The next day when Harry woke up, he started doing his morning routine. Getting dressed in Black faded pants that were slightly fitting on him, but not too baggy, a 3 studded belt, and a random shirt, it was red, tight, and fitted him nicely with the words "you can't touch this" on the front. Then he finished the outfit by putting on blue socks and his converse. When he was finished, he went to the bathroom to brush his teeth, put on deodorant, and take his medication prescriptions. After that, he went to the kitchen where Remus was making breakfast.

Harry came up behind him and gave him a hug, "morning Remus," he mumbled.

"Good morning Harry...yesterday was an eventful day, wasn't it?" Remus asked as he tried to start another conversation with Harry.

"Yes, it was. I found a shirt in Siri's closet yesterday I'm gonna wear it to the party...what's for breakfast?" Harry asked. He was trying not to inhale too much of the smell of bacon that had tried intoxicating his nostrils, he did not want anything bad to happen that day for , to him, was a great day so far.

"Bacon, ham and cheese omelet's with toast and whatever is to drink; probably coffee," he replied.

"Yummy, can I try a piece of bacon when it's done?" Harry asked.

"Are you sure?" He looked worried.

"Yeah, I'm gonna try to get this appetite thing improved, I don't like the hospital much and I really hate my stomach growling for food when it knows I can't eat," Harry said happily as he went over to the refrigerator and grabbing the milk. The he started pouring some of the cold, white liquid in a clean glass, and put the beverage back in the fridge.

"Want some?"

"No, Harry, I think I'll have coffee with Sirius," Remus gave him a pleasant smile and poured himself a cup of coffee in a mug with the picture of a cat. He knows how much Sirius hates cats; that is why it is his favorite mug. Harry smiled back at Remus before taking a sip of his milk.

"What's today's plan for English today?" Harry asked politely.

"I was gonna have every one write an essay about their favorite person," Remus smirked.

"That's not fair! You know I can't choose between you and Sirius!" The raven-haired boy gaped at him with wide eyes.

"I know. That is why I am giving that assignment, I want to see who you will pick...and I wanted to get back at you for Sirius scaring me yesterday," Remus got the food ready. He turned off the stove and oven and put the breakfast foods on separate plates.

"Eat up Harry, it's almost time to leave for school and I don't want you to be late again," he said.

"Ok," Harry replied as he grabbed a piece of bacon and nibble as much as he could with out getting sick. It was not too much, but he did eat a little. It was a delicious taste; he had not had in such a long time, which felt good to Harry's taste buds. After Remus ate, both of the two boys left the apartment to go to school.

Once they arrived, Remus parked in the teacher parking lot, where later on Harry met Hermione: who was always early for school. They talked and talked about everything they could think of to get to know each other a little better while Hermione pointed out to Harry that it was nice to have an intellectual conversation with someone who does not have the IQ of an ant. Ron showed up a few minutes before the tardy bell as always before he ran up to the two friends trying to catch his breath.

"Why don't you come in earlier Ron? You could have been late for the tardy bell!" Hermione said while they all started racing to their first hour class trying to make it to that side of the wing on time. Hermione had History while Ron had Chemistry, and Harry having Art. After finding his class, he realized he was late with barely having any clue of where he was going the entire time. He finally found the class, though he still had to walk up to the teacher to explain missing her class yesterday and that it was only his 2nd day.

"That's quit alright sit down and let's gets you started on the project everyone is supposed to be working on. We are picking partners and drawing them," Mrs. Trelawney said. Draco looked up at who walked in late and notice that it was Harry and smirked.


"What?" Blaine asked.

"Get up! I decided to draw Harry instead!" Draco said as he walked over to Harry to tell him he was his partner to "draw."

"Are you sure? I mean don't you already have a partner?" He asked.

"I did, but I want to draw you, so sit down so we can get started!" Draco pulled out the seat for Harry as the boy sat down and Draco began to draw.

"So how do you like the school so far?" Draco asked while looking down at the paper.

"It's really big and super hard to find my classes," Harry relied, keeping still.

"Yes, it is rather large, but of course I would only go to the best of schools," Draco stated rather cockily.

"...Right," Harry said quietly. Draco looked up and gave Harry the cutest smile he could muster, which Harry found himself staring at Draco dreamily again, just as he had been in Math yesterday. But Draco wasn't doing this for likable reasons of course; oh no, he wanted something alright, something that could maybe change Harry's reputation and personality so much that everyone would hate him at the school, at least, that's what Draco planned. He, of course, could not have the first new kid the school hadn't had in a while, take his reputation he 'worked' so hard to get for himself.

"Harry? Could you do something for me?"

"Sure what is it?"

"Could you maybe move a little closer?" He whispered just barely audible for Harry to hear.

"Umm sure," he replied. As he did what Draco asked, he moved closer, not knowing what was next to come; Draco had 'accidentally' slipped his foot from the bar of the art stool making their lips collide together. It sent cold chills down Draco's spine as it warmed Harry's heart.