So this fic is finally done. A few of you know how much I have struggled with this last chapter. I sat down to write this many times over the last few weeks. Each time what I wrote simply didn't feel right. Finally one night I sat down and this is what I finally came up with. I have to say that I love this chapter. It has a very special nod to both the title and the first chapter.

After nearly two years my second Liason fic every is done. It's sort of bittersweet to be honest.

Enjoy! And feel free to tell me what you think.


Epilogue (NC17)

"... eight, nine, ten." Finished Cam counting the baby's toes confidently. Jake simply gurgled from his baby tub. He enjoyed the nightly bath routine with Jason and now his little brother Jake.

Jason smiled at both his sons. He knew it was unusual to bring children on a honeymoon but neither he nor Elizabeth had wanted to go without them. "That's great son. So are you ready to go back home?"

"Can't we stay for a little bit longer?"

"What's wrong Cameron? You know you can tell me anything."

Cameron nodded but didn't say anything. The last two weeks had been really fun. He couldn't wait to tell everybody about their trip especially Grandpa Edward. However, that meant going home. "Do I have to go to school?"

"So that's what it was.' Jason thought suddenly understanding Cam's behavior. "Aren't you excited about preschool?"

"What if they don't like me?" Cameron whispered softly.

It had been months since Jason had seen him so unsure. Being around himself and Johnny helped but the biggest surprise for Jason was Cameron's attachment to Edward. While Jason did not love, the idea he couldn't refute the old man loved both boys. "There have been a bunch of changes lately huh?" Cam slowly nodded his head. "Remember when mommy talked to you about school?"

"I guess so." He said not wanting to admit he hadn't been listening to his mommy. It wasn't his fault Mommy talk a lot.

"Well some of your friends from day care will be in your class. Does that help?"

"Can Jake come too?"

"I think that's a question for mommy. Why don't you ask her while I get Jake dressed?"

"Okay. Mommy!" Cameron yelled as he raced towards the living room.

Jason laughed as he imagined Elizabeth's reaction to Cam's questions. Their oldest son always had a million questions about something.


"That wasn't very nice." Elizabeth said when she finally made it to bed.

Jason laughed the pout on her face before kissing her softly. "What gave you the idea I'm a nice man?"

"That big bad mob enforcer tone doesn't work on me Jason Morgan."

"No? So if I did this it wouldn't work either right?" Jason asked sliding his hand under her nightgown.

"Absolutely right."

"Hmm. What is this Mrs. Morgan? I think you forgot something."

"Did I? How naughty of me. Looks like you'll have to punish me."

Jason groaned with desire. They hadn't made love since before Jake was born. Although last night had been their wedding night both Jason and Elizabeth had been to tried to do anything more than sleep. "Elizabeth I need you."

"Take me." Elizabeth said taking off her nightgown.

For a moment, Jason simply stared. Elizabeth had always been beautiful to him but there was something in knowing she was his forever. Jason wanted to draw their lovemaking out all-night. 'Later.' He promised himself. Right now, he needed to be inside Elizabeth.

He stripped off his pajama pants and covered Elizabeth's body with his. Jason could feel how ready she was as he settled between her thighs. With one quick surge forward, Jason was buried deep inside her.

Elizabeth cried out at feel so complete again. Then Jason began to move setting off sparks of pleasure throughout her body. They moved quickly in prefect rhythm seeking release. As usual, Elizabeth came first clingy to Jason as she crashed over the edge, Jason last three more strokes before coming as well.

When Jason recovered, he moved from on top of Elizabeth. "Don't go."

"Baby you know I'm too heavy." Jason said tucking her to his side. He laughed when Elizabeth yawned against his chest. "I wear you out already?"

"Your sons wore me out. Who's idea was it to bring them to Italy with us?"


"Mine? Sure blame me." She mumbled sleepily.

Jason kissed her forehead and wrapped his arm tightly around her nude body. A quick glance at the clock told him that Jake would wake soon so Jason didn't bother to try to sleep.

So much had changed in the last year even more so in the last few months. Sam and Lucky were in prison. Lulu was still locked up at least for now. The biggest surprise however was his family. Not just Sonny, Carly and their boys. He had a family of his own. A wife and two sons that meant everything to him. Not only that but somehow he had mended his relationship with the Quartermaines even Edward.

He learned in the last year everyone had his or her secrets everyone lied. The most dangerous one Jason knew were the ones you told yourself. They were the ones that kept you from being happy.

People still called Jason a thug, a criminal, a murder, even a goon. However, it no longer bothered him. He knew he was so much more than that. Jason Morgan was a husband, father, friend, and son. What everyone else thought didn't even register anymore. He had everything he could ever want under the roof of the small villa he bought Elizabeth as a wedding gift.