Disclaimer: I do not own the Sonic characters, just the OC's

Chapter One: The Gathering

Sonic, Shadow, and the rest of their friends were observing the Soleanna Sun Festival from the side, very confused at what they were doing here in the first place. "Are you sure none of you guy remember anything?" Amy asked. "Not a clue." Sonic answered. Not far from them, Silver was finishing his explanation for why they were in this current timeline to Blaze. "And that's why were here." Silver finished. "So this 'Mephiles' guy is the reason were here? But, if you blew out that Solaris flame, then why is it we're still here?" Blaze asked. "You guess is as good as mine. If Mephiles never existed then we shouldn't even be here in this time and I shouldn't even be able to remember any of this." Silver said. "Well, as long as we're here, it might be a good idea to find allies to help." Blaze said. Silver looked down the sidewalk to see the Sonic gang and came up with an idea. "I know just the people. Follow me lead." Silver said before approaching the group.

"Hey guy! It's about time! I thought we lost you for a moment!" Silver called to the group. Sonic and the other looked at the two newcomers, very confused at how they know them. "Uh...hi. Who are you?" Sonic asked. "What? You don't remember? It's us. Silver and Blaze." Silver introduced them. "Where are we and how do you know us." Shadow asked suspiciously. "I can't tell them I'm Sonic and Amy's descendent or tell them were from the future. They might freak out." Silver thought and then came up with an idea. "We are in Soleanna, enjoying the sun festival. And the reason I know you guys is because...I'm Sonic's cousin." Silver made an excuse. "I didn't know you had a cousin, Sonic." Amy said. "Me neither." Sonic replied.

"Ok, then answer this. Why are you here?" Knuckles questioned. "Why don't we talk later? Right now, let's just watch the show." Blaze said. Elise gave the black cloaked figure a ceremonial bow before turning to the crowd. "We give thanks for the blessed flames. May we always continue to have peace. Sun of Soleanna, guide and watch over us with your eternal light." Elise gave the traditional speech. Elise turned around and placed the flames on the alter, which created a mantle of flame, signaling the completion of the Soleanna Sun Festival. The crowd went wild as fireworks filled the sky with their colorful beauty.

Unknown to anyone, an evil plot was unfolding in Kingdom Valley. The scene takes place in the former laboratory of Soleanna that was created by its previous ruler. Just then, the floor began to crack and burst wide open when a razor sharp claw erupted from under the surface. The claw was soon followed by the rest of the body, which was covered in shadows because it was night time. "Finally, after ten years of waiting, my transformation is finally complete. But even with this newfound strength, I am still not powerful enough to defeat those meddlesome hedgehogs, Sonic, Shadow, and Silver. Their has to be a way to draw out their true power without being destroyed." The figure said. The sound of footstep soon reached him and he quickly jumped into the shadows to hide. The newcomer appeared to be a red hedgehog that was lost. "This doesn't look like the Soleanna Sun Festival." The hedgehog said. Ok, really lost. "Wait. I remember him. He's perfect." The shrouded figure said.

---Team Hedgehog---

Three month had past since the whole Solaris incident (Even though no one but Silver and Mephiles remember it) and Eggman has not been seen anywhere since then. Sonic thought things were getting too boring, so he challenged Shadow to a race around the world. In a desert in Egypt, Sonic ran around a large loop and Shadow jumped off a series of rock pillars before landing on the ground. Shadow held a small lead ahead of Sonic. "What's wrong? Can't keep up?" Shadow mocked. "I'm just warming up!" Sonic said before running faster till he was neck-and-neck with Shadow. But floating high above the desert was Silver, who had been looking for the speedy hedgehogs ever since they passed Beijing. "All right! It's about time!" Silver exclaimed before flying down next to them. "Yo Silver! Long time, no see!" Sonic shouted. "Guys! Check this out!" Silver shouted back as he handed Shadow a small letter and began to read it.

Guess what hedgehogs? I've finally developed the ultimate weapon!

In three days, I will conquer the world! Think you can stop me?

"Sounds like an invitation to party!" Sonic cheered. "What do you think we should do?" Silver asked. "Well, since Eggman was kind enough to invite us, I say we accept." Shadow said. "Now that's what I'm talking about! Yeah, let's crack this Eggman wide open! It's party time!" Sonic shouted. With they mission set, Sonic, Shadow, and Silver set off to stop Eggman and his new invention.

