Hope you will like it. It's my first chapter story and i'm trying to not put so much fluff in it as I usually do.

"Hina-chan, mitte mitte!!" A woman no older than twenty yelled to her best-friend. The one called 'Hina-chan' turned around to see a beautiful, slender woman with long blonde hair, coming into their three bedroom condo, waving, what seemed to be a manuscript in her hands.

"Ohayo, Ino-chan," 'Hina-chan' smiled as she turned around to look at her friend from the three-cushion, lavender, silk covered couch.

"Hinata, look! It's the script to the new movie Kurenai talked about. You know the one all of our friends tried out for? Okay, well they're not all of our friends, just most of them. They got parts also!" Ino screamed.

"Let me see…" Hinata said confidently.

"I also got the cast list. You and I got the biggest parts! Isn't that exciting?!" Ino squealed.

"Who has the male leads?" Hinata asked curiously.

"Ano…," Ino stuttered out," Sasuke Uchiha."

"Are you serious!!!!!????" Hinata snatched the cast list from Ino and scanned over the contents of it, nearly ripping it in half, with her perfectly manicured nails, as she did so.

They heard footsteps coming from the front door and looked at who came in. A woman with slightly curly, shoulder-length, black hair and piercing red eyes came through the door, flipping through a pile of mail.

"Ohayo, Kurenai-sensei." Hinata greeted, calmly. Kurenai looked up and smiled at Hinata and Ino, on the couch. She walked over to them and sat across from them on a red and black chair, automatically crossing her legs as she sat down.

"I have a question, Kurenai-sensei." Hinata started.

"She's about to blow." Ino muttered, covering her ears and curling up into a ball. Hinata walked up to Kurenai and pushed down the pile a junk mail from her agent's face, that so captivates her attention.

"Just, you know to make sure, as our agent, aren't you suppose to tell us about who our cast members are...," She chuckled, "BEFORE WE ACCEPT THE PART!!!!!!!!!!!!???????" Hinata blew up. Kurenai seemed unfazed for the moment, and then got a guilty face.

Ino sighed coming out of her pitiful position of protection.

"Gomen Nasai, Hina-chan. I new that if I told you about Sasuke, then you might not have accepted the part." Kurenai admitted guiltily.

"Iie, I should be the one apologizing for blowing up like that. It's just, whenever I hear his name, or some one brings him up, I just explode. Besides, it's been 2 years already. I can work with him in a civilized manner. Ne, let's go shopping." Hinata stated randomly, changing the subject. She saw Ino and Kurenai staring at her. She looked down and blushed. She was still in her pajamas!

"Just let me get ready first." Hinata ran upstairs to her huge bedroom.

She threw off her pajamas and changed into a lavender off-the-shoulders sweater and a pair of light denim jeans covered by a pair of white, knee-high length boots. Her long dark blue tresses were put into a French braid. The finishing touches on her outfit were a white knitted scarf.

Hinata came out and saw Ino wearing a white sweater, covered by a long, cream colored coat. The lower part of her outfit consisted of coffee colored tight jeans, accompanied by dark brown knee-high boots. She was also wearing a knitted scarf, only Ino's was dark brown. Ino's long blond hair was left down, but was covered with a cream colored beanie-like-hat.

Hinata also saw Kurenai coming down stairs in a new change of clothes. She was wearing a red turtleneck, covered by a black blazer. The bottom parts of her outfit were her pear of black jeans and red heels. Her hair was just left down.

"Ready to go? The limo's waiting outside." Kurenai informed them.

"Hai!" Ino and Hinata said in unison. They all left to the mall in their long black limo. When they got there, they spent the whole morning shopping. It was already lunch when the decided to stop and get lunch. (A/N: By "already", I mean they started shopping at around 8:00 AM.)

They ended up choosing a sushi restaurant called "Hirano's."

"Aren't you happy that there are no—"Ino was cut off by a fan girl screaming,"OH MY GOSH!! IT'S YAMANAKA INO AND HYUUGA HINATA!!!"

"Never mind," Ino corrected herself.

"Time to run," Kurenai pointed out.

"Hm," Was Hinata's reply. They went dashing through the golden doors, with the fan girls; and some fan boys, right on their tails.

"Jeez… Can't get any privacy, can we? Ne, Hina-chan?" Ino asked to her seem-to-be-dazed, best friend.

"Ah," Was her reply.

They got to their house with out any crazed fans following them. They lost them a while back.

"I guess we should order sushi?" Kurenai asked to her two actresses.

"Yep," Hinata and Ino replied at the same time.

Times like this these are when Kurenai thinks about how they got to there state right now.


A petite girl the age of 16 with navy, shoulder-length hair, walked onto a big Broadway stage. Kurenai watched with interest. 'This should be a good one' she though sarcastically.

"Ano…My name is Hinata Hyuuga. I will be trying out for the part of Nyoko in the upcoming movie "Starlight." The shy girls tried to sound as confident as possible. She closed her eyes, breathed in and out, opened her eyes and began the scene.

