The moment to board at Platform 9 ¾ came sooner than either Severus or Lily expected. Both arriving at exactly quarter to nine as they had agreed, Lily's parents, as well as her sister Petunia, departed from King's Cross station as soon as Lily spotted Severus getting dropped off as well. Although Petunia was cold and closed to her sister, her parents gave her an uncountable number of kisses and hugs good bye before returning home. When reaching the barrier between platforms nine and ten, Severus and Lily both stared blankly at the entrance but for different reasons. Severus felt a mild twinge of anxiety about running into the wall between platforms nine and ten. Lily, on the other hand, stared blankly only because she was unsure about what came next.

"Severus, where exactly is platform nine and three quarters?" she asked.

"Its right there, Lil," he replied, pointing at the solid brick wall. "We just have to run through that wall and we're there."

Lily silently gaped at Severus. "You've got to be joking! I couldn't possibly…. Sev, are you sure?"

Severus nodded, although he too looked a bit uneasy. Looking over at her Severus could tell by the way she looked at him that she wanted him to go first.

"Oh, all right. I'll go," he said reluctantly. "Don't be scared I'm sure we'll be fine," he added although not completely in agreement with his own words. "Just make sure you run determinedly, and don't break eye contact with the wall, okay?" Severus was looking intently into her eyes now, not intentionally but only because he didn't want her to get hurt. She nodded quickly and moments later Severus had bolted into the wall, which to his great relief, brought him directly out the other side and onto Platform 9 ¾. He turned around to face the brick wall, wondering why Lily hadn't arrived yet. Was she too scared? Should he run back through and help her? Tell her there's nothing to worry about? But all these questions suddenly vanished from Severus's mind, for at that moment Lily bolted through the wall, laughing vigorously.

"I LOVED that!" she cried to Severus. "Let's do it again shall we?"

Severus shook his head at her, a slight smile forming upon his pale face.

"Don't worry, Lil. You'll have plenty of opportunities throughout the next seven years. Lets find a seat on the train, okay?"

"Oh all right," Lily said, still smiling cheerfully.

After a few moments of searching, Severus and Lily came across an empty compartment. But only after an irritating encounter with James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew. After about fifteen minutes, another person joined them in their compartment. It was a prefect with sleek blonde hair and piercing blue eyes.

"Severus Snape, is it?" he asked reaching out a hand to Severus. Severus gripped it and shook.

"Pleased to meet you. And you are?"

"Lucius Malfoy. Prefect of the Slytherin house. I've been talking about you with a couple other fifth years and we think you'll do well in Slytherin."

Severus took a sideways glance at Lily who was gazing a bit suspiciously up at Lucius. "This is Lily Evans," he said to Lucius. "She'll be in Slytherin too." Lily reached out a hand to Lucius who took it unhesitantly but gazed at her coldly as he did so.

"Who are you parents, Lily?" he asked.

"I – I don't think you'll know them. You see, they aren't wizards."

Lucius let go of her hand immediately.

"I see. Well, I doubt you'll be in Slytherin then. You see, Slythern is a house for pure bloods. Not muggle-borns. See you later, Severus," and with that, Lucius departed from the compartment, but only after one last icy glance back at Lily. Lily turned to Severus.

"Is that true, Severus? That muggle-borns can't be in Slythern?"

Severus hesitated.

"Er – maybe. I don't know," he replied, trying to look hopefully at her. But he did know. He just didn't want to admit it to himself because he had hoped so strongly that he and Lily could be together at Hogwarts. If they were sorted into different houses, that would be very difficult.

"Well, I think that's rubbish. Why should students be sorted based on their heritage?"

"I'm not sure. But don't worry. I'm sure you'll be in Slytherin," Severus said smiling slightly at his dear friend. "You've got to be."

As the journey to Hogwarts slowly came to an end, Lily and Severus made sure to change into their robes before they arrived. A big man called Hagrid led the way up to the castle in carriages that appeared to steer themselves. Before they knew it, the time had come to be sorted. After the sorting hat's song, each and every first year took a turn to sit on the stool at the front of the Great Hall and was placed in one of the four Houses: Griffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Lily watched as the handsome boy called Sirius Black from the train was sorted into Gryffindor. After several more moments, Professor McGonagall called her name and it only took a second for the hat to place her in Gryffindor. Lily felt a mixture of grief and relief at being placed in this popular house. As she sat down at the table she looked back at Severus who looked crushed.

"You going to cry Snivellus?" a voice muttered behind him. It was James Potter.

"Shut your mouth. 'Course not," Severus muttered. Then Severus watched enviously as James was sorted into Gryffindor as well. He wanted nothing more than to snap James's neck when he saw him sit down next to Lily at the table. Only a few moments later it was his turn. The sorting hat seemed to know instantly that Severus was meant to be in Slytherin. Lucius Malfoy welcomed him with a pat on the back when he joined them at the table.

"Told you she wouldn't be in Slythern. But don't worry mate, there are plenty of girls in Slytherin. You'll be better off without her," Lucius said once Severus had sat down next to him. Severus tried to smile in thanks but found it rather difficult. He gazed across at the Grffindor table. Lily was laughing with a blonde 2nd year girl. She looked happy. Shouldn't he be happy? He had ended up where he wanted hadn't he? Why should he care if Lily was in Gryffindor? Severus thought about what Lucius had just said about the plenty of girls in Slytherin. He looked around the table. There were several other first year girls who had been sorted into Slytherin. Many of them were beautiful also. But none of them seemed to compare to Lily. Not even by a long shot.