---Team Rose---

Amy, now in her normal attire, was at the docks near the ocean, sitting on the beach chair she brought, with Kumori, who was sitting on the edge of the dock. "I still think you should have kept the suit. With all its functions you could have been invincible" Kumori said. "Kumori, we have been over this a thousand times. I just don't need it anymore." Amy said. "Your loss." Kumori said silently. Amy turned away from her rival and stared at a picture of them and their friends took during the Soleanna Sun Festival. "Oh, I wonder where Sonic is." Amy said. "Probably with Shadow." Kumori said. Just then, the wind picked up and blew the picture out of Amy's hands. "Oh no!" Amy exclaimed as the picture blew away. Kumori acted fast and jumped up to catch the picture. "Hey! Be careful with this!" Kumori shouted down to Amy. "Kumori, you can't swim!" Amy shouted. "Yeah! So what?!" Kumori shouted back. Amy only answered by pointing down to the ocean below her." Uh oh." Kumori said before she fell.

Kumori nearly hit the water until she felt something grab her by her ankle and held her in place. Kumori looked up to find that her savior was Blaze the Cat. Blaze pulled Kumori back up to the dock as Amy walked up to them. "Blaze what are you doing here?" Amy asked. "I was hoping I would find Silver here. But it looks like I was wrong." Blaze said. "Knowing him, he's probably with Sonic and Shadow somewhere." Kumori said. "Then what are we doing here?" Amy asked. "Excuse me?" Blaze questioned. "Come again?" Kumori also asked. "We aren't going to find our loves by standing around and doing nothing. Come on, girls! We're going on a hedgehog hunt!" Amy shouted as she raised her fist to add effect. Kumori and Blaze agreed with Amy and ran off to find their hedgehog boyfriends.

---Team Chaotix---

In the heart of Station Square, one of the many business building held one of the more popular group of detectives, Team Chaotix. Vector was leaning back in his chair, listening to the music in his headphones, while Espio was silently meditating near the door. Espio broke from his trance when a buzzing sound reached his ears. Just then, Charmy bursts into the room holding a package, shouting "It's here!" Unfortunately, Charmy was flying too fast to stop and crashed into Vector, sending the package flying into the air. Espio quickly draws a kunai from his cuff and hurled it towards the package, sticking it to the wall by its rope. "What's wrong with you, you idiot?!" Vector yelled. "It's here! It's here! We've got work!" Charmy cheered. "What!" Vector exclaimed in surprise.

Just as Charmy said, the package opened up and a small red walkie-talkie fell out. The walkie-talkie dropped and bounced off of Vectors head and landed in Espio's hands. "What is this?" Espio asked, obviously confused at who would send them a walkie-talkie. "I've heard good things about you, and require your detective services! And I can pay handsomely!" the speaker said. Espio looked at his teammates and saw their usually greedy expression. "I've got a bad feeling about this!" Espio warned them. "C'mon Espio! You know our policy! We never turn down work that pays." Vector said as he and Charmy walked out the door. "Theirs no talking to them." Espio said before he chased after them.

---Team Knuckles---

The next scene takes place at a mountain region close to Station Square. Just then, Knuckles burst out of the ground at the foot of one of the mountains using his shovel claws. "Man, who knew it would be so difficult to find a simple gem." Knuckles said as he held an object wrapped in a brown cloth close to his face before putting it away. "Now all I have to do is find that batgirl. Where is she anyway?" Knuckles asked himself. While he pondered this, the sound of a jet engine soon reached his ears. Knuckles looked up to see a blue and yellow fighter plane flying low to the ground. Knuckles recognized this as the Tornado III that Tails created a few months back. Knuckles also noticed that the Tornado III was not only flying low, but it was also headed for him. "Hey! Watch out!" Knuckles yelled, but his voice was not heard and was run over. Uh...Tails, I think we just ran over Knuckles." Cream said from the backseat. "Oh, guess I missed him." Tails said. "Actually, I think you hit him dead center." Cream said.

Tails landed the Tornado III and the two children ran to Knuckles, who had his face to the ground. "Knuckles, are you ok?" Tail asked. Tails received his answer when Knuckles stood up and grabbed the little fox by his neck. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't beat you to a pulp!!" Knuckles threatened. "Is this good enough?" Cream asked as she handed him a red walkie-talkie. Knuckles released the fox and listen to what it had to say. "Listen well. Eggman has plans to take the Master Emerald." The speaker said. "What?!" Knuckles exclaimed. "It is up to you to stop him. Good luck." The speaker said. "We have to do something before Eggman takes the emerald." Tails said. "There's no way he's taking the Master Emerald while I'm still around! Are ya with me?!" Knuckles shouted. "Yeah!" Tails and Cream shouted with the guardian.

