A.N. - I actually been thinking about this epilogue for some time now, and it took a couple of songs and role playing to get me to kind of put the story together. The way Ryo and Edo act are kind of based on the way they act in me and my best friends' role play. However, the epilogue goes according to the story. Please enjoy.
Epilogue- The Light That Brightened My Darkness

His time was up. Now it's time for him to go. Ryo looked around to see nothing but darkness, nothing but shadows around him. Ryo looked up into the dark abyss and sighed.

"Heh, it was coming sooner or later…" Ryo muttered under his breath.

All of a sudden Ryo saw the shadows creep up around his body. It slowly traveled up from his legs to his abdomen. Ryo felt as if sharp nails were being dug wherever the shadows would travel. Ryo looked around his body with an emotionless stare. He took off his trench coat and allowed the darkness to take him. He felt sharp scratches all over his body. It was so sharp, his shirt was ripping and the scratches, left deep in his skin, would bleed. Ryo had given up on himself. What else does he have left? He's dead. Ryo's been dead inside for the longest time and no one seemed to notice. Not Judai, not Sho…Not even Edo, the one person he seemed to be by his side helping him through any obstacle when they were in the other world. You would think spending time with Hell Kaiser would make you the person that knows him the best. Wrong. Edo, the boy Ryo Marufuji fell for, didn't even get to even save Ryo from the darkness. Or so Ryo thought.

Even though Ryo was slowly dieing inside, Edo was the one bringing him back to life. Edo was the one the got Ryo to be his real self and not some badass jerk everyone expected him to be. Edo didn't know that he was slowly saving Ryo. Ryo, even though he thought no one can bring him back, had to admit that Edo was the light Ryo needed. Edo was the glimmer in his life of darkness, but now that the glimmer slowly faded. What can save Ryo now that he's dead? Who can save Ryo from being taken completely from the darkness?

Ryo felt the scratches dig deeper into his skin. Ryo flinched and closed his eyes. He felt as if he were floating. Ryo looked down as his hair covered the pained expression. Ryo…was giving up on himself…He was allowing the darkness to take him. As he felt himself be pulled down by the darkness Ryo laughed slightly. He laughed at the fact that his, what seemed to be perfect, life fell down the drain due to the lost of a duel to the person that almost saved him from being drained completely in the first place. But now, he's literally being eaten away slowly by the darkness…from the pain of his heart to the tears in his eyes…he was done…

Suddenly, Ryo opened his eyes and saw a glimmer of light that seemed to grow brighter within every passing second. Ryo gasped slightly. He held his arm over his head to cover his eyes. The light was a beautiful shade of silver and sapphire. Its light was so strong and warm Ryo almost couldn't take it. Ryo lifted up his hand to the light as if he were reaching up. He didn't know why he was attempting to reach up to the light; however, he couldn't help but be drawn to it. The darkness dug deep within his skin and pulled him down slowly. Ryo flinched and continued to reach up to the light. Ryo sighed and covered his expression with his hair. What's the use?

As Ryo was about to lower his hand he felt someone gently hold his hand to pull him back up. The hand felt to smooth and warm. Ryo's skin tingled at the sudden warm touch. Ryo raised his head to see who it was. His vision was blurry and it was kind of hard to see due to the sudden brightness. When Ryo's vision became clear his eyes widened. His breathing began to increase. He felt his body tense up. The person he saw…was his light. Ryo opened to his mouth to talk. His voice was quiet but it was clear.

"…E-Edo…?" Ryo whispered. There right above him was Edo Phoenix himself. His silver hair was flowing ever so beautifully. His clear sapphire blue eyes were glistening. His milky soft-looking skin that Ryo so wanted to feel. Edo was wearing a long sleeved white sweater that was pretty much up to his waist and was, obviously too big for him, sliding off Edo's right shoulder and was covering Edo's white shorts. ((Ya know what kind, right Yuugi-chan? Heh ))

Edo smiled and he tightened his grip on Ryo's hand pulling him up and away from the darkness. The light around Edo seemed to be repelling the shadows away as they loosened their grip on Ryo. The shadows slowly let go on Ryo and disappeared into the abyss as Ryo was being pulled closer to the sparkling light. Edo pulled Ryo up to face level and stared up at him innocently. Edo's face turned sad as he lifted his hand and trailed his fingers near the deep scratches caused by the shadows.

"Ryo…" Edo whispered as he trailed his hand softly over Ryo's chest. Ryo's eyes softened. Edo's eyes were starting to be filled with fresh warms tears. Ryo forced a smile and lifted his hand up to Edo's face to wipe the tears away.

"What're you crying about?" Ryo asked. Edo stared up at Ryo with a questioning look.

"My time ran out…The darkness wanted to take me…take me where I deserved to slowly be forgotten and disapear…I don't deserve to even have to even think that I deserved any better then being eaten by darkness…What made you think that it was a right idea to even think about coming after me? What do you gain from that?" Ryo asked in a low tone. He didn't really want to sound that harsh but it was the truth. Edo smiled lightly and held Ryo's face.

"You…" Edo answered honestly.

"I wanted to be the glimmer that will brighten up the darkness you felt in your heart…I wanted to make you feel alive again and help change you…Even if I was alive or dead" Edo continued. Ryo's eyes widened at the honest answer and smiled.

"What made you think I was changing because of you?" Ryo asked. Edo smirked.

"The kiss that night was the answer…" Edo said bluntly. Ryo laughed lightly.

"You already saved me…"

"And I'm taking you with me...I won't leave you alone with the shadows…I won't let you die in pain" Edo said

"Edo…I don't deserve to be where you are" Ryo said. Edo's eyes filled with tears.

"But you don't deserve to move on with the pain still left in your heart" Edo said as soon as Ryo finished the sentence. Edo placed his hand over Ryo's heart.

"Ryo…Whether you like it or not…I'm taking you with me…You may not think you deserve it…but…it's where you want to go…"

Ryo smirked and held Edo closely to his chest. Edo felt so warm and soft. As soon as Ryo held Edo it was like they were made to fit in each others arms, like a puzzle. It was the perfect match.


"Please don't give up on yourself when I didn't give up on you!!!" Edo yelled as he clung to Ryo's shirt. Ryo gasped at the sudden interruption and can only smile. He held Edo tighter.

"You're way too stubborn…" Ryo said as he moved a strand of hair out of Edo's beautiful face.

"I won't leave until I bring what I want with me…I won't leave without the person I need" Edo replied. Ryo laughed slightly and held Edo's chin.

"You're such a brat" Ryo teased. Ryo gently placed a soft kiss on Edo's forehead. Edo blushed slightly and stared at him with eyes of desire.

"You're a jerk" Edo replied as he held Ryo's hand intertwining their fingers. There was a long silence between them. Ryo slowly smiled a real smile.

"Take me…" Ryo whispered and he lifted the free hand and held Edo's face gently. Edo's eyes lit up.

The light started to completely surround them. Edo stared deeply into Ryo's dark blue eyes. Ryo stared back as he slowly started to lean in. The sparkling light began to brighten around them. Edo slowly leaned in until their lips were inches apart. Edo shivered at the warmth of Ryo's lips. They began to float up slowly. They held onto each other not wanting to ever let go. They both leaned in the rest of the way as their lips finally met each other. Their innocent kiss started to deepen as they held onto each other tightly. The kiss lasted for about ten seconds until they both broke the kiss. Ryo leaned his forehead against Edo's. They both smiled.



"I love you" They both whispered at the same time as the light completely surrounded them and then disappeared.

However…Were they truly dead…? Or was their job not finished?