A/N: Well people this is sequel to my other fic "Curse of the black pearl: What could have happened."

Yes there is a modern OC in this story...don't run away!! Wait! The story doesn't revolve around her at all. This girl (Andy) has made it her life mission to make JE happen using the machine her uncle invented so if you're a Sparrabeth fan this is for me.

This is the first chapter and everything is getting started so no JE yet but there will be loads of that in the next chapter. Read and for the love of Sparrabeth REVIEW cause if I don't get reviews I won't write.

Lord Cutler Becket was in a splended mood. He now had a title...'lord Cutler Becket' had a lovely ring to it. He was on his beautiful ship 'The Endeavor' and he was headed for Port Royal where he planned on arresting Elizabeth Swann, William Turner and James Norrington. Next he planned on holding the girl hostage so the two men would go off and find his old friend Jack Sparrow. He would offer Jack a full pardon, get his compass, find the heart of Davy Jones and he would rule the seven seas and rid the world of pirates.

Yes, life was very splended indeed.Cutler had it all planned out.


He looked up from the letter he was reading and saw that Mercer was standing in his office.

"Yes Mr.Mercer?" he asked with a stiff smile.

"There's a lady...she came up to the ship in a long boat. She says she needs to speak to you, she says she has a very important letter..."

Being that lord Becket was a person who always wanted to be in control he concealed his surprise and nodded with knited eyebrows. "Send her in but...a woman in a long boat in the middle of the ocean? Rather strange, wouldn't you say?" he asked with a meaningful smile.

Mercer understood what he meant perfectly and nodded with a grin. "Yes sir. Very strange." he said as he handed Becket a pistol. He knew that by "rather strange" he meant "I need protection because a girl who's managed to stay alive in the middle of the sea must be dangerous."

Becket hid the pistol beneath his desk. "Now she may come in."

Mercer nodded and walked out. A second after he left a girl walked in. She looked rather young, maybe sixteen or seventeen at the most. She had mischevious hazel eyes, a bright smile and she seemed cheerful for someone who had been drifting out at sea.

Cutler had seen many girls who were more beautiful than her but she was pretty too. However he felt something slightly off about her. First the fact that her skin seemed untouched by the sun even though she had to have been traveling under the sun for days in order to get so far out in the sea. Secondly unlike other young ladies who wore their hair long and in an updo she had short dark spiky hair that covered only half of her neck. And thirdly the simple dress she was wearing seemed to be clean and new.

"Lord Becket." she said with a curtsey. Becket already hated her. It seemed that there was a slight mock in her voice as she said the word 'lord'. "My name is Andrea Robins. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Ah! Miss Robins the pleasure is all mine." he said relaxedly."Take a seat. Have a drink. You must be exhausted."

"People have different limits my lord. I personally am not one to feel tired of the sea..." she said with a smirk but sat in the chair across him.

"I've been told you have a letter of some sort for me?" he said with a mock-polite smile.

"I guess you could say that."

"And may I ask who this letter is from?"

"It's from a mutual friend of ours." Andy said with a pleased smile. He raised an eyebrow.

"Captain Jack Sparrow!" Andy said proudly with a grin. As much as Cutler was great at hiding emotions he had to wince at the name.

"Ah! Jack." he said with his usual fake smile. "How wonderful! I was just about to send a few people after him actually-"

"Cut it Becket." Andy said. The pretend politeness in her voice was now dropped. "I know what you're up to. I know what you want and if you want to get the heart than you'll help me get what I want."

Becket did not hide his surprise this time. "How did you-"

"That's not what matters. Read this letter."

Becket opened the letter hesitantly and unfolded the paper.


It's come to my attention that you want the chest aye? You know very well that I can get it for you or I can give you the device which will help you find it.

I may be willing to accept the pardon even though I'm not one to be bought for such a low price, I'll make an exception this once. I know you want to send dear ol' William Turner to come and get me but...my only condition for accepting your little bargain is this: send the girl instead savvy?

Send the girl because she knows where to find me, send the letters of marque with her and give me a bit of time to decide wether I'll be giving you the compass or getting the chest for you myself.

