Chapter 1 Begin..

The Gang where on there normal place waiting for Yumi.

"Guys nock it of!"

"why everybody knows that you like Yumi! So why aren't you ask her out?" said Odd laughing

"that's none of your business!!" Ulrich said coldly.

"it is! Because if you don't she going out with William and then I have you and your bad mood as roommates!"

Aelita nodded "Odd is right! If you don't make a move you have…"

Jeremy saw Yumi aproching "sshhhjj Yumi is coming"

Ulrich heave a sigh of relief.

Odd looked to Ulrich "Ok but where not finisht mister!!"

Yumi walked to them and stood besides Ulrich "Hi guys where are you talking about?"

"NOTHING!" Ulrich shouted.

Yumi looked at him 'where is he up to?' she thought.

On moment the bell rings.

Yumi waved them goodbye ready to go "see ya later!"

And she run away and disappeared in the crowd.

Sofly Ulrich repeated her words "see ya later"


They were sitting in class, William next to Yumi like always.

William turned to Yumi and whispered "Yumi can I ask you something"

Had her eyes still on the notebook where she was drawing in "Sure what's up?"

"do you want to go out with me"

Yumi's eyes shot up and she looked to William "WHAT?!"

"Yumi do you want to share you're thoughts with the class please?" mrs Hertz asked.

Yumi became red "Errr there's nothing I only eh… saw a … spider!"

Mrs. Hertz. Looked to her "even if you see a spider you don't have to yell that way!"

"yes ma'am" Yumi replied politely while turning to her book again.

When Miss Hertz continued her lessons William turned to Yumi "since when are you afraid for spiders?"

Yumi didn't look up to him and whispered a quick answer "since now" do you mind her? William IS almost a spider EW

William looked worried to her "Yumi are you alright?"

Yumi saw everything turn around her.

"of course!" she replied dizzy before she fainted.


In the infirmary Yumi wakes up she saw how Yolanda put her hand on her head.

Questioning Yumi looked up to Yolanda "what's happened??"

"I don't know that so sure but you were…"

Then William appeared In the door.

William signed in relief "Yumi! You're awake!"

Yumi turned to him "ow hi" her face told that she didn't really was happy to see him.

William sat down beside her "I was so worried, in the class you were passed out! I have brought you directly to the infirmary, you don't look very well its something going on?"

Yumi tried to smile "No of course not"

"do I most leave you too alone?" Yolanda asked.

"Yes/no" replied William and Yumi on the same time, blushing furiously Yumi turned her head to Yolanda

Yumi looked to Yolanda she sure DIDN'T want be alone with William when she was so vulnerable "I just want to ask what's going on with me"


Yumi looked to Yolanda "what's wrong?"

William looks from Yumi to Yolanda "I think I most leave YOU to alone, I come later back Yumi bye!"

Yumi smiled "bye William and thanks for caring"

And William disappeared in the door

Yolanda shruggeld "Yumi I don't now how to put this but, you have a sort of deadly fever!"

Yumi looked horrified to Yolanda "what do you mean?!"

"I am not that worm how could I have a deadly fever if I feel good?"

Yolanda looked to her "It is not so famous only a few persons have this fever, its not the whole time a high temperature only on a few moments that's the reason that you fainted I have take some blood and if you don't do anything about it its even deadlier than cancer!"

"But… what can I do about this fever? How could I have it?"

Yolanda sighned "I'm not sure, it is not so famous I must search for an answer, but there is one thing you could do a surgery but it is very dangerous, the chance for living is about 10 percent!"

Yumi looked to Yolanda and saw she had a hard time to say this.

With a trembling voice Yumi asked "I… and if I don't do the….surgery than what?"

"Than you will be dead in 3 years"

"But… what should I tell… my parents… and friends…!?"

"I can call your parents if you want but your friends… I can't make that choice but it is good if you tell them" said Yolanda.

"tell them what?! That I maybe can die and the longest time I have to live is 3 years!" Yumi shouted.

When Yumi realized what she said "I'm sorry I'm just confused, can I go home tonight?"

Yolanda smiled to her "if you want to go you can but if there is something…anything… I'm here for you!'

"thank you ma'am" Yumi tried to smile but it failed.

"say Yolanda please"

"ok! I should go bye Yolanda" and she leave the infirmary.

Should Yumi tell her friends or not?