8/1/06- Dream I woke to this morning… I swear I don't know how KH turns to FMA… Well I do, but not THIS way. The father thing, well, my friend showed me this Doujinshi once and it had something about his father, and his mother's death, so I guess that's how it came to be.

Roy stood there in the mess of the small room poised to start the explosion. He was surrounded by the darkness. The only thing of him just lit even slightly, by the light of the far off fires that spread through the city outside, was his face. He wasn't watching them as they spread through the city. He could barely even see through his rage that shown through the glare he was giving the man sitting on the floor in front of him, fear running through his own eyes as he tried to get away.

Suddenly the door to the room was thrown open and Ed stood just outside. He held the shreds of his shattered automail arm as he looked over the scene before him. "Mustang!" He called, causing the dark haired man to twitch slightly. He looked over at him, though it didn't seem like he was really seeing anything. "Hughes told me about what happened… This isn't the way to deal with it! Killing him wont change anything! A life for a life is not equivalent…"

"That doesn't matter! Stay out of this, Full Metal." Roy growled, turning his gaze back into a glare as he looked back down at the cowering man, again. The man tried to turn and crawl away, only to cause Roy to growl, "You wont get away with what you've done!"

As he moved to snap his fingers, Roy was tackled to the ground. He quickly tried to get up, only to find one arm wrapped around him and broken automail laying against his other side. Ed had his head buried in his chest, gripping tightly as he refused to let go.

Choking back sobs, Ed whispered, "We both have fathers who killed women we loved. But this isn't the way to deal with it… What will killing him accomplish? It wont bring her back."

Ed was shaking, as his grip tightened around Roy, who was still in shock. Slowly Roy pulled himself up, so he could sit comfortably with Ed clinging to him. He wrapped his arms around the boy, cradling him. Slowly he began to rock back and forth, burying his own face in Ed's neck. "It's alright Ed, it's alright…" he whispered, as tears streamed down his face.