Aye! I know what you're thinking "how can I trust Jack to deliver the heart to me and not use it for himself eh?". My answer is mate that out of the two of us I'm the only one who hasn't pierced a "P" in the others arm so my word will be the one we'll be trusting.

And on another more serious note...I can't get the key so I can't use the heart for myself and I'll just hand the chest over to you and be on my merry way eh?

Farewell for now mate.

I hate your guts, Captain Jack Sparrow

P.S: Your wig is ugly. I'll not be wearing one when I'm a privateer.

Becket smiled at the letter. This was even better than what he'd originaly thought it would be. He would keep Turner and send the girl after Jack. Jack would either hand over the compass or better yet find the chest for him. Then he would let Jack work for the EITC or just hang him if he wished to. The only thing he felt unsure about was sending the letters of marque with the girl...maybe if Jack already had the letters he wouldn't keep to their promise? But it was a risk he was willing to take.

He tore his eyes from the letter to look at Andy. "Miss Robins? I-" he was shocked to find that the girl was no longer there.

He hurried on deck to see if she was there but no one had seen her. He could only assume that she'd left in her long boat when he was busy reading the letter.

"Marty you're damn brilliant! You brought me back at the exact right time." Andy said to her uncle. It was true that most people thought Marty was mental and had even gone as far as putting him on drugs but after testing the 'time and dimension machine' that her uncle Marty had invented Andy was convinced that he was brilliant and not a lunatic. The machine had took her to her favorite movie and into the fictional world of pirates. Although at first she wasn't really sure if she was dreaming or if she was actually in the first movie of the trilogy, she'd tried to change things to her liking and made it her mission to make sure Jack and Elizabeth ended up together but she'd failed.

After a long while of thinking she'd decided that the reason to her failure was the lack of a plan.

She'd decided that she would go to Dead Man's Chest and that she would get Jack and Elizabeth together if it was the last thing she did. She had a plan this time. She'd dressed in 17th century clothes (she'd gotten from a halloween shop) and Marty had send her to lord Becket's ship. Where she handed him a fake letter from Jack that she'd actually written herself and persuaded him to send Elizabeth to find Jack instead of sending Will...therefor giving her two favorite pirates more time together.

But her plan wasn't over yet.

"Now...you understand why you can't tell anyone about this invention right?" Andy asked. "Jack pointed it out to me and I think he's right...if people find out about this and start using it they'll start changing the past and they might change history! Goverments will get destroyed and-"

Marty nodded. "I understand."

"Good! Now on to the next part of the plan eh? Since Becket will be sending Elizabeth on the quest to find Jack, he'll summon her to his office and Will is going to be in the brig right? So I need someone to find the key while Jack and Lizzie are off finding the chest and who better than the whelp? I'll just persuade him to go off and find the key." Andy said with a grin as she gathered all the things she needed in a bag. She stepped into the machine and closed her eyes as Marty started pushing some buttons and pulling on levers. Before she knew is she felt like she was spinning around and around and when she finally opened her eyes she was in the dungeon at Port Royal.

"Andy?" she heard Will's voice calling her.

"Ah! William!" she said with a grin as she turned to face him.

"Andy get me out of here I-"

Andy cut him off. "Will! Listen to me. I have a plan that will get both you and Elizabeth free and pardoned. Becket wants Jack's compass, in exchange he's willing to grant both you and Elizabeth a full pardon. He's sending Elizabeth to find him. Mean while Jack will only be willing to hand over his compass if he gets a key...a certain key that goes to a certain chest. Find the key." Andy said so fast that Will wasn't sure he understood her.

"So this key is going to save Elizabeth?"

Andy grinned. "Will? How much do you know of Davy Jones?"

"Not much."

Andy sighed."Yeah. The key is going to save Elizabeth. Just make sure you escape after she's left to find Jack."

"And how am I going to escape and find the key?"

Andy handed him a wire and a map. "Here! Pick the lock with this, leave on a merchant ship and go to the place I've marked 'X' on the map. There's a voodoo priestess there...her name is Tia Dalma. Tell her that Jack sent you and that he'll pay her later and ask her to tell you where you can find the key."

