Hey it me, ok I got this idea after having a vampire orientated conversation with StarlightAngel101 and have decided to write this and see what you all thinks. It not my usual style nor genre but its new and hopefully different.

Summary: Tyson, Max, Ray and Kenny are vampire slayers, Hilary is Tyson's girlfriend. But she is soon caught up in a vampire without understanding it and her life takes a drastic change for better or for worse…

Rating: M

Warnings: rape, mild language, angst, violence, AU, slight OOC

Pairings: TysonHilary, KaiHilary, RayMariah, hinted KaiTala, BryanTala (TalaBryan)

Disclaimer: I do not own these characters but I do own idea and any OC's

Chapter 1

Darkness crept over Tokyo; it's slipped past unsuspecting victims and devoured their hatred for the world around them.

A long winter was ahead for the unknowing citizens of this very city, a winter which would change some people's lives and may just end some.

For one such unsuspecting person's life who would find herself trapped in a war in the near future, watched over the city, her brown hazel hair was tied back and her mini skirt flew in the wind, she looked out into the city and wondered whether the winter would be the same as when her parents were killed.

A long list of swearing was heard from below her and she looked down from her balcony, she watched and wondered whether taxi drivers took anger management courses or where generally angry with the roads?

The girl's name was Hilary; she was seventeen years old and waiting for her long time friends to come to celebrate the birthday which would change her life.

Someone had gotten out of the taxi which had caught Hilary's attention, a boy with a red baseball cap on, he held a white cake box and a duffle bag was slung over his shoulder as he looked up and saw Hilary's shadow on her balcony.

Hilary heard the ring of her door bell and the knocking on the apartment door and knew it had to be Tyson, probably telling her excuses about how he'd eaten her birthday cake.

Opening the door to her apartment, Hilary saw her old school friend smile at her; they greeted and set everything up before the others arrived.

Hilary opened the cake box and saw her birthday cake still intact and kissed Tyson on the cheeks before she saw him hand her, her gift that he's spent two months finding.

Maybe, thought Hilary,

Loud noises where something you get used to over a certain amount of time, and for Kai it didn't seem like noise any longer, a buzz in his ears and he got on with what he was meant to be doing.

The rave was the best place to get a decent meal and as in meal he didn't mean hamburger and chips.

The 6 foot nineteen year old moved like a snake in between glowing sticks and dancing bodies, his mind simply on single thing…super.

His crimson eyes glowed as they caught the sweet scent of his prize, someone was already a head of him, must be Tala.

Kai wondered out of the warehouse and followed the scent, it gained in strength as he moved and once he was in the alley where Tala and Bryan stood waiting.

Tala was holding onto a withering teenage girl, she appeared to have been drugged and had no idea of what was happening at this very moment which in Kai's opinion was good.

Kai's eyes swept over the scene in front of him, it seemed his two companions had already had some fun with the human, Kai's eyes landed on the pair of pink panties on the ground and he suppressed a growl.

He had told them not to do this, just to feed and then leave, not rape the human, but he could only shrug it off, what was the point in feeling sympathetic towards diner? He would have to have a talk with them some other time, but this was neither time nor place to do so.

"You going to stare all evening or are we going to eat" said Bryan, his lilac hair falling into his eyes as he swept them away, his eyes roaming over the humans girls body, waiting for the eldest to feed first.

Kai narrowed his eyes and leant to the girl, he looked up at Tala who was grinning in a satisfactory way, and he must have been the one to have caught her, something which he should be pleased about considering how clumsy he could be when hunting.

Kai moved her hair from her neck, and moving her head so he could get better access, he breathed onto her neck and could feel her pulse, the throbbing of her blood in the juncture vein.

His soft lips softly touched her pale neck and she stiffened, Kai's ran a finger on her vein before her kissed harder against the neck, he opened his mouth and his teeth glided against her neck.

Suddenly and violently two fangs pierced the skin, and blood seeped from her neck, her body fell to the ground, the blood ran down her neck and trickled down to the ground, but before it could touch the solid ground Bryan's slender index finger caught it and sucked his finger.

A shout was heard from behind the three and Tala saw a young man standing watching, his eyes wide his heart pounding in his throat.

Bryan and Tala quickly glanced at each other and pounced.

Screams were muffled and a feast had begun…

Everyone was there, Tyson, Max, Ray, Mariah and even Kenny.

Hilary was more then surprised, for once everything appeared to be going the way it should be, for once no was hurt on her birthday.

She remembered last year Max had fallen dancing and had smashed the coffee table not to mention broke his arm.

It was not long before it was ten and the cake was ready to be blown out; Hilary sat on the floor with a tiara on and watched the ice-cream cake came towards her and placed in front of her.

