PG 13 (possibly R in later chapters.)

I own nothing related to or affiliated with Disney, ABC Daytime, or General Hospital. Characters are not mine; they are merely being borrowed.

This was done in response to a challenge over at The Canvas. So first I need to thank JT (JewelTones) for this great challenge. You were right once I relaxed things just sort of happened. Next I want to thank GoodwinsGal for the first sentence. It really inspired me. I'm not sure what you were thinking about when you submitted this but I hope you like it. (My first sentence was: Jason Morgan detested the word 'goon'.) Finally to Brie (InnocentBrie) thank you for being my beta on this. Oh and for not killing me yet.

I'm having a great time writing this. I hope everyone enjoys it as much as I do.

This happens after the hostage situation. This take place in late March. Everything that happened up till then happened. After they were rescued Jason and Elizabeth told Sam and Lucky about the baby. They are the only ones who know so far. Lucky left town after finding out. Him and Liz are not together. Alan didn't die. I just couldn't kill him. Sonny and Carly didn't sleep together. He's giving her the divorce, reluctantly. I think everything else will be explained as I go along. If you have any questions just ask.

Jason Morgan detested the word 'goon'. To be honest he disliked most of the words used to describe his profession. But goon was the worst for some reason. It made him feel like some kid who didn't know what was going on or what was expected of him. Jason knew exactly what was expected of him when he walked out the door. He knew almost everything there was to know about the business. It had taken him years but he was the second in command for one the largest and most successful territories in the US. Beyond that he was Sonny's top enforcer. Not some goon as the press continually put it.

This is getting out of hand. Jason thought before tossing the paper aside. He wanted to support Sam really he did. But her career was staring to affect his business. Jason knew Sonny was going to blow when he saw this morning's papers. Reporters had been harassing them since the news broke about Everyday Heroes. But now they were coming after Michael and Morgan. There was no way Sonny was just going to take this. No he would expect Jason to clean the mess up.

"I was doing you know what it is the Jackal does and I think I found out about something I shouldn't have." Spinelli said nervously.

"Well, I was trying to prove to you and the Godfather that I'm worthy of being in your employee."


"I hacked in to the hospital data base and.."


"Look Spinelli, just drop it okay? Forget you saw... whatever it is you saw. I don't want to hear about this again."

"But why? This is most joyous news. Oh wait. What about Fair Sam? Does she know about the Innocent One?"

"Sam knows. And so does Lucky. But no one else can know. Do you understand me Spinelli? No one!"

"Yeah. I get it, Stone Cold. The Jackal is most worthy to keep your secret." Jason just nodded. He usually had no idea what Spinelli was saying but he knew he could trust the young man. "Is that why the Blonde One's brother hit the road?"

"Look Spinelli, just drop it okay? Forget you saw... whatever it is you saw. I don't want to hear about this again."

"Okay. No problem Stone Cold. Consider it deleted from my hard drive. It no longer exists."

Jason just shook his head. He was in no mood try and figure out what Spinelli was saying. Thankfully his cell phone rang stopping the conversation. As he answered it he pointed towards the door letting Spinelli know it was business and he had to go.

"Did you see the paper this morning?" Sonny asked from the other end. It didn't take a mind reader to know his partner, and best friend, was furious.

"Yeah. I saw."

"We need to do something about this. Meet me at the coffee house in an hour."

"No problem."

Sonny Corinthos was used to having his name in the paper. He considered it an occupational hazard. Like being questioned by the cops every time a crime was committed. These reporters however, had gone to far. It was one thing to go after him, or even Carly to an extent. But his children were off limits. As much as he still cared for Sam he had to draw a line somewhere. His boys had to come first.

Sonny looked up as Jason walked on into the small office. His friend looked worried and tired. Something had been bothering him since the Metro Court situation. At first he thought it was Alan, but now he was starting to wonder.

"You wanted to talk?"

"Jason, I know you love Sam. I get that you want to support her. I think it's great. The problem is this is starting to affect not only the business. But my family too."

"I know. I'm sorry this is hurting the boys."

"I don't blame you or Sam. But she needs to sign that restraining order Jason. You need to convince her."

"I... I don't know if she'll do it. She... she really loves doing the show Sonny. I don't think Sam will do anything I... to mess with that."

"Find a way Jason. I would hate to have to shut the show down."

