I don't own Naruto or any of it's characters, or anything to do with Elektra.

"So, you want to know about her, do you?" The lights where dim in the old tavern, except for the low strumming of the shamisen playing a light melody in the background. Hushed whispers had dwindled into silence. All eyes where on the girl who spoke up,"Well they say it all started..."

"----Years ago in the now war-torn country of fire and leaf, a girl was born. Now everyone has heard stories of the infamous Team Seven, if you haven't, then you must live under a rock. The team was made up of a three man cell, Naruto Uzamaki, Sasuke Uchiha, and a girl named Sakura Haruno.

Naruto Uzamaki, they said, never should have been a ninja, but this was at first. He dreamed, no I'm sure he dreams still, of being Hokage. He, as rumor has it, is optimistic in all situations, reliable, and heroic. He is a target of the criminal organization Akatsuki, and a very unpredictable fighter. He was trained by the famous toad-sage and sannin Jiraiya.

Sasuke Uchiha,born to an immense bloodline trait known as the sharingan. His clan, well, we have all heard about Itachi Uchiha's doings and the avenger he created. Sasuke, was Konoha's heartthrob, and I'm sure back in those days, Sakura would have agreed with that statement herself. During the chuunin exams he recieved a curse mark from another of the sannin, Orochimaru, and eventually, abandoned Konoha for power at the age of twelve to go to sound. It's been told a time or two that Sakura Haruno tried to stop him, confessing her love for him, but he left her out cold on a bench where she awoke the next morning to find him long gone. At age fifteen he would see his pink-haired teamate for the last time, he would be trying to kill her and her comrades. A few months later he killed Orochimaru, who was saved and later returned to this world by Kabuto. Sasuke though, has since formed a group known as Hebi and is targeting Akatsuki. This was a few years before her death.

Now then you wanted to know who the rumors where about, and they say they're about her. The third member of cell seven, Sakura Haruno.

Her team always surpassed her, she was much like the cheerleader of her team, standing on the side lines depending on them to save her. She never cared though, always happy just to be near them. She only began to improve on her fighting and worry less on her looks when she cut her hair during a battle to protect her two teamates in the chuunin exams. Then of course, she was said to be the last person to see Sasuke inside of Konoha walls, she really did care about the boy. She cried her heart out for him, it broke her heart to see him leave, especially to join the snake sannin. Naruto promised her though, that he would bring Sasuke back.

Naruto and several others gave chase, and eventually a fight broke out between the two ex-teammates. In the end Sasuke defeated Naruto. When Uzamaki returned, shaken but deterrmined, they learned he had three years to train before Akatsuki would come after him. So he left the village with Jiraiya for the next two and a half years to train.

Sakura also took up training with the third sannin and fifth Hokage, Tsunade. When Naruto returned they started a new team with a root member named Sai as Sasuke's replacement. Things were looking up for a while for the team, with Sasuke out of Orochimaru's clutches, even if he still wasn't back in the village. This was all about to change though.

Her abilities had become quite famous, especially after her defeat of the Akatsuki member Sasori, even though she would never admit that she was that good. They say at seventeen she could have easily become a member of Konoha Ambu, but she always said she had more important matters to attend to, like getting back Sasuke and keeping Naruto out of Akatsuki's hands. This is where the details become unclear.

When she was seventeen her parents were killed, she went after the people who did it. She said she now knew how the Uchiha felt, and she could understand his reasons for not returning to Konoha. No one is sure what happened during the battle, they think she was put in a genjutsu, and questioned about Konoha. I mean if you can't get your hands on the Hokage, her assistant is the next best thing. They never found out who it was that Sakura went after, but when they finally found her she had been killed. Akatsuki was suspected.

They say Naruto tried to bring her death to justice, and if Sasuke ever knew about it he never took action. Of course this was just about the time Akatsuki banned together with several villages, and the war on Konoha began. Several months later Konoha was defeated, and it's ninja's were scattered to the wind. Two years went by, ninja's became almost nonexistant, it was like they were never here to begin with. You would think this to be the end of the story, but as we have learned from Orochimaru, things in this world have a way of coming back.

Now this is where the legend comes in. Some organization is said to have returned Sakura to the land of the living a few days after her nineteenth birthday. They say she seeks vengence for what was done to her and Konoha, that she comes dressed in red leather, fighting with sharpened sai, and whispers in your ear before she kills you. But, it's just a legend."

The bar remained silent for a moment before the platinum haired girl added," Well, thats all I've heard about it."

A group of boys from the small village had gathered around to listen to the girl, one spoke up," How did you know all of that?"

She pushed a lock of hair out of her face, and turned with amused lilac eyes," You hear such things when you travel."

A light laugh drew her attention to a shadowed corner of the tavern, where a hooded figure stood. The hooded cloak was a dark color, only the spikey heels of red boots showed, clicking towards the exit. The figure stopped in front of the girl and in a low feminine voice replied,"Is that so?" Her head turned towards the girl, the hood slipped for but a moment, and a flash of viridian orbs showed. Then tavern door swished shut, almost like she where never there at all.

The platinum haired girl, of about seventeen, gave a sly smile and threw a few coins on the table, gathering her weapon pouch she headed out the door. She stopped at the exit, looked about for something, then dissapeared into the dusk light.

On the other end of the tavern dark eyes glowered in a deep scowl, he had heard that legend several times. He felt the others eyeing him, nothing was said.

"Can we leave now?" a magenta locked girl questioned.

"Come on, I want to rest," replied the guy across from her.

"No, we've waisted enough time," and with that, Sasuke Uchiha exited into the early morning mist.

Well, that's all for the first chapter! I hope you review!