Will thought about the plan for a second. It seemed simple enough: escape, find Tia Dalma and then find the key. Give the key to Jack so he hands over the compass and he and Elizabeth would live happpily ever after.

"One thing...how will I find Jack and Elizabeth once I find the key?" he asked. But when he looked up Andy was gone. He sighed and decided that for now he would just do as Andy had said and he would worry about finding Jack later. He just had to wait until the 'oppertune moment' to make his escape.

"Worked like a charm." Andy exclaimed as she stepped out of the booth-like machine.

"Did I bring you back in time?" Marty asked distractedly as he turned off the machine. "So is your plan over now? Everything will fall into place, right?"

"Tsk.Tsk Marty my plan has only begun. The most important part is that I will be there to watch my plan unfold."

Mary nodded. "No problemo."

"But I need a few things first. I found myself needing some modern technlogy last time I was there."

"Like what things?"

"Ummm...lots of things."

"iPod?" Adrea read off her list.

"Check!" Mary exclaimed as he put the iPod in a messanger bag.

"Bottled water?"


"Breath mints?"


"Pepper spray?"


"Make up bag?"


"Candy bars?"


"Well I can't think of anything else." Andy said with a thoughtful expression.

"Time to go?" Marty asked as he turned the machine on again

"Aye!" Andy exclaimed as she took the messenger bag. She was back in her normal clothes. A black pair of pants, a pink halter top and a black jacket. She went back in the machine for what felt like the dozenth time and gave the thumbs up to Marty who nodded and pushed a button. And everything started spining around in a fast pace before coming to a stop. She found herself sitting on a chair in what seemed to be Jack's cabin.

She flung her feet on the desk as she listened to the conversation going on outside.

"Ah! A heading.Set sail in a general...that way direction." she heard Jack say.

"Capt'n?" Gibbs questioned.

"Come on. Snap to and make sail, you know how this works. Oi! Oi!" she heard his voice getting closer to the cabin. He walked into the cabin as he looked at his compass the whole time.

She cleared her throat. "Hi Jack!" she said.

He looked up at her with wide eyes. "Oh it's you."

She grinned. He hadn't asked her what he was doing there or how she'd gotten there but he'd surely recognized her.

"Good to see that you remember me." Andy teased.

Jack grinned. "Long time no see darlin'."

"Well I heard your thirteen years were coming to an end so I thought I'd drop by from the future and see how you're doing." she said casually. He was the only one who knew she was from the future and he wasn't so surprised

He shrugged. "Here to help?"

"Yes indeed. I already got Will going off to find the key and since the compass isn't working for you..." she said with a knowing smile which he winced at. "I have Elizabeth heading out to find us so she can use the compass and help us find the chest."

She and Jack punched their fists against eachother in a 'way to go' manner. "Good job for someone with such little expirience such as yourself..."Jack said. Andy glared at him.

"Elizabeth and Will have been arrested for helping you Jack..."

When she mentioned Elizabeth's name Jack froze for a second but she continued. "Becket wants the compass..." she informed him.

"Only one reason for that."

Andy nodded. "Aye. He wants the chest. And he's cut a deal with Elizabeth...she's to deliver letters of marque to you in exchange for your compass and both her and Will are pardoned if she does so."

"As if I could be bought for such a low price."

Andy ignored him. "I told Will that you'd only give them your compass if he gets you the key...I told him how to find Tia Dalma...trust me, he'll find it."

Jack grinned. "Smart lass..."

"I also convinced Becket that you'll take the deal to get him off our backs..."

"Very smart lass..."

"Now all that's left to do is wait."

"Good." he nodded distractedly and motioned for her to get off his chair. She went over and sat on a cushion in the corner of the room and watched him as he put the compass and a few maps in front of him and tried to chart out a course as he drank rum.

"Hmmmm. You're really hung up on her right?" Andy said with a knowing smile.

"What?!" Jack said in a squeaky voice. "I don't know who you're talking about luv. Not at all."