---Team Babylon---

Flying in the skies over Splash Canyon was a large airship that could only belong to the Babylon Rogues. Jet was sitting in his chair with Wave sitting on his lap, nuzzling him lovingly, with a pile of gold coins on his desk. "Ahh, life doesn't get any better then this. Got my team, got my Gear, got a pile of stolen gold, and the most beautiful girl in the world." Jet said as he stared at Wave in the eyes. "Oh, Jet." Wave said affectionately. The two birds closed their eyes and moved their beak closer to each other. But, once again, their moment was interrupted when a series of loud thuds could be heard out side the door. "HEY, BOSS!!!" Storm screamed like a manic as he flung the doors wide open. Storm's sudden intrusion surprised Jet and Wave and caused them to fall back in the chair. "I really need to get some locks for that door." Jet said as he and Wave got back to their feet.

Storm rushed over to the desk and started pounding away insanely. "Hey boss, you won't believe what I found!" Storm shouted. "Calm down, Storm!" Jet shouted back. Storm did as he said. "Now, what's this all about?" Jet asked. "Check this out." Storm said as he held a flyer to them. "Let me see that." Wave demanded as she grabbed it out of the albatross' hand and read it aloud. "'Looking for secret technology of the mad scientist Dr. Ivo Robotnik. If any are found, the finder will receive a reward of $100,000.' It seems to be a want ad by G.U.N." Wave informed her teammates. "All right, no problem. We just find Eggman, steal some info, and get paid." Jet said, having his gold daydream again. "Yes, problem. We don't know where Eggman is." Wave said. "Then we'll just wing it. come on." Jet order as he walked out the door. "Right, boss." Storm said as he followed. Wave groaned that her and Jet's evening was ruined, but still followed anyway.

---Team Dark---

In one of Eggman's many hidden bases, Rouge dropped down from the ceiling and landed in front of a steel bolted door. Rouge walked up to the door and found that it required a password to open. "Easy. M-A-R-I-A. Maria." Rouge entered the password and the door opened. "Eggman will never learn, will he?" Rouge said as she entered the hidden room. Rouge found and pod in the center of the room and walked up the control console, saying "This must be it! I've found Eggman's secret treasure!" Rouge cheered. Unknown to her, a pair of red eyes were watching. Rouge pressed a series of buttons that drained the pod and opened it up. Rouge watched the pod open with excitement, which disappeared when she saw what was inside. "Hey! Who are you!" Rouge shouted to creature inside. The creature turned out to be none other then Chaos, the god of destruction. Chaos had awoken and looked to the side when he heard a clanking sound coming from that direction.

Just then, A red, black, and silver robot with a small yellow, platform head, giant metal claws with yellow, spiked cuffs, and short legs with black metal feet jumped out from a pile of scrap. This robot was the last of Eggman's E-series robots, E-123 Omega. Omega retracted his claws and replaced them powerful machine guns. Omega fired wildly at Chaos, but the water creature jumps out of the way and brings Rouge to the ground with him. "Stay here." Chaos said for the first time ever before jumping to a nearby wall. Omega fires at Chaos, but missed when his target moved. Omega continued to shoot at Chaos, destroying the entire base with it. "All Eggman creations must be destroyed." Omega stated. "What?" Rouge questioned. Chaos stops running as Omega ran out of ammo and changed to his claws. Chaos and Omega charge at each other with their claws, ready to kill each other. The fight was halted when Rouge jumped between them and pushes them away from each other. "Hey! Hold up!" Rouge shouted.

After taking a few minute to talk, the three finally came to an understanding. "Now I get it... now I know what this is all about. You're mad at Eggman for sealing you in this room." Rouge said, referring to Omega. "And you... you can't remember anything, can you?" Rouge said to Chaos. Chaos only replied with a small "Hmph." "Then let's get this settled. We can start looking for Eggman together." Rouge said as she pulled the two together and pilled their hands together. "Ah yeah, baby! This makes us a TEAM!" Rouge cheered. Unknown to any of them, a pair of blood red eyes were watching the entire thing. Through the unknown figures eyes, he looked intently at the trio before he, what looked like, scanned them. "Chaos, Rouge the Bat, E-123 Omega. All data...successfully copied."

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