"Baka!" She paused and her voice became soft," Doushite," Her voice became louder again," Why can't you just stay in Hokkaido!? You haven't changed at all!! You always have the same routine! You go off to some foreign country and without any warning, when we all finally have our lives back together, you come back, expecting everything to be the same. Well guess what?! It's not all gonna be the same! I'm done with this. I'm out."She finished with so much emotion she aslmost made Kakashi cry. Hinata turned to face the judges. They, including Kurenai, had their mouths on the table. Hinata blushed.

"Was I that bad?" She asked shyly.

"That was…," Started a man with a cigarette in his mouth that was about to fall out.

"Amazing!" finished Kurenai. All of the judges stood up clapping. There were various, "Amazing" and one"She could be great, who am I kidding, she is great!"

There was a man with a very tight green spandex suit and bushy eyebrows walking up to the stage. He said, "That was Beautiful! The power of Youth has shown its bright beautiful rays on you, Hyuuga-san!" He suddenly hugged me and a man with silver hair sticking up into spikes and a mask covering half of his face, holding an orange book in his hand, suddenly appeared behind the strange man and hit him over the head saying," Don't touch her you perv."

The strange man got up and retorted back yelling," Who are you calling a perv?! You with your "Icha Icha Paradise" books!"

While all of this was happening, Kurenai motioned Hinata to come over to her and Asuma, the guy with a cigarette in his mouth. She went with them obediently to the hallway, away from Gai and Kakashi's fighting.

"That was amazing. You'll most likely get the part you want." Asuma announced.

"Hounto?!" Hinata asked excitedly.

"Hai. Asuma, can you excuse us for a moment? I have something I want to talk to Hinata about."

"Hai." He left them to talk or to light another cigarette.

"Ano…Yuuhi-San. What is it that you wanted to talk to me about?" Hinata asked cautiously, "You're not like Maito-san, are you?"She got ready to run, just incase she was.

"Oh heavens no! What I wanted to talk to you about was that," She paused," I want to become your agent. I can get you to see and act in many movies."

"That would be amazing, but why me?"

"Not only you, but one Yamanaka, Ino, as well. I want you two because you two were the best ones out there." Kurenai explained.

"Oh. I see. Where is Yamanaka-san? I would like to meet her."

"Hai," Kurenai looked towards one of the doors," Ino! Come here!" After Kurenai said that, another petite girl also at the age of 16, with her blonde hair up in a bun, came out.

"Konichiwa, Yamanaka-san." Hinata greeted, bowing.

"Konichiwa. Gomen Nasai. I don't know you're name." Ino greeted back, smiling.

"Her name is Hyuuga, Hinata," Kurenai but in," You two will now be living in the same condo with me, since you have both agreed to becoming my actresses."

"Ah. Hai. I'll talk to my father about it. He will most likely let me. He follows me with my dreams and backs me up 100 percent!" Hinata stated.

"Ditto, Hina-chan. May I call you that?" Ino asked.

"Hai, as long as I am able to call you Ino-chan," Hinata answered.

"No you may not address me as such." Ino replied coldly. Hinata had a look of utter shock at Ino's sudden change of character. "I'm just kidding. Of course you can call me that!" Ino returned to her playful side.

Hinata sighed, and then said, "Arigatou, Ino-chan!"

"Looks like you two are off you a good start," Kurenai stated the obvious.

"Hai!" Ino and Hinata said in unison. They looked at each other and screamed," Jinx, you owe me a soda! Stop copying me! No, you stop!" They then started laughing. Kurenai had a look of pure confusion on her face, and that just made them laugh harder. At this point, they already had tears in their eyes.

"Kurenai-san, when do we move in and at what address?" Ino asked after she was done laughing. She stifled a giggle or two. Same with Hinata.

"Tomorrow and at 5-12, Ginza 3-Chome, alright?" Hinata and Ino just nodded their heads surprised. Ginza 3-Chome was one of the biggest places in Konoha!

"I'll see you two tomorrow then. Ja Ne!" Kurenai went back inside the audition room to hear terrible acting.' I love my job. I love my job. I love my job' she kept repeating that over and over again in her mind.

…And so, their life began from there. Hinata, Ino, and Kurenai already like family. Well, mostly Ino and Hinata.

End Flashback

Kurenai snapped back to reality.

"Ku-ren-ai! Yuuhi Kurenai!" She heard Ino calling out her name.

"Hai?" Kurenai snapped back from her walk down 'Memory Lane'

"Daijoubu desu ka?" Hinata asked from behind Ino.

"Yeah. I was just thinking about how we all met and stuff. I'm fine." She admitted.

"Ah. The old stroll down the nostalgic Memory Lane." Ino recognized.

"Yeah… Well let's eat!" Hinata said looking at the ordered sushi hungrily.

"When did this get here?" Kurenai asked.

"When you were thinking." Ino replied.

"Anyway, let's eat! Itadakimasu!" Kurenai ended the conversation.

"Itadakimasu!" Hinata and Ino replied.

Tell me if it's good or bad or terrible!

Review if possible. please!!!!