Candles were lit and everyone watched as she closed her eyes, she breathed in and thought of a wish, any wish.

'I wish that nothing would changes'

And she blew out her candles, she smiled and everyone cheered.

Suddenly out of the blue a cellphone was ringing; Hilary's eyes filled with sudden water at the memory of someone phoning her telling her, her parents were in hospital on her birthday.

Wiping her eyes, Hilary saw Tyson talking to someone on his cellphone as he looked over at Ray and the others, he flipped his phone closed and sat down next to her and gave her a hug.

"We have to go now Hil; I'll come over tomorrow ok?"

"Where are you all going?" she asked, her head leaned against his chest and she sighed, wishing everything would just stay the same once again in her head.

"Grandpa just needs us at the dojo, nothing big but you know what he is like when it's dark"

"Yeah, all about ghosts and ghouls, its ok Mariah is sleeping over"

Tyson looked down feeling guilty, he knew how today was special for her, he just wished he could do more, but duty called and he was needed.

"Ok, I'll see you tomorrow then, we have lunch planned ok?"

Hilary nodded and Tyson placed a soft kiss on her lips, he got up and the guys left together, leaving Hilary with Mariah, yet Hilary still felt very much alone.

"Man they went all out didn't they" said Max as he stared over at the crime scene before him.

The four teenage boys stood staring at the scene of the vampire feast, someone had been hungry or maybe it was more then one, whatever had happened it had been violent.

The four boys were part of a division where they would hunt and fight against the supernatural; something like this was normal but for it to be so… vicious was a rare sight.

"Well it had to be vampires" said a voice from behind them.

Heero stood watching them, he was Tyson's older brother and their mentor, and he grimaced as he scanned the two empty vessels for bodies.

"Vampires, this must be the third attack this month" said Kenny as he set up his laptop to scan for any data.

"Fourth" corrected Heero.

Ray bent down and looked over the young girl, maybe around Hilary's age; he moved her neck back and forth, broken.

"Her necks broken" he told the others.

"Tired of them fighting back?" asked Tyson as he photographed the scene.

"Looks like they had fun too, since when do vampires rape their victims?" Heero asked as he picked up the panties with tweezers.

"Since they got bored" answered Kenny typing on his laptop.

"They, more then one did this?" said Tyson as he zoomed in on the bite marks.

"Three to be precise"

"A hunting party?" Max questioned.

"Probably, and did a good job of it too, good place to choose, it was planned" answered Heero.

The group went silent, a planned hunting party, at a warehouse at a rave, it was too good to be true but an all eating buffet.

"Do you think it's the same three that did it before?" asked Tyson.

"Don't know, we'll have to check in with the lab" said Kenny.

"Sooner the better" yawned Tyson, and they got ready for the night ahead.

Something was crying, an animal maybe?

Hilary opened her eyes and heard the noise from outside, from under her balcony, she heard it, its deafened her.

Hilary looked over at Mariah next to her, they slept together in the double bed, and Hilary looked over at her luminous alarm clock and moaned, midnight.

Getting up, Hilary wrapped herself in her blue gown and walked to find out what was making all that noise.

She stood outside of the apartment block, her bare feet hitting the cold solid ground; she shivered as if something was crawling under her skin.

Hilary looked down and saw a kitten meowing and calling for help; she bent down and picked the poor kitten up and looked around, not a soul in sight.

Suddenly Hilary's eyes made contact with another pair, crimson eyes stared back at her, and she saw three teenage boys walk past gliding almost.

But the crimson pair locked with hers, neither looked away until the crimson pair did and Hilary blinked.

Maybe it was her imagination? She wasn't sure.

Taking the kitten and herself upstairs to her home she slept, the crimson eyes haunting her dreams.

They entered the church, the large wooden double doors crashed closed behind them as the three returned from a night hunt.

An old abandoned church was perfect for their little hide out and seemed to fit them being there.

Kai sat on the pew and lay down, he was tired, and after the feast he'd just had he deserved some shut eye.

Something prodded his feet and he opened his eyes looking up, Tala was looking down at him and handed him a book.

"What's this?" he asked as he paged through it, noticing the pictures inside.

"That's what they call a Bible"

Kai raised an eyebrow, "And why are you giving me this?"

"Don't know, maybe thought you could learn something…you coming to the ball on Friday?"

"Are you asking as friend or is Voltaire?"

Tala shrugged, not really bothered by the answer he was going to receive.

"If you are asking then I would say yes I was but since it's Voltaire that's asking then no I'm not going".

Tala pouted.

"You look like a girl, go to sleep"

Tala stuck out his tongue and headed away from Kai.

Kai opened the book at the beginning and his eyes scanned it, the small fine print, "Silly humans" he growled and placed it on the ground and fell asleep.

So what do you all think??

Please review!!