Message Sent

An- Okay, this is the first chapter of the sequel. I'm still not sure I want to do it. The plot is still not that good in my head. I might take this chapter down. Please, no flames.

Disclaimer: I don't own...


Chapter 1

"Dude! You are spending way too much time on that stupid computer." Troy's best friend Chad stated from the bed. "What are you doing anyway?" Troy sighed. He didn't really want to explain anything to Chad.

"I'm talking to a penpal." He told his best friend.

"A penpal? Oh, is that who gives you all those pens in your locker?" He asked, completely oblivious to the meaning.

"No Chad." Troy laughed. "I get those from the store. A penpal is a person who lives far away, but writes to you to keep in touch. Basically a friend." He put the definition in simple terms, Chad could be slow at times.

"Oh, well lets go meet Tay and Gabi now." Troy smiled when he heard Chad. Gabriella was his girlfriend of 6 months. They'd been off and on through Junior year.

"Lets go." He said, as he clicked okay and the blue box that read 'message sent'. He powered down the computer, and left the room.


To: School

Dear creativegrl247,

School is going ok. I'm glad it's senior year. I really can't wait to get out so that we can celebrate graduation. My friends and I are really pupmed about prom. My girlfriend wants our colors to be purple. I wanted more of a light green color. We got into a huge argument about it, and now she's mad. I'm going out with my best friend Chad right now so that we can try to settle things. Lately, she's been really getting on my last nerve. Enough about me though. What about you? How's school going? Let me know if you made any friends of anything. I'd really like to hear more about where you live. I bet it's somewhere really exotic. With lots of flowers and beautiful views. I'll tell you all about Albequerque later. I have to go.

Talk to you soon,



When the two boys arrived at the resturant, they immediately spotted the girls. Taylor sprang out of her seat to give Chad a hug, while Gabriella turned her head away. "Brie, can we talk?" Troy asked as he came closer. She nodded as Troy plopped down next to her. "I'm sorry about the whole prom thing. I know how important this is to you. A girl's prom is like a mini wedding." He repeated the words that he heard his mother say a few days before. "If you want to wear purple, than we can. As long as you're happy." Finally facing him, she gave Troy a warm smile.

"We don't have to wear purple. We can choose our colors someother time. We have the entire senior year to pick colors. We don't have to pick them now." She told him as he gave her a grin. The two embrassed as their friends came over.

"I see the happy couple has made up." Taylor smirks. Gabriella shot her a playful glare as Chad chuckled. "We're happy you guys aren't fighting. It was torture hearing Gabi whine about how self-centered you were being." Taylor blurted. She immediately covered her mouth as Gabriella's eyes widened.

"You thought I was being self-centered?" Troy was shocked. He directed the question to Gabriella.

"I was just upset. I didn't mean anything I said. Right Taylor?" Taylor nodded viguriously. The four friends laughed, and ordered their food.

"Brie, how's your mom doing?" Troy whispered. Gabriella's mother had been out of work for a while. After she had the baby, she was too exagusted. She just couldn't find the will to go back. Gabriella and her step-dad tried to convince her to go back, but she wasn't ready to leave the baby. Gabriella frowned. She didn't like the idea of talking about her mother a the moment.

"She and Emma are doing fine." She was trying not to say anymore about her family. She knew Troy was about to ask about her baby sister next. "My step-dad Scott is doing fine. Anymore questions?" She snapped slightly. It was obvious to him that she was beginning to get annoyed. He watched as she looked down and played with the promise ring he gave her. Troy reached out and took her hand in his.

"If you want to talk, just let me know. No matter what time, I'll always be there." Gabriella flashed him a sweet smile. The two leaned in and shared a kiss. "Why don't I walk you home?" The brunette shuddered when he mentioned 'home'.

"Can't I stay at your house tonight? I don't want to deal with my family right now." She pouted, and Troy gave into her cuteness. "I'll call my mom when we get to your house." The couple left the pizza place, and headed to Troy's. When the superstar arrived home, he decided to check his e-mail while Gabriella was away.


To: School

Dear Tbear,

Everything is fine with me. The friends I've made are really cool. It's not so exotic here where I live. I'm sure it's the same as Albequerque. It pracically is Albequerque. I joined the Intranet club. It's about computers. I can't wait. It's gonna be a blast. My best friends and I joined our freshman year. It was great. As for your girlfriend, maybe she's sensative about something else. She could be wanting to take control over prom, because she's losing control over something else. Prom is also like a mini wedding to girls. It's super important. I hope you guys made up. Be gentle. Your realationship with her has been good so far. Don't mess it up. How's Chad? Is he still trying to finda a new look for his hair? Let me know!

Write soon,



Troy smiled. She gave him the same advice that his mother had. He was about to e-mail her back, when he felt arms slide their way around him, and lips press against his neck. "What are you doing?" Gabriella asked him. She tried to read what was on the screen, but Troy terminated the letter. "What was that?"

"Nothing. Just some junk mail." He lied. He wasn't going to tell Gabriella about his penpal just yet. She was behaving weird already. He didn't want to put more pressure on her. "Let's watch a movie." He changed the subject quickly and lead her away. Gabriella made a mental note to try and check things out when Troy was sleeping. The two settled onto Troy's bed as the movie started. Within minutes, Gabriella was already fast alseep, completely for getting about the plan.


An- I don't really like it. I'm not sure I'm gonna continue it. Most likely this won't be updated often. My heart is set more on the sequel to 'Summer Love'. Last chapter for that will be up tomorrow.

Review! Please?