"Just what do you lot think your doing?" Mrs Weasley asked furiously.

"I'm sorry Mrs Weasley You've been nothing but nice to me and I know Harry has the upmost respect for you but, we aren't going to put up with this anymore." Buffy replied trying to keep the annoyance from her voice. "We have a right to know what you are planning."

"Your not old enough." Mrs Weasley began.

"Well someone should tell Voldemort that." Harry said rolling his eyes. "If you want us to be the ones who stop him don't you think we should know exactly what your doing?"

"None of us want you and Buffy to be the ones to fight him." James began.

"Do you honestly think We like it at all that it has to be you." Sirius added grumpily.

"Well noone gets a vote." Buffy shrugged. "Sucks to be us and all that crap but we need to get over it and figure our how we're going to do this without getting ourselves killed."

"Their right." Lily said surprising them all. "We don't like the situation but, it is what it is. I think it will be better for everyone if we keep them informed otherwise their likely to go off and do something foolish."

"Hey!" Buffy said indignantly.

"Buffy we all know you." Lily replied with a smile. "And Harry has just enough of his father in him to give me grey hairs."

"Hey!" James echoed Buffy's earlier sentiments.

"Moving along" Lily said rolling her eyes. "If we want to stand a chance We're all going to have to work together to defeat Voldemort."

"Fine but the rest of you." Molly began only to be cut of by her husband placing a hand on her arm.

"Molly dear we can't stop them from fighting." Arthur said with a sad smile. "All we can do is make sure their prepared for what they will face." And with that being said the order welcomed seven new members.

After listening to the plans that had been made, the ones being enacted, discussed, even the ones they'd already discarded it became obvious that the order had accomplished a lot but still had a long way to go.

"I have a question." Buffy said when Tonks finally finished her report on the safety measures they were implementing for families Voldemort was targeting. "How did he survive the killing curse?"

"A very good Question indeed." Dumbledore smiled.

"I don't understand what you mean?" Ron said confused.

"Well it should have killed him right?." Buffy began unsurely. "Harry survived because you sacrificed yourself for him." She said turning to Lily. "Your love created almost a shield, It bounced off him and hit Voldemort. So why didn't it kill him? Was it weakened from hitting Harry first or did he find some way to protect himself?"

"I never really thought of that." Remus said stunned. "It must have been weakened from hitting Harry first."

"How can we be sure though?" Hermione replied. "If he has found a way to protect himself we need to know how and if it can be duplicated."

"If he had found a way the rest of the death eaters would be invulnerable to it as well and their not." James countered.

"There is no protection that can withstand the killing curse." Snape informed them haughtily. "It can't even be said that Lily's act of sacrificing herself could be duplicated with similar results."

"So if there's no way to protect oneself how did he survive." Tonks demanded.

"He barely survived." Kingsley interjected.

"But he lived." Sirius replied. "He was weak but he lived and managed to restore himself."

"It must have been weakened." Hermione agreed with Remus's earlier statement.

"No." Dumbledore said interrupting their debate. "It wasn't weakened."

"How can you be sure...." Hermione began trailing off when she met his gaze. "So then how?"

"That I don't know." Dumbledore sighed.

"So how do you kill someone immune to the killing curse?" Harry asked uneasily.

"Rocket launcher." Buffy muttered earning herself a few unsure gazes. "Different big bad." She mumbled waving them off as she rubbed her temples tiredly.

"What is it?" Harry asked concerned.

"Nothing." Buffy sighed. "It's important I just can't figure out why."

"Come in." Buffy called blinking back her tears.

"Finished talking with your friends?" Harry asked as he watched her place the reshrunk compact on her dresser.

"I miss them." She nodded sadly.

"It's not just that." Harry said watching her carefully. "There's something else going on, something you don't want anyone to know about."

"I don't.." Buffy began only to be cut off.

"I'm not an idiot Buffy." Harry sighed. "I just wish you could trust me or if it's something you don't think you can tell me at least don't lie to me about it."

"It's not that I don't trust you." Buffy began unsurely. "I don't want to lie to you but you wont like it."

"Your going to try and go back aren't you?" He asked dejectedly.

"It's not that I want to, I have to. Ok part of me wants to." She corrected at his look of disbelief. "There's a prophecy in the other world about me and Faith. They need me. I can't just abandon them. But it wouldn't be till after we defeat Voldemort."

"If we defeat him." Harry corrected sadly.

"Yeah well if we don't this world is screwed and so is their's." Buffy sighed.

"Ok then how are you planning to do this, from what you told me you go back and you die."

"That's the part we're still working on." She admitted. "It might not even be possible."

"We'll figure it out." He promised her.

"We?" She asked unsurely.

"Of course I'm going to help." Harry said offering her a small smile.

"I didn't think you'd be willing to help send me away." Buffy said confused.

"I'm not happy about it but I want to make sure you don't get yourself killed doing it." He explained. "I mean I can't really stop you so why fight it."

"Harry I..." Buffy began.

"I wont say anything to the others but you should really think about at least letting Ron, Hermione and Ginny in on it. They kept your secret before and with the five of us and your friends back home all working on it we're bound to find the solution if there is one."

"I know but I think we should wait until we get back to school if Sirius finds out...."

"He'll do whatever he can to stop you." Harry nodded in agreement. "I can't help but winder though....I mean if you do get back to your other world.....Would you......will you come back?"


"Never mind, forget I asked." He cut her off unsure if he honestly wanted to know the answer. "No point in worry about that now. Dinner should be ready soon and I haven't even started packing yet."

"Do you need a hand?" Buffy offered deciding to go with his deliberate change of topic not sure if she wanted to answer him or even how to. "I'm finished."

"Nah, then what would I do tomorrow morning?" Harry grinned flopping down on her bed. "Besides I've got a mum now I might as well make use of her."

"Oh I'm so telling her you said that." Buffy grinned making a dash for the doorway but she was no match for his seeker reflexes and soon found herself pulled onto the bed beside him.

"I don't think so you little tattle tale." Harry grinned pinned her beneath him.

"You really think you can keep me here?" Buffy said tugging her hands against the gently hold he on her wrists pinning them above her head.

"Why on earth would you want to leave?" Harry smirked ducking his head down and pressing his lips to hers.