Hey guys! I just finished this chapter on Tuesday but couldn't post it until today because the site wasn't working well last night, so here you guys go! I would also like to thank my 100th reviewer! Drum roll please, …………… Blondie-It wasn't me! Thank you all for reading this story and supporting me!

On another note KyuuNaruSaku still needs oc submissions for her up and coming story. The character form was in my last author note. If you have any questions feel free to contact either of us!

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After getting hit a few times and turning into his water form he gave up and just laid there until the show was over. The other shinobi except for Karin and the famous loud-mouthed blond were dodging out of the way. Karin was still running around thinking she was still being attacked by the birds but was actually getting hit with sparks from the fireworks. Naruto was currently running around the training field being chased by a huge firework that seemed to have a mind of its own. Sakura made her way over to Sasuke and smiled mischievously.

"Well, it turned out better than planned."

Sasuke looked over to her and smirked. "That it did."

Sakura looked over to her blond teammate and started to laugh along with most of the others forgetting Karin was still running around like she had just escaped a mental institute for extreme cases.

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Naruto turned around every once in a while and the firework was still chasing him. He needed to come up with a plan and escape the path of this evil explosive. Then an idea hit him, literally. He jumped and started to run again when he noticed how close the firework was approaching. He jumped into a tree and watched as the firework sped off below him.

He grinned mischievously and did the hands signs he needed and created a shadow clone, the shadow clone saluted his creator and jumped down away from the safety of the tree branches and into the path of the device. But, oddly enough the firework didn't go off, but instead rerouted its' path and was charging straight for Naruto.

He knew he didn't have enough time to get out of there so he reached into his shuriken pouch and grabbed two out. He lowered himself into a Tai jutsu position and spun the shuriken around a few times before preparing to attack.

The firework was approaching, faster and faster. But that didn't faze Naruto. He swung his body around and yelled "YOU WANT A PIECE OF ME?! DO YA?! WELL TO BAD! IT'S TIME TO MEET YOUR MAKER! MUHAHAHAHA!"

The other shinobi just stood there, mouths wide open. Sakura smacked her forehead; Naruto always seemed to have to blow things out of proportion. Sasuke rolled his eyes at his teammate and couldn't understand how he could still be sane after being on Naruto's team.

The deadly weapon was quickly closing in on our favorite loud-mouthed blond. Naruto began to sweat anxiously as he waited for his moment to shine and show he was ready to take the position of Hokage weather or not Tsunade was ready to give up the beloved position.

It was now Naruto's moment to shine. The firework was just a few meters away. He waited a few seconds before charging at the explosive device. Sakura turned away muttering, "The stupid baka, he's too foolish and suicidal for his own good."

Kakashi shook his head wondering how he had ever been stuck with this loud-mouthed Hokage wanna be. Everyone else was questioning his mental status or what had made him become this stupid.

Naruto and the firework collided and filled the surrounding area with smoke. When the smoke cleared the only remnants of the evil explosive device were bits and pieces of it. Naruto stood there covered in black soot and ash. A few of the shinobi raised a single eyebrow when he raised his left arm slightly and held up a single finger.

"That's going to leave a mark." From there he promptly fell flat on his face. A groan and an "Ouch," could be heard from the ramen-obsessed ninja. A few seconds passed before a few of the members of the group started to laugh.

Sakura clutched her stomach and looked at the others around her. Suigetsu was rolling around on the ground laughing like a maniac, Jugo was leaning against a tree chuckling, and Kakashi and Yamato were also chuckling and shaking their heads. Sasuke was standing there shaking his head and muttered "Dobe."

Naruto raised his head a few inches off the ground and tried his hardest to glare at his best friend but it only made him look constipated he couldn't move to much with out it hurting so much. "Teme."

That received even more laughter from the group. Karin had finally realized she was no longer being bombarded by birds and had seen how close the pink-headed kunoichi had gotten to "her" Sasuke. (a/n yuck, don't worry she'll be gone soon, very soon.)

Her once brightly colored neon green hair now had several singed area. Her glasses were broken so they now just barely stayed on her face.

She started to grow even more envious as Sakura got even closer to Sasuke, and he was actually letting her. Any time she had tried to get close to the Uchiha he would tell her to go away. She stomped over to their direction and yelled. "What do you think you're doing with my Sasuke-kun!"

Sakura turned to face the kunoichi and raised an eyebrow. "He isn't something you can own you know."

Karin grew even more furious and stomped past Suigetsu who had just recovered from his laughing fit and promptly began again. She turned on her heel and faced him.

"What are you laughing at!"

When she had turned around the other shinobi had gotten to see what Suigetsu thought was so funny. They too started to laugh.

Suigetsu finally caught his breath and replied, "The bald spot on the back of your head and the fact you don't have a back on your skirt anymore!"

She gasped and turned around and he was right, she was missing the back of her skirt. She looked up to the sky and shrieked so loud that the sand sibs could hear her all the way in Suna in Gaara's office.