Three Years Later

"Lily, stop! Stop, wait!" Severus called to the pretty girl who was heading down towards the Quidditch pitch. It was a sunny but crisp day in October and Lily was bundled up in her Gryffindor scarf, jeans, and a dark red sweater carrying a sack of books as she made her way down the hill. When she heard her name Lily whipped her head of ginger hair around to find Severus gazing at her from several meters away.

"Severus! Hey! How are you?" Lily called taking a few steps back up the hill towards her friend. "I feel like we haven't spoken in weeks!"

"Three to be exact," Severus said, turning slightly pink at his awkward response.

"Right," she muttered. "Well I'm just going down to watch the Griffindor Quidditch practice. Would you care to join me?"

Severus snorted. "Griffindor Quidditch practice? You're joking right? Come on, Lil, why don't we go for a walk or something instead."

"But I told James I'd --" Lily paused at the look on Severus's face. He looked absolutely disgusted.

"Told James what?" he inquired pretentiously, a dangerous tone rising in his voice. "That you'd come and watch him play? Watch him prance around on his fancy broomstick trying to impress you? I can't believe you like him."

"I don't like him. I'm just his friend. He helps me with Defense Against the Dark Arts."

"I could help you with Defense Against the Dark Arts! You know I'm great in that class."

Lily looked down, but after only a moment her head shot back up in defense.

"Why do you want to hang out with me anyways? I know all your other friends hate me, so don't pretend that's a lie."

Severus hesitated moment before his face screwed up in frustration.

"Well all your other friends hate me too so I guess we have that in common, don't we?" he muttered quietly.

"That's because you use dark magic!" Lily said.

"Only once," Severus muttered.

"Well it still counts!" Lily's voice lowered at the sight of Severus looking away in shame. "Come on, Sev," she whispered as she walked back up the hill towards him. "We're supposed to be best friends." Severus looked up.

"Then take a walk with me," he said bravely.

"Oh all right, fine. I'm sure James won't even notice I'm gone anyways."

And with that being said, the two old friends shoved their books and belongings under a nearby tree and made their way down the Hogwarts Grounds. They strolled all around the grassy areas, large oak trees, over the crooked bridge that extended between the Defense Against the Dark Arts room and the Astronomy tower, and along the border of the Dark Forest, until they found themselves at the edge of the Lake. Lily sat down on a toppled over log.

"I'm tired, lets take a break," she muttered. Severus stayed standing and gazed out at the lake. It was crystal clear, and the light breeze that came their way was rather comforting against Severus's face.

"Lily, I --" Severus paused and looked back at her. "I sometimes wish we could--"

"Wish we could what?"

"Nevermind," Severus said turning red. He would have slapped himself in the face if it hadn't been for Lily's intense gaze on him. He turned away. Why didn't he have it in him? What was keeping him from expressing his true feelings to her? Was he ashamed of these feelings? Was he scared of how James and Sirius would treat him if they knew? Or was it something else? A deeper fear of what his own friends would say and do?

"---see each other more. I sometimes wish we could see each other more," Severus said, exasperated. It wasn't exactly what he wanted to say originally, but it would do for now.

"Me too, Sev. It's just, no one understands for some reason," she said. Severus could hear the genuine sadness in her voice. Severus turned to her suddenly.

"What if we had a time that we met, every night, or ever other night, or ever week or something. Just so that we could see each other. Without others spreading rumors or making fun. Since no one else understands, why should anyone else have to know?"

Lily looked up at him suspiciously. "Are you ashamed of me, Severus?"

"NO! No of course not! Not at all. I lo--" then he stopped immediately. He couldn't believe the words almost left his mouth. Thankfully Lily didn't seem to hear the last bit."

"Then why should it be a secret?" she asked. Severus smiled slightly at her, his long black hair blew backwards behind his face as he did so.

"Because if its not then we'll both suffer," he said.

Lily knew he was right. Why did he have to be right?

"I don't know, Severus," she said gloomily. "We're just friends aren't we? What have we to hide?" He sat down next to her on the horizontal log.

"It's your choice. But you know if we don't meet secretly then we'll probably rarely ever see each other anyway. I don't know about you but I miss seeing you all the time, Lily. It didn't used to be this bad."

"I miss seeing you too," she muttered. "Okay. Every week then. Every Sunday night at twelve. Does that sound all right?"

"It sounds perfect," he said squeezing her hand gently. Although at this point Severus was facing the lake, he could feel Lily's eyes on him. He turned to face her and he saw that tears were forming in her beautiful green eyes. He hesitantly placed his hands on face, praying they weren't cold as usual, and gently wiped her tears away with his thumbs. She placed her hands over his and for a moment they gazed intently at each other with an incredible surge of want that flowed evenly between the two friends. Suddenly, without knowing exactly what he was doing, Severus's lips were on hers and to his great relief she didn't push him away. It was a tender kiss, not in the least bit rough, but rather full of gentle passion that was etched in his heart so deeply that he didn't know how it would ever, ever fade away.