"So," I cleared my throat, attempting to sound formal.

"We all know why we have been gathered here today." I continued, sounding more like I was marrying a couple. Does anyone object to these two being together?

"Revenge is sweet." Abbie smiled, flipping her beautiful red hair behind her shoulder and running her perfectly manicured nails through it.
"Correct. So, all of us hate Jackson Stewart for some reason or another. If you don't mind, I'd like to go around the circle and ask you the reason you hate him." I said, trying not to sound too support group leader-ish.

"I'll go first." Ruby piped up.

She began her story while the rest of us turned to face her.

"Jackson and I dated for a while a few years ago. He had taken me to the movies on one date to see Transformers, which was totally kick ass by the way. Anyway, he goes out to go to the bathroom half way through the movie and I start to get hungry. Now, as we all know, the boys are supposed to be the ones who get up and get the snacks." All the girls shook their heads in agreement. "Well, since Jackson was in the bathroom and I wasn't sure when he was going to be back, I just figured I should surprise him with snacks. So I get out to the concession counter and low and behold, I see him flat out sticking his tongue down the girl who was working at the concession counter's throat."

"How many years ago was that exactly and what day of the week was it on?" Chelsea asked, biting her lip.

"Um, it was about two or three years ago and it was on a Saturday afternoon. Why?"

There was a long pause while Chelsea continued to bite her lip.

"Well, I think the girl working at the concession counter might have been me."

Collective gasps came from the other girls uninvolved in the conversation.

"You mean to tell me you were the girl eating Jackson's tongue?" Ruby asked shocked.

"Well, don't put it like that. That sounds so..foul." Chelsea defended herself.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to tell my story next." She huffed.

The rest of the girls nodded their heads and braced themselves for Chelsea's side of the story.

"Ok, so I was working another day at my boring job at the movie theater. I always wanted to be the girl that boys were taking to the movies but I was always just the one behind the counter handing popcorn and soda over to them."

"That's so hard to believe that no boy wanted to take you to a movie. You're gorgeous !" Exclaimed Lilly, interrupting Chelsea mid story.

Chelsea waved her comment off with a flick of the wrist and continued.

"So, sitting with my chin in my hand, I waited for the stragglers who waited until the movie actually started before they came out to get their snacks, no offense Ruby."

Ruby nodded her head and Chelsea continued.

"So when I saw gorgeous Jackson walked towards the bathrooms I perked up. I was hoping to the lord of all lords that he could come over after the bathroom and ask for some popcorn, maybe some candy, hopefully my number. And to my severe luck, he came around. I fluffed up my hair, which has never worked before, and asked him what he would like. To my surprise, the next words flew out of his mouth with no thought. "I'd like to take you out on a date."

My jaw dropped and my eyes grew wide. Did he just say what I thought he said? Of course he did. And he must have been very good at baseball because he was at first base before I knew it. That's when Ruby walked out. I had no idea he had a girlfriend and I was so upset with myself for getting so into him when technically he was cheating that after Ruby ran back into the movie, I slapped him in the face. I went on break and by the time I got back, he wasn't there. I never thought I'd have to hear about him again but here I am."

She ended her story and started biting her lip again, waiting for Ruby to say something. She never did.

Abbie went next.

"Jackson and I were never anything serious. I don't suppose we would be called boyfriend and girlfriend. More like friends with benefits. And I'm talking everything."

And she winked to the girls. Lilly's heart wavered when she thought about the gorgeous Abbie Heartsfield and the beautiful Jackson Stewart in bed together.

"So, like I said, we never decided to be a serious couple so I let him have all the girlfriends he ever wanted. But the second I got a boyfriend, oh hell no. He would flip out and start knocking things over and throwing shit everywhere."

Lilly had never thought Jackson would be the violent type but she never thought he would cheat either.

"He was actually the first boy I lost my virginity to and I wish that I never gave it up to him. We only broke up a few months ago too."

Abbie ended her story and looked down at her nails and seemed to examine them. But Lilly knew she was trying not to make eye contact with everyone else's wide gaze.

"Ok, so I think it's my turn. My story isn't as heartbreaking as everyone else's but it's still heartbreaking to me. So, Jackson told me he loved me and-"

She was cut off but all the other girls nodding their heads and grumbling "yeah me too's" and "ive been there's"

She sucked her teeth and continued her story.

"So I thought that I really loved him too but when I saw that he was kissing that Tiffany bitch, I didn't know what to do. I was so upset that I couldn't really focus on anything. He was my first real boyfriend, if you don't count my best friend Oliver, which is a really long and embarrassing story that I would not like to get into at the moment. So, I found him cheating and I couldn't go to my other best friend, his sister, because we got into a big fight about her not wanting me to date him and all this stuff so I went to my other best friend, the one I dated for a nanosecond, and asked him to pull up some of the names of Jackson's ex girlfriends. And here we are now, I'm still pretending that I'm his girlfriend to stay close to him so we can destroy him and you're all here helping me."

All the girls sat in silence waiting for Lilly to finish before flashing their pearly whites at her.

"Alright, so, I say we move in for the kill." Ruby says, clapping her hands together in attempt to get everyone motivated. Now, Abbie, we could use that having sex a few months ago thing to our advantage. Ever acted before?"

"I think I might have been a tree when I was five." She replied.

"Well, now you're going to be a tree with a baby on the way. Think pregnant thoughts. Lets get this party started!"