Don't go there," Matsuda warned.


Light tossed the bouquet behind him. Sayu, Mello, and Ide tried to catch it, but, as if by fate, it landed in Misa's hands. She stared at the flowers, depressed. With Light married now, what's the point?


"Oh, shit," she uttered before she was knocked to the floor.


Less than a month later, Light and Matsuda settled into a quaint house in the suburbs of Tokyo. Matsuda continued working as a cop, Light continued going to university. Even though there was no more Kira case, L still visited frequently and let Light help out with difficult cases occasionally. But he mostly visited to raid their fridge.

"Can I have some tea, Light-kun? Don't forget the extra sugar," L asked from his perch on the armchair diagonal from the couch Matsuda and Light were on.

"Go help yourself," Light folded his arms.

"Light, he's our guest," Matsuda looked at him sternly and gave him puppy eyes.

Light sighed and went to the kitchen.

"You've got him trained," L observed.

"I'm trying…" Matsuda murmured.

"I heard that!"

"The tea, honey, the tea," Matsuda reminded him.

Light scowled and went back to preparing the tea.

"So, when are you two thinking of starting a family?" L changed the subject.

"Well, it's kind of hard as Light doesn't have a womb," Matsuda pushed his two index fingers together sadly.

"Neither do you!" Light came out of the kitchen again, with his left hand on his hip and his right hand gesturing angrily. "You know I'm only on the bottom because it's easier for me to breathe! Why aren't you complaining about not being able to bear my children?! The least you can do is stop babying me in bed! I know you are concerned for my health, but why can't you do me harder, like the good old times…"

Matsuda got up from the couch and held Light, comforting him.

L watch the scene with wide eyes.

"It's the trauma," Matsuda explained as he rocked Light back and forth, hushing him.

"More like drama," L rolled his eyes. They are married all right.

Suddenly, something black shot through the door and tackled Light to the carpet. "I'll have your babies, Kami!" Mikami snuggled into Light.

Light pushed him away and groaned. "Not again. How did you get past the electric fence we had to install?"

The electric current flowing through Mikami's hair told all.

"Listen, nobody's having anybody's babies. It's physically impossible. When Matsuda and I settle down a bit more and I'm out of school, we'll probably adopt." Light returned being the voice of reason.

L and Mikami's ears perked up at "adopt."

"What is it?" Light looked at the two suspiciously.

"I'm an orphan," L chewed on his thumb.

"Me, too," Mikami nodded solemnly. "Megami is also an orphan."

"So is Near, Mello, and Matt," L added.

"So? What are you insinuating? You guys are too old to be adopted," Light frowned.

"Near is not," L countered.

Both Light and Matsuda wrinkled their noses. Understandably, both of them still felt some resentment toward Near. "By the time we're ready to adopt, he will be," Light said flatly.

Silently, Matsuda led both L and Mikami to the door. "Good night," he smiled cheerfully before shutting it behind them. He slid all sixteen bolts into place, and scooted an armchair in front of the door for good measure.

He turned back to Light. But Light was already sprinting up the stairs to the bedroom, leaving his pants at the bottom of the steps. Matsuda smiled at the pants, then ran up the stairs after him, loosening his tie and unbuttoning his shirt.

Less than a minute later, the house echoed with the lively sounds of love coming from the bedroom. Light got his wish.

The End…?


No plot, just a sugary sweet ending. But… if I do think of any more sweet stories of their new life, I may add to this story!

I made Matsuda's dad a politician due to the references in volume 5. (Matsuda said he got his job through contacts and that his dad would be mad if he quit… so I think his dad had lots of influence and got him the police job.)

Thanks for reading!