"What ever you say... so when I say that 'the rum is gone' does it not remind you of anyone?" she asked knowingly.

Jack pretended to think about it as he looked at the map. "No. No one in particular but there was this time when I went to Havana when the rum was gone so-"

"Oh you liar!" Andy laughed. "I know you still think about Elizabeth. That's why the compass doesn't work."

"My compass works fine." Jack said defensively.

Andrea agreed with him. "You're right. The compass is fine...you're the one who's not working."

"Are you insulting Captain Jack Sparrow?!" he asked childishly.

"What if I am?" she asked looking equally childish.

He just narrowed his eyes at her and went back to his maps. Andy just took out her iPod and listened to some music to pass the time.

Jack found himself wincing when she started singing out loud.

"All alone in my room, think of you in a rate that is truly alarming..." she sang as loudly as she could.

"Stop singing!" Jack whispered under his breath.

"I keep looping my memories of you, I pretend that you want me... and I fall asleep and dream of alternate realeties." she sang louder.

"Stop singing!" Jack said a bit louder thinking that she could hear him.

"And I put myself at ease by pretending that she still loves me..."

"Stop singing!" Jack almost shouted.

"And I can't stop thinking about you, and I can't stop thinking about you..."

At this point Jack got up, walked over to her and shook her by the shoulders. "Damn it woman! Stop singing."

Andy grinned and paused the song. "Oh sorry! Was I bothering you?"

"Very much." Jack said with a smirk.

Andy lept at the oppertunity. "Is that because you can't stop thinking about Elizabeth and it bothers you that I'm singing a song that reminds you that you can't stop thinking about her?" she said as fast as she could.

Now if it were some one else they wouldn't understand a word she just said but this was Jack.

"No! Because if I was in fact thinking about her as much as you seem to think I was I wouldn't show the fact that I was bothered with that song because I wouldn't want to give you any reason to think that I was thinking about her." he said as if he was making a point.

"You have a point but if you weren't thinking about her-"

"Oh shut it! This isn't getting us anywhere. Just be quiet eh?"

"Oky doky." she said and went back to listening to the song as he busied himself with the maps and his rum.

Finally he got frustrated. "Why is the rum always gone!" he said as he got up. He wobbled a bit. "Oh! That's why!" he said as he put his hat on and swayed out of the cabin.

Andy sighed and took a look at her watch. It would only be about ten minutes before Jack came running back on deck yelling his head off.

"Five...four...three...two..." she counted down a few minutes later. "one!"

Nothing was heard until a few seconds later. She could hear Jack yelling orders. "Oh well! I was only a few seconds off."

"Run as if the devil himself and itself is upon us." she heard him shout. About a minute later a very scared Jack came running in the cabin.

"The black spot?" Andy asked casually.

Jack glared at her. "You knew about this!"

"Duh! Of course I did." she said with a cocky grin. "I know everything."

Elizabeth Swann was a very angry young lady at the moment. Who wouldn't be if their wedding had been ruined?

"It seems you're more than willing to deliver the letters to Jack Sparrow. You care a great deal for him?" Becket asked with a cruel smile.

"The reason I'm willing to deliver the letters to Jack does not mean I care for him." she pointed out as she stood in front of his desk. He'd discussed what he wanted her to do and she'd accepted...reluctantly. But if it meant he and Will would be free, she had to.

"Means you care for Mr.Turner then?" Becket asked without really expecting an answer. "A wedding interrupted or fate intervenes...either ways and no matter who you care for I'll want that compass miss Swann."

Elizabeth nodded and took the letters from him.

"Have a nice trip miss Swann. Say hello to Jack Sparrow for me." he said with a fake smile.

"Captain." she reminded him. "Captain Jack Sparrow."

Likey or hatey? Let me know but plz no fire ok? Just tell me nicely and I'll use all of your suggestions and...in my story.

A bit confuzzling and a bit too much of Andy but wait cause there will be loads of Jack and Elizabeth in the next chapter and some Will in future chapters because he's still a good guy and a part of the story.