"Sonny, do we have to go that far?"

"Not if we can get rid of the press."

"Alright I'll see what I can do." Jason said. He pinched the bridge of his nose, trying not to think about the fight this was going to cause. All he and Sam did anymore was fight. He knew deep down she had a reason to be hurt and even angry. Still, at some point she to stop blaming Elizabeth for everything.

"Jason, what's wrong? I know there's something bothering you. Is it Alan?"

"No. Alan's doing much better. He's going to be released soon."

"That's good. I know you were worried. So what is it?"

Jason shook his head rather than answering. He hadn't told anyone other than Sam about Elizabeth carrying his child. Well except Spinelli. And that's the way he wanted it. Elizabeth didn't need the stress everyone knowing would cause. He only guess how Sonny and Carly would react. They had been telling her it was better he wasn't the father. Which still angered him. His two friends had, once again, stuck their noses where they didn't belong. And it almost cost him knowing about his child. No he wasn't going to tell Sonny. Not until after the baby was born, at the earliest. "It's nothing." He finally said.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I'm just worried about how Sam's going to react."

"You think she'll be upset?"

"Yeah. I just have to try and make her see our side of it."

"I'm sorry you're caught in the middle."

"It happens. I'm going to go down to the studio now. Try and talk with her. I'll let you know how it goes."

Sam sat in a chair while the hair and makeup people went to work on her. She had seen the papers this morning. She knew what Sonny's reaction would be. He loved and protected his kids above all else. What she wasn't sure about was Jason. Things between them had been difficult since the hostage crisis. Ironically the reason she even had this opportunity, was the very reason things between her and Jason were strained. Why couldn't that bitch just keep her mouth shut?

Sam was convinced that all Elizabeth wanted was attention. After all why else would she lie about Jason being the father of her baby? Now all she and Jason did was fight. She was amazed he took that tramp's word for it. He wouldn't even consider that she might be lying. Now Sam had to watch as her man played daddy to a baby that wasn't his. A baby they should have been having together. Sam was also angry that she was being denied a child by actions caused indirectly by Jason. But precious Elizabeth was claiming that she was carrying his child. She knew how badly Jason wanted to be a father. Sam just hated her so much.

Sam knew she had to watch what she said and did though. Jason was already pulling away she could feel it. Elizabeth had a hold over him now. Sam just hoped when the little brat came Jason would realize what a lying whore Liz was. Then things could get back to normal.

Jason walked around the set feeling awkward, and out of place. He hated being there but needed to talk to Sam right away. He approached her as cautiously as he would an adversary. Right now it's exactly what they were. "Hey Sam. I was wondering if we could talk?"

Sam lit up when she saw Jason. She was so happy he was starting to take an interest in her career.

"Did you see the papers?"

"Yeah. I did. I'm sorry about the boys. How'd Sonny take it?"

"He was livid. That's actually why I'm here. He wants you to sign that restraining order."

"Jason, I've told you how important the press is to the show."

"I know. It's just that its affecting the business, Sam. Not only that, they're harassing Carly and the boys. What did you think Sonny was going to do? Just take it?"

"What about you? Is this what you want? I know you're worried about your secret getting out."

"I want you to be happy. If this makes you happy then you should do it. But Sonny has a point too. Michael and Morgan are too young to understand all of this. This is scaring them Sam."

Sam considered what Jason said a moment before responding. "What about Elizabeth?"

"What about her?"

"Aren't you worried about the reporters finding about you being the father of her baby?"

"A little, but I don't intend to keep it a secret forever. I'll deal with it when and if it happens. Sam, please just think about it. You know how Sonny is. He's going to stop the reporters one way or another."

"Is he going to try shutting down the show?"

"He's weighing the option."

"NO! He can't do that Jason. I love doing Everyday Heroes."

"I know you do. That's way you should sign the restraining order. It's the best solution. It maybe the only one."

"I'll think about it. You should go before we start fighting. I'll see you later okay?"

"Yeah. Bye."

Amelia had been listening to Sam and Jason. She was annoyed with Sonny Corinthos for interfering with her show. However she had just learned something she might be able to use against him. Now all she had to do was meet with Mr. Corinthos. Hopefully he was as protective of Jason's unborn child as he was of his own. If not it would be just another story for the media to get worked up about.